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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. Ginguy


    I'm soooooooooooooooo temped.....
  2. Ginguy


    I clicked the "like" under your karma a couple times,
  3. Ginguy


    Now you're in double digits, for what it is worth.
  4. Here, this'll help
  5. Neither do I. Someone is going to be upset. >
  6. I read this in Vegeta's arrogant voice and it made it so much better.
  7. If you have super saggy nuts and are a freakish mutant then maybe you can shit on em by accident, otherwise it is pretty much only going to happen if you are in a German schiesse film.
  8. Laugh all you want, but it works. Ahem, I should amend that, the side without the netting should be used, or tangling is pretty much a given.
  9. Rough Fridays are the worst, they ruin the weekend.
  10. I saw MC GEE GEE shitting in your hat.
  11. Dove Mencar+ shower tool. Does a great job exfoliating and it has nothing to get jewelry bits tangled up in.
  12. I'd give the average reader one, two pages top before they realize you need meds.
  13. I still haven't seen it. I should get around to that at some point, when I have time.
  14. Ginguy


    Boy that degree in NO is proving to be a great move on my part lately.
  15. Journey to Mt. Midoriyama and bring honor to America.
  16. [move]Politics goes in Rants/Dumpster Fire[/move] [move]Along wth Jojo's ratings. >[/move]
  17. Yeah I don't.
  18. Well, I know there are plenty o job openings around here for that, but I don't know that that helps you. Still, I think you'll be able to find something soon, if nothing else get your LPN, that is pretty much a license to print money.
  19. Why would I get deported from Mexico? >
  20. Funny, I majored in NO.
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