Detective Conan Movie 21: The Crimson Love Letter
This is making me want to do a Chihayafuru rewatch. Ooh and I forgot that for the movies, they give zero fucks about warping the poor children's minds, and we get the old school Detective Conan violent deaths.
I voted 'Other' for dressing. We only make it a few times a year, and it's really nice during this time of year. Also cast my vote for cheesecake over those pies because I want one, but I'm too tired to bake it today. After making all the other stuff, we usually crap out by dessert time and just grab a Marie Callender's pie from the store.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? There's no coming back from this. Read the writing on the wall and jump off the fucking sinking ship. Bitching at folks warning y'all this is gonna end like it has with all the others isn't going to stop anything. You're just letting more people get fucked over. Some of y'all are almost twice my age and still don't know how to act. SMDH
My ADD as fuck brain will only let me see two moves ahead because I honestly don't want to think that much for any game. I can play Go since I don't have to keep track of what kind of moves a bunch of other pieces can do besides connecting or blocking. It also helped to watch a long series like Hikaru no Go that had some pretty good explanations on a child's level.
Alrighty. Narrowed down what I'll probably get to Ushio to Tora, maybe Tanaka-kun is always Listless, K(the first series), and 91 Days from Sentai and Rightstuf. What I can buy depends on me meeting a writing deadline, so I gotta get to work.