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Everything posted by sahockeygrl15

  1. I've been doing the early thing for so long.. my sleep in goal is to sleep past 8 >.>
  2. it's ok if you do
  3. Playful spanks are accepted
  4. will you protect me?
  5. I've been pretty nifty! Super busy, but I love it! How about you?
  6. I thought I picked the brown bottle ::]::
  7. so sorry...
  8. Thank Sweet Baby Jesus.... the weekend is here :beer:
  9. i could never be in an open relationship.. nor sleep with someone in an open relationship
  10. I've missed you all... P.s. If anyone has any good remedies to get rid of colds.. please let me know
  11. Me
  12. omg... save me some for when I kick this bronchitis!
  13. true.. people are calling off left and right at work.. I really should too but I have some important meetings I have to go to
  14. this is all true.. also, I found they make cough drops with syrup in the middle <3
  15. This is becoming annoying.. I just want to go a whole year without getting sick just once
  16. No.. and if that would happen I would write him up for insubordination and then sex him up after work
  17. I personally love bears so I'm cool with it
  18. What were your responses?
  19. The only time that it is permissible to talk back to the tv is when sports are on... I don't give a damn fuck what your two cents is or how you feel about the news, hgtv and what you cannot afford, your option of the food they make on the foodnetwork, or if you think that the person picked the case with the million dollars on gsn.. I'd rather lick the bathroom floor than have to listen to you talk during every tv show! I barely get to watch adult programs as it is!
  20. I'd say 95% of the time I'm sexy-go-lucky ... the other 5% is wtf
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