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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    Saturday like say 2 in the afternoon might be my best guess. I missed all of @jackiemarie90's invites because my ass is actually getting work done for once.
  2. I used to have books with a Gay Romance publisher, but they couldn't pay folks on time, so I snatched my rights back from them. The main problems with finding cheap Black Erotica or steamy Romance with at least one black lead in print is that several small publishers in general have kicked the bucket in the last three years, and several small book lines from big publishers have been kicked to the curb due to all the recent mergers. The physical book industry is a mess right now. This is why I'm working on a book right now to send to an agent.
  3. Cook books takes up the shelves at the one by me too, but they actually had a decent amount of Romance and a few Fantasy. I don't think they had any too raunchy, but I was focused on something for my grandma at the time.
  4. Y'all pick the one thing I'm terrible at. I've had to cut down on physical copies of books(only buy physical if I love something((Amazon out of laziness)), so I don't know what discount stores are still open since I only go looking for used for out of print books(usually manga) when I'm not trying to spend $200 bucks a volume. Black Erotica tends to be in Contemporary, which I read very little of, but I know enough about that genre that it's hard to find outside of big stores because they don't get much shelf space. Wouldn't even bother with libraries unless you know they got some black folks in there. Book Warehouse is still around, Ollies has cheap books, and you can do a search for 'bargain books near me' too. Oh, forgot about Goodwill.
  5. God I fucking hate that woman.
  6. I'll give it to him since it took me a second to get it.
  7. I really need to stop being so harsh on myself when it comes to being behind in publishing. A bunch of authors got fucked by the same bullshit, and two years later bigger name ones are just now getting books back out. The amount of authors it wiped out from my genre is just... Shit feels lonely now. Fuck All-Star Weekend, and all you fuckers need to keep your asses in Atlanta. Traffic is bad enough!
  8. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    You helped me get my first Mewtwo!
  9. At least I officially get to call them the Nazi party now.
  10. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    My brother dragged me around IKEA in his run-walk, so my weak ass has been knocked out since 9 p.m.
  11. Me last night: Adds publisher to possible submission list. Today: Same publisher announces possible fuckery to come involving... her. This shit is gonna get ugly by tomorrow.
  12. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    I'd coordinate if I could remember to actually join in at the right time. My memory is mush while I'm editing. I've caught two of Jackie's raids because my phone was next to me so I could procrastinate on Twitter while working.
  13. DragonSinger

    Pokémon Go

    @jackiemarie90 got me so close to getting a Zapdos, but my fingers still aren't used to my new phone so I can barely throw a great ball and haven't hit an excellent since I got it. Nice throws ain't getting me shit from raids 😭. Heck, my throwing is so bad now, my phone moves me to another tab during most attempts.
  14. *Uses little strength left to raise middle finger*
  15. Me yesterday: It's been a while since I had an iced mocha, and I really want some. Dairy hasn't been affecting me too much lately, and yeah it's that time of the month, but maybe I'll still be good. 3 hours later: Why the fuck did I do this?
  16. *Us in Georgia hoping that shit keep it moving because we want none of that*
  17. Went through all that trouble to make a damn meal to take my meds with, and I still nearly forgot to take them. So I had to take them right after I ate which means my stomach hurts. Why this nigga stay getting jobs? He has some talent, but not enough for his coon ass to constantly snag opportunities. And I'm tired of white media trying to shove this Jeffree Star loving, non-paying, narcissistic fool down our throats as the It Guy for a particular black culture demographic when they have been told time and time again that black folks don't fucking like him. This motherfucker would Rachel Dolezal himself into being white if he was light enough to pull it off. He ain't representing us.
  18. My ass is too broke to let money sit in payment processing sites. Ugh! How the fuck do I keep forgetting to check them?
  19. Person on food review sites: The food was overpriced, but there are so many better restaurants with this type of food. Me: THEN WRITE DOWN THE NAMES OF THOSE PLACES, YOU SONOFABITCH! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!
  20. Stuff like this is why I won't even bother with chiropractors. If someone put me in as much pain as that guy did to you, my ass would be going to jail.
  21. I'm watching this today or tomorrow. It's been a while since I've had a good heist show.
  22. When I heard about this, those were my first thoughts too.
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