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Everything posted by eklipse

  1. Jujutsu Kaisen 225 Black Clover 361 One Piece 1086 My Hero Academia 390 Mashle 159 Chainsaw Man 132
  2. The plating! 😍 And also the food - looks so good! I had a restaurant sandwich for dinner.
  3. Our breakfasts overlap tho because of the coffee connection 😆
  4. This could work. 😂 The female mandalorians had sexy vibes even with their helmets on. Or maybe that was just me picking up on that… 😅
  5. So the hamburger sand was on a pizza?
  6. Brilliant! 😂 I’m confused on if we have to explain that it is super fine ground beef that for some reason ceases to taste like meat but now tastes like sand. JK 😝
  7. Does it count if we use it in this thread?
  8. I’m not sure I’m going to run into hamburger sand tomorrow 🤷🏻‍♀️
  9. Oh no! Hoping she gets better soon.
  10. I had two breakfasts 😂 7am. Oatmeal and coffee. 8:30am. Someone brought bagels, cream cheese and coffee!! So, had sesame bagel with strawberry cream cheese and a medium roast coffee w/cream and sugar.
  11. Both stories were so good!! Thanks Hank and Dean for the fun stories. 🥳
  12. Clam chowder with sour dough bread.
  13. Good idea 😂
  14. What? That’s how it works. (Sorry I’m new to UEMB and the challenges). Thinking about ^.
  15. Thanks! Unfortunately, California has our own tick that can carry Lyme too (ugh). Wish we didn’t tho.
  16. It sounds weird but don’t count it out! For me, eating meat everyday makes me feel sluggish and off, so I try to cut out meat whenever I can. (After cutting it out as often, I feel better). But I will still order that prime rib if given the chance.
  17. Thank you! Omg, engorged ticks are so nasty. The one we found wasn’t a nymph (adult female) and based on pics doesn’t seem like it fed (phew!). Thanks for the tips!! ❤️❤️❤️
  18. We found a tick inside the house. It probably landed on us somehow. Anyways, now I’m freaked out.
  19. Haha! They’re spoon sized. I should have tried to put something for scale. And yes, they were super good. @Blackrose321 I wish I could make these! We ordered them at a restaurant. (Ugh I’ve been eating out too much.) Tonight I had zucchini casserole with kimchi (vegan dish, home cooked).
  20. About how much I’ve always loved the library. Happy place! 📚
  21. @Gemini it was a great story! Well done. No need to further explain. You did great, especially given that time. I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Besides, Dean is only down two votes with like one more day left!
  22. I started over from episode one because I couldn’t remember what’s going on. Forgot how funny this show is. 😂 edit: this is the promo poster for the Wailing Star Meteor Shower 😂
  23. Sorry, t_a_o and gem, I adore you guys but I voted H. They had Ein and Ed in it! 😆 What’s the roster for each team anyways?
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