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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. From now on Deku is the name of a hero! "PROVIDENCE BURST!!!!" Something bad just happened!!
  2. Alright alright. Maybe I can leave this on the main board, but of COURSE it won't be pinned. If it gets moved by someone else though, that's not on me.
  3. Last time you remember 2 weeks ago, Zoro and Kin'nemon had just cut their way into the fortress, leaving a huge gaping hole open to the approaching purple stoning gas of doom! Will they survive? Or will we just be treated to yet another cliffhanger that will leave us hanging for THREE weeks (at least) this time? Tune in at 1:30 and join the fight, for a few minutes anyway! Only Toonami!
  4. Since you have proven it, I have no qualms. I hadn't banished this post to the Shadow Realm yet, after all! All that glitters is not gold--especially in the depths of the unforgiving 6th Layer of the great Abyss!! Will Riko and her friends survive? Find out at 12:30 AM Tomorrow Night (February 11-12, 2023), ONLY TOONAMI!! Welcome to the Made In Abyss Season 2 - The Golden City of The Scorching Sun - Final Episode (#25) "Gold" Discussion!!
  5. Shigaraki has disturbed Aizawa's concentration, so now he once again commands the full force of his devastating Quirk! Now, in some kind of sadistic game of keep-away, the Heroes DARE NOT LET HIM TOUCH THE GROUND! Will they succeed, or will he be able to unleash another wave of mass destruction? Find out tonight (February 10-11, 2023) at Midnight ON TOONAMI!! Updated version (requires Facebook to View): https://fb.watch/iDx_AvW0bV/?mibextid=NnVzG8 [deal with it]
  6. I can't figure out if it's an hour TV time or an hour of content, like an OVA. Since it's on really late in Japan it may run commercial-free with only "brought to you" ad name drops in the eyecatch. Here in the good old USA where they dare not cut ad breaks shorter than 4 minutes, we're probably talking a 90-minute runtime.
  7. OK, so I guess the Balloon bullshit didn't help, but Toonami dropped pretty far on its own: "Adult Swim’s late-night line-up was as follows, MY HERO ACADEMIA down 0.04 to 0.08, MADE IN ABYSS down 0.04 to 0.06, YASHAHIME at 0.06/0.05 compared to last week’s 0.10, and NARUTO down 0.05 to 0.04." Ouch. That was a reduction of more than half Naruto Shippuden's 18-49 audience, but other viewers DID pick up most of the slack, as it just barely managed to stay 6 digits. And of course, Toonami's sub-par performance is reflected in the Spoiler TV Top 400 Shows as well, with MHA checking in at #104 and the rest just dropping from there but still making the list: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/02/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-5th.html?m=1
  8. January was great for Toonami, but thanks I guess to that damn nothingburger Chinese weather balloon, the first weekend of February was NOT kind to Toonami: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-2-4-2023-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html NO Toonami shows made the Top 50 this week. MHA checked in at #56 with a fairly decent 220K total viewers and a 0.08 in Adults 18-49, which DID beat the Senior Bowl, but it just went downhill from there. News programs were mostly responsible for the shutout, so it will be interesting to see how these premieres did on the Top 400 shows, which excludes cable news.
  9. In advance of tomorrow's Penultimate Made in Abyss and YashaHime finale numbers, here's the breakdown for the WHOLE WEEK of January 28th: https://www.spoilertv.com/2023/02/top-400-cable-shows-week-ending-29th.html?m=1 All Toonami premieres hit the Top 100! Not bad! Incidentally, MHA and MiA beat Yolo!
  10. What's happening with Made In Abyss is NECESSARY, since it's an hour-long episode, not 2 back-to-back episodes. But you are right--the wait after that One Piece cliffhanger is gonna SUCK!!
  11. FINALLY saw this episode all the way through, and it was absolutely STUNNING in its heartfelt brutality!! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/made-in-abyss-the-golden-city-of-the-scorching-sun/episode-11/.189721 Most elaborate AMV of all time, perhaps! I can only imagine what wonders await next week! It will truly be an hour-long special to behold!
  12. Judging from the preview, I'm really not sure anyone dies, but it certainly COULD happen! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-121/.192084 3 stars; a rare miss? Either way, Shigaraki MUST NOT touch the ground!!
  13. Well it's over now. Except for the confrontation with the bear-riding Vikings, that was mostly a "transition" episode. LATER for now!
  14. That was probably the lightest part of the season!
  15. Episode 13: Dawn of Man The search for Mira continues!
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