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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  2. apperently Funimation's dub has made some of the lines more blatant
  3. yeah I realized about half way through DBZ two weeks ago and also because he keeps making bizzare pro trump threads and spamming my actually factual anti-Trump threads with either pro-Trump stuff or stuff that straight up makes no sense in an attempt to stifle them
  4. if network censorship allows it Yuri on ice.....Free! came and went and theres no intent to make any of the boys fuck
  5. Free! isn't yaoi, none of the guys have any canonical romantic feeling for each other and Kyoani denies they have any Yuri on Ice is actually Yaoi
  6. a sports anime about a Gay figure Skater and his Bisexual coach who he's in love with
  7. night you guys, I'm not watching Homophobia the anime again
  8. getting a lot of flashbacks to the Oogie Boogie fight in Kingdom Hearts
  9. that would explain why the Spider monkey Zombie was laughing like "A-a-a-a-a-a-a"
  10. aaaaaand lawsuit from Disney in 3....2....1
  11. Moria's voice sounds like someone else and I can't think of who
  12. I remember when the Straw hats met that guy right before Skypeia
  13. CN sold their anime licenses to Disney, Disney now has Beyblade and Pokemon and they're producing a megaman anime with Dentsu and man of action as well
  14. more often than CN did(they only aired pokemon at 7 am on Saturday and never showed reruns)
  15. I'm weirdly lucid for 4 glasses of wine and 4 beers
  16. they've had decent success with Yokai watch though and Pokemon has a built in fanbase
  17. dat movie 6 Animation
  18. I must've missed him getting that Senketsu colored sword while I was homeless for two months
  19. admittedly it does kinda make me sad that anime is now just an "adults only" thing on CN I hope Disney has success with anime enough that they develop an anime specific block for it like the original Toonami
  20. best show time!
  21. oh hey, it's one of the Crows Naruto gave a blow-job in the manga
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