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Le Guignon

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Everything posted by Le Guignon

  1. @Raptorpat Prepare your box... ...inbox, that is
  2. We already addressed this in another thread. We're a *very* loving family.
  3. I suppose I can be your father since I am already the mother to ITLS.
  4. I didn't realize that. I thought they added the feature later. I was IP banned at 17 before I could even access PMs.
  5. More like AIM and YIM...and hilariously over email a bit. I don't think the boards even had a PM function back then.
  6. FR? I had a child as teen but abandoned it for drugs and alcohol. 10/10 would do it again because fuck being a parent.
  7. You're a parent? Wow, TIL.
  8. Relevant link about ginger bois
  9. Same. I actually kind of want to create a throwaway and reply with my own experience as a then 14 year old girl talking to a 22 year old and what eventually happened.
  10. Now I imagine you living in a large, empty, and mildly dilapidated house with a Bernie sign in the yard in the not-quite-rural south surrounded by nature-both living and dead.
  11. I was 12 when I joined back in summer of 2003 when they were still on Prospero.
  12. Idk those Gen Z kids are pretty smart when it comes to online predators.
  13. I just came here to post about starting it and saw your thread. Hopefully, as a fellow Trekkie I'll like it as much as you do.
  14. Also me. I want nudes too.
  15. You know you can't actually run, let alone hide.
  16. You don't have a choice, son.
  17. Always. I put all the balls in his mouth. Because I always played alone. =TT_TT=
  18. The nostalgia and sheer absurdity of it. Also, wow at those lyrics.
  19. Because fuck it @SylyntNyt
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