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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. International Tribunal for Law of The Sea Got it
  2. What is "ITLS"?
  3. I have so many questions as to what you think "ITLS" is?
  4. Sorry, I'll stop texting you asking for dick picks.
  5. That address Trump did about Covid-19 testing where he started calling CEOs to the stage.
  6. I don't ever feel lonely. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
  7. I asked for it to be deleted because it was bloggy and stupid.
  8. What're your favorite works? Mine are: Fathers and Sons-Ivan Turgenev White Nights- Fyodor Dostoevsky Notes from The Underground-Fyodor Dostoevsky The Brother Karamazov-Fyodor Dostoevsky Bobok-Fyodor Dostoevsky The Dream of a Ridiculous Man-Fyodor Dostoevsky The Nose-Nikolai Gogol The Overcoat-Nikolai Gogol Sunstroke-Ivan Bunin The Gentleman from San Francisco- Ivan Bunin The Fugitive-Vladimir Gilyarovsky Resurrection-Leo Tolstoy The Devil-Leo Tolstoy The Cossacks-Leo Tolstoy Demon-Mikhail Lermontov Uncle Vanya-Anton Chekov White Clothes-Vladimir Dudintsev The Captain's Daughter-Aleksandr Pushkin The Duel-Aleksandr Kuprin I'm probably forgetting a lot of amazing and some obscure short stories, poems, and plays.
  9. Le Guignon


  10. Thanks. It's greatly appreciated. Keep me updated.
  11. Only if it's Enterprise themed. I wanna bang a bitch with a strap on in the captain's chair.
  12. I chug Monster Zero Ultras, Bangs, and sugar free Pear Redbull like water. I consume 600-900mg of caffeine on work days.
  13. Le Guignon

    Ghost Dog

    "Ghost Dog (Forest Whitaker) is a contract killer, a master of his trade who can whirl a gun at warp speed and moves through this world like a phantom -- stealthy and evanescent. In the spirit of the samurai, he has pledged his loyalty to a small time mobster named Louie (John Tormey) who saved his life many years before." I kind of want to see it now because I'm trying to imagine that.
  14. Right? I did overnights for five years. I've been on a swing shift starting at 1 for a couple of months now. I forgot what not being constantly sleep deprived felt like.
  15. ¿
  16. It's fucking ridiculous
  17. It's my weekend from work and I'm thinking of just eating a bunch of edibles all weekend and hiking and/or swimming. Today is perfect for hiking. I'm considering the old volcano park place. Tomorrow is perfect for swimming. I kind of want to swim in this forbidden private lake close by just because. The concept of a private lake for rich people pisses me off. My other option is hang out with my sad drunk friend and watch horror movies. Idk I'm so bored rn Help
  18. I thought this was just a thread about cats ghosting you until the very end.
  19. I buy cbd sparkling drinks from the corner store a lot because I like the taste.
  20. Thanks, now I'm going to have that Radiohead song stuck in my head at work all day.
  21. You need an option for "stupid and dumb".
  22. Le Guignon


    Trying to get home without being a bystander to a shooting or stabbing on this cursed fucking bus.
  23. I don't have a high tolerance and I'm not concerned about money or discretion. I have various vape pens and carts but I don't use them.
  24. Best: Q (he makes appearances even though he's originally from TNG, so I'm counting him) Worst: Motherfucking fakeass native Chakotay
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