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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. i bet you they will come out eventually.
  2. yeah i noticed on different places i visit that the ads are getting more specific to appeal more towards me.
  3. good. hopefully that will attract more people to come here. been digging the work you guys have done. this place starting to look decent now
  4. no friends or family making a dinner?
  5. i know the feeling to well. i gotta go now for unrelated reasons.
  6. could be the u-verse throwing us a sign. log off? fuck you u-verse i do what i want.
  7. haha thats true i could never quit the boards. even that other place i still cant quit.
  8. dammit why is there still slowdown here? theres finally a few people online and the boards are stalling out.
  9. lol ;D im just kinda disappointed a girl said that first before any of us guys did. i mean that is the perfect response.
  10. fuck i should have said that! ;D
  11. ??? it means no, you cant learn this o matter how many times wed try.
  12. ohhh. should have been weed so you can make some money off of it. but you know that shit is expensive to grow ;D
  13. yeah it makes me sick. if i wasnt this weird i would walk off this place and never come back again.
  14. weed plants?
  15. someone else can show you because i dont have time to teach mentally impaired kids!
  16. i like how most of us dont care if they watch us fap ;D
  17. trading for a black lotus.
  18. hey im happy for you and all but you think you could give a free show? you see im kinda broke and all ;D
  19. i can think of a few places for that
  20. keep trying youll get it right eventually ;D
  21. do i need to show you again!?!?!
  22. i wonder if she accept monopoly money? if not i got this credit card i can use on her 8)
  23. lol i thought a demonstation might help you
  24. its for my future girlfriend 8)
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