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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  3. Even though I ain't fucking with any of them anymore, the constant imploding of small publishers pisses me off because most of them bring it on themselves and then wanna blame everyone else.
  4. Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale
  5. Little Monsters. It could have done more with the movie, but I liked the ending because it does have me singing right now.
  6. Oh god, outhouses. I think I block their existence from my memory. My brother got stuck in one for hours because there was a bear cub outside of it.
  7. On an airplane. I might have said a prayer in there to not hit turbulence.
  8. Anime, junk food, and really fucked up/depressing movies. The latter can get a nice cathartic cry out of me on super bad days cause I'm like "Guess I'll watch a marathon of WWII movies with child protagonists".
  9. That orange raccoon bastard needs to be gone by tomorrow and he better take that 80's villain reject lookin' Pence with him. I fucking hate living in a red state!
  10. I absolutely refuse to pay 8-9 dollars for a meal at a place like McDonald's or Burger King. At that price point, I'm going to Culvers or someplace similar. My cheap ass will also bring a soda with me if the meal hits that price without even having a drink with it.
  11. This is why the Discount Candy Gods left you with Dum Dums.
  12. Unacceptable! *Flips table* Paying for disgusting expensive food will ruin the fabric of society. Is that what you want, Rogue?
  13. I grudgingly admit that New England isn't really known for their fast food game, but I'm still offended that your response after hearing the total wasn't to drive off while cackling. SIR, I AM OFFENDED!
  14. The gif still applies at the 9 dollar price point. Ain't no way in the world I'm paying that much for their shitty as fuck burgers and fries. Y'all don't have any sort of decent or mediocre fast food burger joint under that price? 17 dollars is a premium burger meal with a shake, goddammit! I mean hell, even Dairy Queen is better than Burger King, and you can get a sundae with your meal. I won't even accept visiting California or New York as the reason, because if you're in those states, the high density of options should make you forget that Burger King even exists. Rogue, you got me like...
  15. 😫I'm already behind because people come out to bug me.
  16. It's not considerate, but since I don't work normal hours, it's not an issue for me until like 1 in the morning when they know damn well they need to go the fuck to sleep. Mostly I take it as permission to blast weeb shit during the day, and those motherfuckers can't say a damn word to me.
  17. I don't care how much I sound like an old person yelling to get off their lawn, but the new Nancy Drew show bores the crap out of me. Why is it that main female characters have to be introduced with a sex scene? I don't care if there's sex, but why do they keep showing it at the very beginning to try and make a show feel edgy? It just annoys me because I can always guess when they're going to do that. Even if there was a mini flashback before that scene, it still counts because it was introducing the current Nancy. And how y'all gonna try to do an edgy Nancy Drew show but make George straight? Hell, I think even in the YA games she's gay, so like wtf? And why is it that in reboots, their updates is turning characters into brats? These characters are acting like they're 14 instead of 18-19. The narration is also irritating. Edited to add that I'm also side-eyeing the show for making Ned black but he also has to be an ex-convict 🙄.
  18. That used to be true for my area, but the secret got out like two years ago so they get hit up hard the day after Halloween too. There's like a robust candy reselling racket here, and those people swarm any store as soon as it reopens after a holiday.
  19. You better get that candy before more greedy bastards like me make off with the good stuff and there's nothing but candy corn left.
  20. Since all the candy has been traded/divvied out among my family, it's now an assortment in a big Ziploc bag.
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