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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. well r.i.p seemingly gay team member and speedwagon....Dio has been garbage from the day he was born **tch** you don' even know
  2. I'm eating Japanese curry that I reheated in the microwave (all the grocery stores in my area carry japanese instant curry)
  3. I want Dio to die reeeeally really badly.......he is literally as obnoxious a villian (IMO) as Azula in ATLA
  4. ...........reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally don't like where this is going(''O_O'') oh thank god someone stopped sweaty rapist zombie('''')
  6. exactly, does Krillin people think people usually date physically identical people?
  7. actually Chichi Goku pretty much said "fuck Chichi being dead is awesome" which is a dick move considering it's pretty obvious you love him
  8. I repeat, I did not realize what an asshole Yamcha was until just now
  9. of course you don't get mysoginistic lust Piccolo, you come from an All-male race
  10. I find it funny that Krillin didn't know they were siblings when they had and EXTREMELY STRONG FAMILY RESEMBLANCE
  11. so like every Shonen manga
  12. and then both the Buu Saga (which funi denied they had dubbed until a couple days ago) and Super after new years
  13. I'm just curious what Z would've been like if Goku had died permanently after fighting Raditz making Gohan his successor like he originally intended
  14. come to think of it I think the time Goku spent in hell was filler....so there being a different place for evil people in otherworld may have been an invention of the anime
  15. I don't have professional help money
  16. Oh hey Jotun!, Lucahjin played that game...........like two years ago(''o_O'')
  17. never noticed what an Asshole Yamcha is
  18. other than it looking less romantic then carrying them bridal style, why does every Z fighter carry their wounded allies "ass-to-face" like Tien is carrying Trunks?
  19. .........unconcious after seeing Gohan kill Cell so....why the fuck does he believe that Mr. Satan did it?
  20. Ooooooh so the reporter was unconcious
  21. cheer up Vegeta.......at least you get to be alive........unlike Jasper......and Bismuth (that's a steven universe refference, both characters were blatant proxies of Vegeta)
  22. nothing new.......my current theory is that it's just seasonal depression either way I'm already on Beer one so......brace for impact('''')
  23. are you actually concerned?, cause the first time you said that I thought you were making fun of me
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