to be fair he said the reason they cancelled it was because they were Misogynists and refused to air any shows that attracted a female secondary fanbase
midnight to 3:am on Saturdays, because that's the only night we experience constant crashing from the server being unable to handle that many people online
It's Toonami night
If I eat a lot of bread I sometimes experience either constipation...or what I call "constipated diarrhea", which is when I have constipation, then after finally passing the offending constipation, a burst of diarrhea follows it
(looking it up it could be anything from a gluten allergy to IBS)
apperently it's a rewrite of Dragonball where Yamcha switches bodies with a real-world fan of Dragonball and said real world fan takes it upon himself to make Yamcha into the series Protagonist
so it's an actual fix-fic genre fanfic but in officially licensed comic form
I was on a gay anime forum once but it got shut down because, much like th ASMB, the admins didn't give a crap about it and it got overrun by spam bots
a character designer I can skillls as an arist I'm finally at a place where I'm happy with....but I don't think I'm capable of doing a whole series of books or comics by myself, it's why I'm so hopefull when I see shows like Yuri on ice......they're what I wish I could write but know I'm incapable of, I used to feel the same way about Steven universe but...I'm on the fence about it now
I kinda just wish I could pawn my story ideas off on some other artist so they could do it.....but that's just lazy
maybe someday I'll get the drive to finish these stories...**sigh**
tch, unlike the ASMB all of the users here are assumed to be adults, are you that homophobic and transphobic that I can't even talk about Gay erotica without you getting all upset?
I keep meaning to draw a trans man Vegeta picture (because I saw some user on tumblr saying to always draw vegeta's dick in X-rated fanart and I thought it'd be clever to draw the exact opposite) but I never seem to remember to do it when I'm sober
not to mention not all of 4kids dubs were bad
Pokemon, Yugioh, Shaman King, Kirby RIght Back At ya', and Magical Doremi were all excelent dubs
where they failed was trying to dub more "borderline seinen" shonen anime like One Piece
off topic, I just discovered I cannot draw when I'm Drunk.......I tried to draw Goku fucking a Trans man vegeta (I.e. Vegeta with a vagina) and I couldn't even sketch their faces
if there is I'll post my art in it, I want to, but my some of my adult art is very "tentacle urethra rape" level fucked up so I'm afraid people will think it's disgusting
I actually have a small ammount of respect for 4kids dub for that very reason
the show only exists in this country because of them
the fanbase it had under 4kids, is the only reason it has one under Funi, and I'm gratefull for that