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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. My boobs win /thread
  2. rAWr I love it when you talk dirty to me!
  3. make it a poll
  4. is this a sick incest joke?
  5. I don't like you very much at this particular moment
  6. you need to change to tinder
  7. eh, it was nothing special.. it actually hurt.. and it was on a mattress on the floor and from that moment I didn't have sex in an actual bed until I was 21. LOL my wild years were from 18-20
  8. I actually like my job
  9. . Back away from your computer
  10. I know im not normal
  11. I feel like I would need a toilet on handy in case this gets ugly >.>
  12. stop being logical D:
  13. for beer, that's drinking for me >.> but I get what you are saying too.. with liquor/wine though I usually suck 5 of them down (because j like fruity drinks) and then game over
  14. if I get to beer number 4, I'd better be getting some dick at that point
  15. yes, yes I am.. just call me a cheap date
  16. ... when will I ever learn this is a terrible idea? And I only had two beers Holy fuck -_'
  17. absolutely!! <3
  18. no alcohol for under 21 posts
  19. pick me up at 8?
  20. trees, check! We need a mini fridge for each room too
  21. it makes me anxious though >.> like aomeone is always watching
  22. lol what a creeper >.>
  23. <3 I love where your mind is at with this one
  24. you need to come out and play >.>
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