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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. the only fire going on is between you and me
  2. he was being selfish
  3. I heart cau!
  4. can't say I've had it done... I hear it isn't so bad though
  5. purrrrr!! I'm ready!
  6. I wannna llllliiiick you
  7. idk.. sometimes I feel like that would be extremely satisfying... I mean I felt like I could do that today and work
  8. hummus..... ewwww
  9. put it back in the wrapper?
  10. at least you blend in! But now we have green on green action going on here >.> rAWr
  11. dont give up on me! You're my radicalreno
  12. Green???? :'( I want my blue back... or purple... give me purple
  13. lets talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me
  14. babeh... every line in this here paragraph screams "take me now" sex sex sex sex sex
  15. I don't know what kind of pain that is, but that stinks you have to go through that.. I'll stick to my stress and ways of coping
  16. you and me both.. should we vent to each other and find fun ways to blow off some steam?
  17. it's like the ultimate liposuction
  18. so do finger rides which I may have done after posting the OP :3 but I can do a mean blow
  19. that sounds kinky
  20. Blows
  21. I hate spaghetti but I can make any other pasta
  22. I was over my Gramma's house getting my hair colored underneath.. while waiting for it to process, she wanted me to help her open her fruit cellar door in the basement because there was a water leak coming from somewhere.. Let me tell you a little about this door... my gram is 78 years old and hasn't been inside that damn door for about 7 years (that's what she tells me but I feel like it's been a lot longer than that... senile and hoarder).. there were old paint cans and buckets and an old karaoke set that had dust on them about 1/2 inch thick in front of the door that needed to be moved before the door could be open.. So after we finally move all her junk out of the way.. the door is finally opened.. there were card board boxes about 4 feet high stacked from end to end and spider webs from the top of the cardboard boxes to the top of the ceiling stretching out the span of the room... with these spider webs we're giant spiders that grew larger when the flashlight was hitting them either the light... All I could think to myself was that Jason could be popping right out of there with a chain saw and my life was going to end here... while I'm rocking back and forth in the fetal position on top of the chair
  23. Have your buttcheeks been hugging the porcelain god?
  24. That's right, Stanley Cup winners two years in a row! Go Pens! You may now go back to your free for all ::spin::
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