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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. that's one job I could never get into is sales.. I commend you for it!
  2. let's say it's playing the game of scrabble
  3. this is actually really great advice! Thanks!
  4. so true.. but my heart is sore from losing last week
  5. ugh.. politics.. though I feel like I've been watching too much of this lately
  6. this would only work at a bar.. I would get fired or sent to HR at my job
  7. I don't want to take your advice, but you are right.. it does depend on who you're talking to
  8. well this is true.. I'm very friendly with some alcohol in me
  9. small talk does suck i feel so fake when I talk the small
  10. I don't want the party I'm trying to talk with to drool convo starters! Not stoppers!
  11. how often would you say? >.>
  12. neither do I
  13. Do you?
  14. I never sleep... even if I have days off
  15. sahockeygrl15


    omg that sucks.. I would be on the toilet 24/7.. work would have to pay be to just sit there and wipe my ass while on my laptop
  16. You found the key to my heart.. tacos!!
  17. wanna find out? :3
  18. sahockeygrl15


    I already did it this morning >.>
  19. Still waiting on my w2
  20. This is not a good idea at all
  21. put a garbage bag in the window til you can get it fixed
  22. I need to think of some good convo topics... for reasons
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