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Everything posted by pail

  1. No. Except steak burritos.
  2. I know I have a heart because every time I see a French bulldog I squee and try to pick it up and nuzzle it. I mean, Jesus Christ it's like they're cheating. Using d'aw h4x.
  3. There are predators out there that will chew her and spit her out in a matter of months. Pimps are some of the most despicable scum roaming the earth.
  4. No I just have less sympathy for men in the same situation. Sure it sucks for them too but they're significantly less vulnerable than women. Maybe she was a horrible person and deserved to be where she is. I don't want to make assumptions though.
  5. Young woman (18-25), on a corner, staring at the ground holding a "Homeless" cardboard sign, not busted. As bad as it sounds I hope she was just panhandling for drug money. That would be the best case scenario... The streets are going to eat that poor woman alive and there's absolutely nothing I could do to prevent it. That crushing powerlessness really brings me down.
  6. pail

    10 am

    I consider this the polite time to start doing loud yardwork activities. On the weekends anyway. Gives the neighbors enough time to wake up or nurse a hangover. Or both.
  7. pail


    WTF how did you get this the hospital said they deleted the tapes
  8. Nice try, Roe. But I ain't taking the bait on this one.
  9. It was really surreal having a conversation with someone to next thing I know there are like five people standing around me asking me questions. It felt like a dream. And as far as I could tell, there's nothing on the other side. Just darkness.
  10. I know, I was in the epicenter of it. I took people down to Fort Lauderdale all the time. The clinics were a joke. Some of them had pool tables and pinball machines.
  11. I hate MDMA and speed. It makes me all gay and care about other people. Fuck that. I just want to wallow in my opiate orgasm coma and not be bothered.
  12. Heroin is too risky. Too many cartels don't give a shit and mix elephant tranquilizer with meat tenderizer and next thing you know - dead. Oxycodone is the only way to fly.
  13. 2000 All it's good for is washing cars.
  14. Doesn't clean worth a shit unless you have the nozzle hovering a half inch from the ground. I'm almost done cleaning my driveway but I've had to put in at least 10 hours of work over the course of two days to be almost finished. Piece of shit.
  15. Ya'll some freaks.
  16. You let bitches choke you? Okay Mr. Carradine.
  17. Also this is all you gonna get. That's just the way it is when I'm laying naked on the bathroom floor higher than a kite.
  18. Personally I don't think it's possible to prove whether or not the future is predetermined. Of course there are large scale modellings of things like astral trajectory, weather systems, etc. But these are all inorganic, conciously unaware systems. The next time you wake up, shower and get dressed. Now all that's left is the shoes and socks. You have a white pair of socks and a grey pair of socks. Which one do you choose​? Of course you could have decided on either pair the night before. And the only way you could have achieved that scenario is by owning both pairs of socks in the first place. So you have free will but at the same time do not. The past is a reminder of the present, the present is an interstice of the future, and the future is a certain uncertainty.
  19. The real questions is, if memories exist to recollect the past... are there future memories travelling faster than the speed of light that exist in some sort of tachyon-like dimension that decelerate once when they cross through the fourth dimension paradigm?
  20. One hot dog is not going to give me a heart attack, scoob. My unhealthy lifestyle will eventually catch up to me and shuffle me off this coil but not because of one hot dog.
  21. You're not missing out. I haven't seen the movie personally but lots of people were saying it didn't look good before it came out, not it's out... and almost everyone is unimpressed with it. Just to clarify, it's not that I wanted this movie to perform poorly. I would have loved if it had been an awesome kickoff fora new cinematic universe. Unfortunately what we got was a lackluster product. Hopefully this will kill the whole 'Dark Universe' plan and we're just left with this one stinker, instead. The whole concept of creating a cinematic out of all the classic Universal monster movies doesn't sound like a bad idea on paper, but in execution it seems like it would be a monumental task. And if this first entry is any indication, I don't see much hope for the future of this franchise. Hell, I'm gonna go ahead and be 'that guy' here and say that 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' was better than this drek.
  22. The only two movies I've liked starring Tom Cruise, in recent times, has been 'Collateral' and 'Tropic Thunder'. I haven't seen 'Rock of Ages' but it looks promising. 'Valkyrie' was meh, the Mission Impossible movies are 'meh', 'Oblivion' was.... 'Edge of Tomorrow' looks promising. I've only seen bits and pieces of it but seems good.
  23. Florida. So probably too far away for you.
  24. Craigslist is Jewey and shady. It's the LetGo thing doesn't pan out after a few weeks I'm start looking at boat shops see what we could get there. Thing is is fairly good good condition but brand new probably not worth more than $1,500. So at best I think we could get $750 for it.
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