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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Episode 14: The Red Mist Caveman on Viking brutality!
  2. She's home!! ...in a mummified Tsuki No Me pod!
  3. So I guess we get ANOTHER cliffhanger? Nope, she blasted it off-screen?
  4. This never really happened before like mid-2022.
  5. I don't get what's going on with the promos anymore. They seem to air Topicals right after the shows, but did you know we were supposed to get an Injustice promo and a new music video and NEITHER actually aired!? They DID upload them to Facebook though.
  6. Dammit, just put some sesame seeds on it already, asshole!
  7. Showtime! It's Naruto Characters hilariously out of character theater!!
  8. I know, right? Almost like it's a pleasant surprise when this show DOES Play on Toonami these days! Luffy did some really stupid stuff, and now it's over.
  9. I'd ask "what the hell is Luffy doing?", but somehow his unpredictability has ironically failed to surprise me!
  10. Knowing THIS show, I thought they might have to go through every letter of the alphabet until they GOT to R. Thank God THAT'S not the case!
  11. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/made-in-abyss-the-golden-city-of-the-scorching-sun/episode-12/.190358 How about THAT! Rating: 5 stars! I just hope people actually WATCHED it on Toonami tonight! Yashahime trended last week but didn't do so great in the ratings. Made In Abyss is the #6 trend in the nation right now, so hopefully it will do better. Yashahime was #8 last week...
  12. Hopefully Toonami will get a second run someday...
  13. So I guess Faputa is gonna blow them off?
  14. Majikaja saved and rescued Faputa!
  15. Reg rescued Faputa!? What the heck!?
  16. She's still alive, but she hollowfied just like MItty. DAMN!
  17. Damn, I never realized Machikaja was SO BIG!!
  18. Back to present time, and Faputa is kicking ass!
  19. Well, there it is. Monday 2/20 at Midnight, BallmastrZ: Rubicon!
  20. Which if we're lucky MAY be in 2025!
  21. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/my-hero-academia-season-6/episode-122/.192300 4.75 STARS! Read the review later, because MADE IN ABYSS is STARTING!!
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