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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. That Katt Williams interview needed someone with better chops than Sharpe. He did make Williams comfortable, but there were so many times that needed follow-up that he ain't trained to do.
  2. Why do note apps make tagging so fucking complicated? I want to leave Evernote, but I can't do that yet because evidently, masterlists of tags aren't used enough by businesses so I gotta go through 20 steps to create a bootleg one. Bah!
  3. I'm thinking about Tasha K shopping that Kevin Hart story around: Tasha: Kevin Hart is cheating! Media Outlet: ......OK... I'm sure his wife, a.k.a., his former mistress he already cheated on while pregnant will be very surprised. *Slaps 5 dollars down* Tasha: I got his former assistant to spill the tea! Media Outlet: Wow, you didn't even bring a sex tape like in that other cheating scandal? *Takes back 5 dollars and points to the door* Seriously, what's the point of this? Everyone already knows he's a hoe, and there were photos/videos in the other scandals. How you gonna keep fucking up your life and not deliver anything juicy?
  4. The way my broke ass is camping on Epic Games site for free shit today. Got me that Ghostwire.
  5. Me: Alrighty, time to get to work... *Slides through social media a little longer and sees plagiarism accusations against Mark Dawson* Me: Throws work to the side because fuck that mother fucker who pretty much is the sole reason small authors can't advertise their work on sites like Facebook and gain much traction because he purposefully priced out whoever he could by spending several thousand on ads and making that the norm.
  6. Blanket statements in conversations like that can get you in trouble because too many people before you have poisoned the well. There isn't even much patience anymore to ask for clarification.
  7. Sir, why you get my hopes up like that? Speaking of trifling ass muthafukas... TD Jakes and his family have done god knows how many things to the black community, and what he might get held accountable for is allegedly taking it up the ass. And let's be real, y'all don't care about the circumstances or the ages involved. A man taking dick up the ass is the ultimate crime for y'all and I need y'all to straight up go to hell. Child abuse in his church gets a pass, possible child trafficking gets a pass, and other fuck shit is allowed to continue for years, but 'ERMERGERD THE GAY!'
  8. That's gonna be a no for me, Dawg, as long as bigotry exists. If your(in general your) opinions are hateful and contribute to spreading harm, then yeah you're gonna be scrutinized. This is actually relevant to my next post.
  9. I was happy he picked this show because it's always the drama actors who can be awesome with comedy when they find the right role, or at least you know they'll do something really interesting with it. His deadpan delivery in some scenes was great to watch like in this one:
  10. Me who knows very little about racing:
  11. The Twitch TOS conversations have been hilarious today. I'm looking at a streamer's diagram with 'Tits - yes, Ass - yes. Cock and balls - ? NO HOLE!'
  12. R.I.P. It really sucks seeing Black actors whose work I always looked forward to just die one after another.
  13. Discussion about author drama this year: "Isn't it funny how the latest drama maybe scrapes in at top 5 this year?" "Yeah, the author who killed her husband and wrote a book about it has to be #1." "What should be #2?" "Probably that other author who killed her husband." Me: When the fuck did the second killer author happen? No, seriously. I didn't know there was a second one!
  14. I peek at the show sometimes, but I'm afraid of fully getting into it because I don't want to get crushed by a bad ending for Maddie/Chimney after what they went through. The pandemic has made me intolerant towards that stuff and procedurals are big offenders when it comes to killing off couples.
  15. And now the whole book is gone before it was ever released. The self-sabotage is breathtaking. What a fucking year.
  16. All you had to do was be young, mediocre looking, and white to get a nice ass publishing deal and a stellar book rollout. That's all you had to do. Now your agent is gone, the marketing is gone, and you out here embarrassing yourself so loudly and racist that your publisher is 'considering their options right now' and sounding like they mean it. I don't get how someone fucks up their own shit like that. How do you have so much handed to you on a silver platter, turn your head to look at the authors of color with a smidgen of the deal you got, and still be that fucking jealous of them? How big are the brainworms in that chick's head?
  17. Happy Birthday Katt! The 16 represents the spirit of your heart. We'll go with that.
  18. How heavy are those bags? Some dancing TikTok challenges have twerking, a few camera angles, the same song snippet, and sometimes clothing themes or outfit changes. They're pretty simple and can be fun to watch when people put on a little flare. Queer dudes will shake some ass, but the straight cis ones...smh...disappointing. They refuse to jiggle the ass.
  19. Straight dudes need to be banned from TikTok challenges. The basic rules was throw ass. No one asked for you to pop your dick. Or if you're gonna pop your dick, at least throw ass a little too. If the white girlies can follow instructions, so can you. And you'll are doubly annoying for posting porn on the tag without even playing the song in the background. I'll kind of allow the one porn vid(it did play the song) that had a dude banging a lady from behind so her ass was almost jiggly on beat and cut to different angles that fit the challenge.
  20. It's always the fucking Reylo authors.
  21. I ain't making fun of anyone and their snackies when I still buy drink pouches and Gushers. I'm not an applesauce fan anymore because my mouth despises the texture now. Like Scoob and GunStar said, it's great for cooking and baking.
  22. Putting on The Thing or 30 Days of Night when it's snowy outside has a nice atmosphere to it. I will also marathon the fuck out of Christmas movies if there's a chance of snow around that time because the rarity of that event makes it extra special.
  23. I got a ring from Kohl's on sale. This was the first Black Friday in a while that I didn't buy any anime. Most of the stuff I want is OOP and I can't afford them yet. The stuff on my regular list wasn't really on sale either. I should pick up some stuff around Christmas.
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