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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. I love when you talk dirty to me baby.. wrap me up in that electric tape and spank me
  2. Fine it doesn't want to post it... eye of the tiger
  3. Dildo?! I thought you were arriving at my door?
  4. why is feb 15th tax day? ... April 15th is the last day to file taxes
  5. I scored some on sale yesterday >.> I literally spent $6 on candy for my team at work.. they had amaze sales
  6. I celebrated by touching myself
  7. Hmm...
  8. ...75% off Valentine's Day candy.. This is not a fat kid loves cake kind of thread... on nom nom
  9. sahockeygrl15


  10. 3rd wheel? I don't think so.. I'll go to dinner and a movie myself.. and I'll act surprised when I get my edible arrangement that I ordered myself
  11. Now I want their spicy chicken pasta <3
  12. I loved her halftime show performance
  13. I'm sure we could heat things up though
  14. don't say that </3 I need me some cold weather
  15. I want the cold back though! Maybe I should move to Alaska
  16. It'll be in the 60s on Tuesday and a high on 28 on Thursday leave my winter season alone! :blank:
  17. https://youtu.be/7V5Bbe0kfuU
  18. I have no intention on seeing this.. however my ass will be there for Beauty and the Beast <3
  19. r.i.p. good luck
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