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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  2. lets not be silly, Hisoka's gonna kill Castro, it's obvious
  3. hello again Fidel Castrophiroth
  4. and today also Homophobia (I might be killed by our government after next year but by all means act like violence against me is a thing of the past.....I am also black by the way....though due to the lightness of my skin if I straighten My hair I could pass as a white man)
  5. **throws hands up in annoyance**,I'm just calling Dio Azula from now on cause I hate him as much as I hated her
  6. it's probably cause I'm drunk but these nachos are fucking delicioulis
  7. it seems unrealistic, but some people actually reach their adult height that young in real life, everyone develops differently
  8. My favorite soda!.....back when I could drink soda
  9. looks like you were right, not Erina's son but her grandson thet voice actor actually sounds black, I didn't think funi had any actors that weren't white
  10. NEW YORK BITCHES! (I'm from maryland but all my family is from new york originally)
  11. each season follows the story of the previous Jojo's son
  12. nope, and he doesn't have to be....that's what I like about this series
  13. and apperently her Husband is dieing confessing his Gay love for the dude who's killing him...like....what?
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