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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. well I hope those people are proud of themselves when people like me are shipped off to undergo shock therapy or worse also Hunter X Hunter is on
  2. this is a picture of the OC of mine I mentioned who has the same face as the Karate Kid in this show it's a fake screenshot, it was not intentonal that they have the same face
  3. why does this anime use losing sheen in one eye as going blind?.......Blind people's eyes are still shiny
  4. why would they go from voting for a black man twice to voting for a white supremacist?
  5. I'm still pissed they didn't kill pot-belly hitler
  6. so do I, considering it was Bernie's whiny fans voting for Trump that enabled him to win
  7. I notice Anime is suddenly getting more Social Justice focused than ANY shows on American TV could ever be Kudelia is literally "Pretty anime Bernie Sanders-chan" and there is an anime now where two gay figure Skaters
  8. oh hey, Butch Harem girl isn't dead, just injured
  9. Isshu was the Unova region's japanese name (it's the second region to have it's name changed in the pokemon series, it was changed due to not fitting the "O" naming theme of all the other regions, Kanto Johto Hoenn Sinnoh Orre Alola) the other region was Sinnoh, which was originally called "SHINoh" as a refference to Shintoism (was changed to remove religious refferences)
  10. you do know they're replacing it with another equally awful Gundam series after this right?
  11. it does sound different....they must be playing different parts of the song (which is like 8 minuets long)
  12. Jojo do not cry for him, he is TRASH!
  13. this hand of mine burns with an awesome POW-WERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Life is like a Hurricaaaaine Here in, duck burg
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