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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. on the outside I look like this but on the inside this is kinda how I feel right now
  2. it's like a happy panic attack with a light sprinkle of anger and it makes no sense edit: I'm gonna just call it insanity for now cause that's sort of how it's making me feel
  3. just with a cutesy glittery Disney princess aesthetic rather than a bleak angsty emo teen aesthetic they have a similar dark humor about them
  4. if only I wish I could get into live action Dramas.....for whatever reason only Comedy shows ever seem to hook my intrest
  5. mochi

    it's weird

    I didn't even watch Pokemon at all anymore (not since X&Y started)...yet I have not watched CN(not counting AS, I have watched that) since it moved to Disney of course that could also be because I only watched CN for Steven universe, "Steven's racist uncle"(which is my nickname for Gem harvest) left a bad taste in my mouth and the show is on endless Haitus anyway
  6. WOO, Something special for new years! now I have even more reason to get drunk!
  7. if it gets dubbed, Nina isn't in it, and As gets it, I'll watch it what with it looking like Yuri on ice is throwing a curve ball and pulling a "no-homo" leading into the finale I have resumed my stance that I refuse to watch any new animes unless they're on Toonami
  8. Alt Right is the current term that the White Supremacist movement (such as the Ku Klux Klan) reffer to themselves as.....though anti-feminists also reffer to themselves as it so basically, just anybody who hates women, other races, and Gay people, classify as Alt-Right
  10. not if you're uncut I'm not but my circumcision is a very loose cut so I don't need to use lube.....I still should though as that experience taught me
  11. I'm curious too.....(also I did it more than that one time and I felt fine....my penis was covered in friction cuts afterwards though so I ended up not fapping for about 3 days until it healed)
  12. 3 things about this clip 1. the voice actors sound..........odd.....like they got a new voice director and were not yet used to them, they sound...not as good as they did in the rest of the series 2. there's evidence this dub was produced 3 years ago when DBZ Kai was airing on Nicktoons, but that Funimation was forbidden from admitting it was, Adult Gohan's voice actor posted a tweet saying he had begun recording for Gohan in Kai right after the Android Saga concluded on Nicktoons, then took it back, deleted the tweet, and denied making it (Goku's voice actor did the same thing), also Laura Bailey is doing Trunks voice in this, and she no longer works for funimation, as she moved to LA, and now only does voices in dubs by much higher paying companies such as Saban Brands or Disney 3. unless Eurobeat was a big thing in the 80's and very early 90's, the presense of that Eurobeat song at the end of the scene makes me think the Buu Saga replaced the music like the first half of Kai ALMOST did before the composer was sued for Plagiarism
  13. heads up that I'm no longer bumping the male hawtness thread because I'm the only one doing it and it's kinda pathetic IMO
  14. mochi

    Black Clover

    so basically it's actually slightly better than the series it's copying (that doesn't surprise me) I'm just fascinated that such a blatant rip-off was allowed, whether or not it's decent as a series on it's own merrit, I'm just saying....they could've been a liiiiittle bit more subtle
  15. edit: I deeply regret getting emotionally invested in this show it, like deciding Steven Universe was a good show, is something I should've never done
  16. I'm seeing some shit on tumblr that's making me think my optimism about this show was misguided,
  17. I was gonna mention the fact that Toonami randomly posted an Inuyasha gif on their tumblr if you didn't wonder if it's alluding to something
  18. a few years ago I fapped like 5 times a day, now maybe once a day, if that often
  19. mochi

    Oh hey

    it's going
  20. mochi

    Black Clover

    hah, apperently Black Clover was voted worst new manga of 2016 at the international Comic con dispite that rumor has it it's getting an anime adaption (it already had an OVA)
  21. I can honestly say that I don't think I've ever seen a more blatant knock off in my life(''>_>'') we all give Naruto grief for borrowing a little too heavily from Hunter X Hunter on Toonami night, but Black clover has nearly the same premise (Naruto Premise) a young blonde boy who's hated by his villiage wishes to one day become Hokage(his countries version of a President), and his rival/best friend is a gloomy black haired boy who the villiage loves (Black Clover premise) a young Ash blonde boy who's hated by his villiage wishes to become the new Wizard King(see above) and his rival/best friend is a gloomy black haired boy who the villiage loves not to menton "Asta"(the protagonist) is dangerously close to being a palate swap of Naruto they look nearly as similar as Atoli and Shino from .hack//G.U. and at least in that case it was within the same series and the resemblance was actually a plot point
  22. as much as I'm beginning to have misgivings about her...what's wrong with her hair?
  23. considering most of what you told me you now claim never happened, like you saying you were jewish, I suppose not
  24. yeah probably supposedly one of the writers quit and said Rebecca Sugar was a horrible person so **shrug** (also Rebecca Sugar's boyfriend and co-show runner also left the show)
  25. Luuv did tell us to be nice to eachother now didn't he? I've kept up my end of that agreement
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