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Everything posted by DragonSinger

  1. This type of news and discussion is what the world needs.
  2. ...*breathes*...Shanksgiving..
  3. I didn't get to it because I needed to rewatch the first series from the beginning. I got close to the end, but it kept making me cry and I put it down for so long that I forgot too much of what was happening in that last arc. Was disappointing to hear they did a 13 episode follow-up that was rushed as hell.
  4. I was gonna post 'Yu Hakusho', but I retract that reference after clicking the thread. All the D. Gray Man love here.
  5. Me as I hear screaming voices next door and can tell the boyfriend is back there: Oh for fuck's sake! Also me right after: Well, the screaming only lasted for 5 minutes, maybe they won't be as violent this time. Me this morning after walking into my open garage and seeing cop cars on the street:
  6. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/taco-bell-holiday-party-involved-open-sex-vomit-in-the-guac-bowl-lawsuit/ "A former Los Angeles area Taco Bell employee is suing the company and a franchise owner after she claims a Christmas party at the fast-food restaurant descended into a drunken mess that included open sex. Alana Bechiom filed her lawsuit last week in Los Angeles Superior Court. In the suit, she alleges that her supervisor invited her to the Dec. 18, 2022, party at the San Pedro Taco Bell at which she worked. She was encouraged to bring food for a potluck-style buffet, and her contribution was a bowl of guacamole. Once she arrived, Bechiom “discovered that [her supervisor] covered the windows of the restaurant with wrapping paper” and “also covered the cameras for the lobby in the inside of the restaurant,” according to the complaint, the NY Post reports. She claims her supervisor provided alcohol to staffers, several of whom were “overserved.” Around midnight, after Bechiom had stepped outside for a short time, she walked back into the restaurant and saw a co-worker “having sex with his wife in front of everyone at the party,” she alleges. The co-worker’s wife, Bechiom claims, was also kissing her female manager and another female co-worker at the same time. “Shocked, disgusted and outraged,” Bechiom alleges that she first ran out of the restaurant but then went back inside to retrieve her guacamole bowl – only to find that her manager and the other co-worker involved in the sexual encounter were vomiting. One threw up in the trash while the other vomited in her guacamole bowl, according to the complaint. Bechiom says she reported the incident to Taco Bell human resources and Alvarado Restaurant Group, the Colorado-based franchisee. The manager and other co-workers involved in the sexual encounter were fired, her complaint states. After their termination, Bechiom alleges she was threatened and had her car window shattered by someone associated with her former co-workers."
  7. I'll never watch Mushoku, so I won't know how they compare. It doesn't help that some scenes in Re-Zero gave me such strong second-hand embarrassment that I could only watch them from the corner of my eye.
  8. I knew this show would piss me off too if I watched it. I was annoyed because there were awesome looking clips online and a bunch of positive reviews that didn't mention any of that shit. The only reason why I stuck to my guns about asking around about it was because earlier Isekai releases had some weird ass problems and made me distrustful. One thing in common with Made in Abyss is that I didn't find out about the sketch stuff either until long after the anime had been out. I dodged that bullet because I didn't want to watch kids getting murked and had it on my 'get around to it in a decade' list.
  9. This is the type of show that's the reason why I don't go into anime without vetting it through multiple people first. I would have been pissed if I went into that with no warning.
  10. I don't know if I would call it 'puriteen' culture. It's more like entitlement towards a Kpop star's life choices and other artist stans stirring up trouble mixed with anitwitter drama. The piling onto a bunch of other anime with dark themes does make it messy enough that even though places like Daily Mail are using it for clickbait, the drama can still die out quickly.
  11. Not looking forward to all the veggies I gotta cut tonight.
  12. Oh look, Made in Abyss is trending on Twitter. I'm oh so surprised this went beyond that first post and is in some news now. If only someone tried to explain to y'all how reality works, but I don't know anything.
  13. If dude is demonstrating he still lacks the the ability to figure out what my words mean in the first few sentences, why would I waste my time? I stated a long time ago that I ain't doing 20-post back-and-forth responses with folks who have rocks in their head.
  14. I don't read long ass ignant posts. You're gonna have to shorten that shit.
  15. Dipshit, where did I say shame folks? I was pointing out fucking reality if you're in the public eye. I am a very little known author, but I am still careful about what shows/movies/books I post about, and I keep an ear out for weird shit about their creators. And Kpop culture is way stricter about image.
  16. That there are images and situations that are pretty sketch to see of kids, and the mangaka is probably a lolicon. Whine all you want, but there are plenty of folks put off by it or don't want to start anime/manga with that content. And yes, if you're in the public eye, you do have to be thoughtful about what stuff you're hyping up.
  17. Folks will hang on to that mediocre ass chicken with a death grip. There are usually better places, but no, they must have THAT chicken. Missing out on way better food is what they deserve though.
  18. Beserk is a fucked up story, but it really doesn't set off my sketch vibe. Made in Abyss on the other hand, definitely to the point it's on my DO NOT READ list. I think the anime censored some stuff from the manga(not gonna watch this either), especially the 1st season, so people should honestly just inform the person if they're posting about the show instead of trying to cancel them. There are too many creepy folks and their work to keep up with and sometimes you also gotta worry about folks raised on some weird shit who ruin their own really sweet manga and traumatize anyone who goes looking for summaries that take place after the anime adaptation. *Stares at Usagi Drop*
  19. I'm so glad my family is chill about Turkey Day food because if someone wants to fuck with me about my mac and cheese, next year I'm summoning my inner Pot Luck Marge and baking something heinous. Would put raisins, walnuts, hard boiled eggs, and peas in that bitch.
  20. No, it look fluffy. It's probably sweet and doesn't rob people.
  21. There are no accounts confirmed. I am fucking around in anticipation. Seriously though, I need whoever was followed to post the real tea. I NEED IT! God I can just imagine the court proceedings and the accounts have the porniest names being read out loud.
  22. The way so many people are asking her this.
  23. Just gonna leave this here:
  24. It was this simple one: But folks were being silly and joked that this is what he wanted to post:
  25. I did get a good laugh out of folks jumping on Ja Morant's lil smiley face tweet. OMG , I just looked and the tweet was deleted.
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