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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. dam you! dam you to hell! ok ok i give in! :-[
  2. fuck it! some things are never meant to be!
  3. i kinda always like the little details like that. sure they might not impact game play one bit but background stories like that add so much lore and atmosphere to the games.
  4. still crashes for me a little bit switching to a different page. other than that it aint so bad. and you can change the layout to something thats easier to read.
  5. should have just voted for harambe instead.
  6. i get people are upset, but she lost fair and square. if they should direct their anger at anyone it should be at the duopoly two party system.
  7. do your worse! you will find out im a very easy man to break
  8. welcome to the cool club 8)
  9. no way jose! my gimbles are all mone!
  10. what if i voted for hitler?
  11. karma must be earned, not given.
  12. last i know about it is that i mailed it to discolemonade. she should of gotten it last thursday.
  13. the great wall of america!
  14. doubt it. she will most likely just fade into obscurity now.
  15. only the beginning my friend.
  16. you just found trouble, buddy! 8)
  17. first point, yeah it will be sad watching him work with the other global leaders. he is not known as a team player and i could see him souring our relations with other nations. second point, the muslim hate is only there to make people ok with the idea of us bombing their countries. thats how it always goes, dehumanize the people and then we can do whatever we want to them. the mexican hate is only there for political resons as well. we are part of the reason why this country is shitty. get rid of them and everything will be ll fixed.
  18. who says i want you? i said i was after your mom. dont you know in order to win the mom you have to win the kids too? 8)
  19. dam! my cheapness ends up costing me big again :'(
  20. this thread is just to give you guys a voice abd to share your opinions about our new president trump. what are your thoughts, concerns, fears?
  21. no you dont need that, all you need mario and yoshi!
  22. nevermind, daddy dont got time to be buying you expensive videogames. i got a wii, take it or leave it ;D
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