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Everything posted by pail

  1. This game alone is seriously making me consider investing into video games again. It's like Tekken, Xenoverse and the Gundam franchise had a baby.
  2. Apparent suicide but authorities suspect foul play could be involved.
  3. I like a few of their songs. Starfucker (STRFKR) is better imot.
  4. Neato.
  5. Go play in traffic. I'm not in the mood for your snark. Say that dumb shit to my face and I'll tip the cops off about a man sleeping in a parking lot
  6. What part of I wasn't on drugs did you not understand?
  7. Not sure when you mean by that but.... No?
  8. There's no angle here... Just a weird/amusing story.
  9. No I just fell asleep in my car for a couple hours. By the time the civil servants showed up to perform a wellness check I'd had enough of a nap to function properly. Like I said theEMT cleared me, the cop gave me back my license, said I was good to go and let me drive home.
  10. No ramen noodle sorry
  11. That's pretty racist, dude.
  12. I wasn't inebriated at all. Like I said, one second I was drinking a soda and starting to play a scratcher next thing I know the police were there. I just instantly fell asleep. Then the cop was there.
  13. 'Das right. This guy. <----- After a long and grueling day to cap off a long and grueling week at work, I went to the bank to cash my check. Since every girl crazy for a sharpdressed man and a fat wallet decided to mozy on over to the gas station. There I picked up a drink and a scratch ticket. I walked back to my car, turned it over and let the AC get to work cooling off the cabin. Lastly, I made sure to lock all my cabin doors (just something I do when I'm just sitting in my car idling in public places); now, in hindsight, that one small, seemingly insignificant action is probably led to the proceeding events. The last thing I remember is popping open my soda and starting out on my scratcher. Next thing I know there's a cop rapping on my window and shining his torch in my face. Confused and acting on instinct I roll down my window and shut the car off. The cop asks for my license and explains that the store clerks had been worried about me because apparently I had been sleeping in my running car for the past two hours, so they called the cops. It was at this point I realized the clock, and in my rearview I could see 3 cop cars total, a fire truck and an ambulance. I apologized to the cop, explained my situation and like he understood. He asked me to step out so the paramedic could be perform some basic physical and mental tests. Afterwards he said everything checked out and the cop said I was free to leave. I apologized profusely for wasting everyone's time but the cop just kind of shrugged it off. Probably wasn't his first encounter with a weird, misunderstanding like that. Even though it was a strange situation, and everything worked out in the end I still feel embarrassed and ashamed. Also I can't stop wondering just how much time and money I made hardworking citizens waste because I accidentally fell asleep in my car outside a gas station. Hopefully that never happens again.
  14. There's a nod to those in episode 9. When Rick and Beth leave Froopyland Rick goes into the kitchen to grab a drink (beer I think) and a box of wafer cookies. They're just regular wafers, though. I guess Rick's like to eat wafers.
  15. "I wish that incest porn had a more mainstream appeal... for a friend!"
  16. I thought it was pretty underwhelming. Then again I've never been that hip on the Interdimensional Cable eps.
  17. Pending tomorrow night's finale, which episode of this season has been your favorite? For me it's episode 4 with The Vindicators, hands down. What about you?
  18. I haven't drank in like two weeks.
  19. Relapse? Are we talking hard drugs here or just booze? Because, if it's just booze... I mean... really?
  20. 6:40 rolls around, calls go right to voicemail, asks for spare a ramen noodle
  21. You have to have been employed to get unemployment... It's not called an 'Unemployed Check'. Nice job trying to sponge off the system, though. If you want tips ask fuggs. From what I understand her mom is a pro at that shit.
  22. What the hell is 211?
  23. Taco Bell applications are complicated these days.
  24. You couldn't troll yourself out of a wet paper bag.
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