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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. having the largest $ payouts at an insurance company isn't really something you'd want to celebrate. also, please don't advise me on life insurance. correction. please don't advise anyone on life insurance.
  2. the policies are worth "several millions of dollars a day"? or they're worth several millions of dollars all the time, and you just get the privilege of pulling them up on your call center screen every day? i have a $1M policy. does that make me one of your whales too?
  3. kinda, yeah. i hate these damnable creatures.
  4. in that case, right side.
  5. and it only took 3 months! nice work!
  6. it's a matter of perspective, really. if i'm standing at the foot of the bed looking up at the headboard, i would sleep on the left side. if i'm laying down to sleep and i'm facing up, i'm on the right side. but if i'm sleeping face down, i'm on the left side. this one's a doozy.
  7. anyways, morning. i hate my shower because it's a claw-foot tub with one of those 360 degree curtains,. it's narrow and the curtain sticks to your arms once you're wet. so i'm in and out as fast as possible. it doesn't add much time to getting ready for work, so i just mess with it in the morning. also, i like to get it on with wife first thing in the morning, so it just makes sense to hop in the shower after that.
  8. if we're picking up any dipshits, i'd prefer they had attained the rank of captain at the least. second lieutenant dipshit? nothx, come back in a couple years.
  9. i'm picking up an sr9 in a few weeks. good cannons, this style.
  10. meh, who needs real_aircooledman when we have our very own @CaptainDipshit?
  11. #balla #highrolla #droppinstax
  12. ...a swedish fish milkshake ipa?
  13. the stuff being released today probably is today's music. but the old stuff, probably not so much.
  14. top 5 for me. my next 30 minutes is kid a subterranean homesick alien lotus flower there, there identikit national anthem jigsaw falling into place how to disappear completely and everybody at the bank keeps giving me crooked looks when they hear the music i'm listening to. they're all old af and this ain't no hank williams song.
  15. i know. it's odd since you don't even live there, but here we are.
  16. says the self-proclaimed easiest hole in northern GA.
  17. this is why you have no friends on here.
  18. karma police everything in its right place paranoid android fake plastic trees idioteque burn the witch no surprises that's my next 30 minutes.
  19. i was about to say i was rocking out to radiohead this morning at the bank, but i think that's not accurate unless by "rocking" we're talking about the autistic kind.
  20. wifey lost her edge. i got a text from ticketmaster that there were some additional radiohead tickets released for tonight's show in chicago. decent location too, for $99 each. twenty years ago, she would have george-carlin-in-jay-and-silent-bob hitched her way there if that's what it took. this morning, she thought about it for a few seconds and said "we can't swing that one." but we could have. when did she become more responsible than me?
  21. i like how they print a new menu daily. kinda sad that all but two of them are ales though.
  22. it's that or one of those hazy IPAs that's all the rage this year. they could have given that thing a bit more foam though.
  23. i just realized i haven't had to do this since i quit smoking a month ago. so my answer is "not any more."
  24. If I can't show you a good time while we're drinking, then I'm a fucking failure at life. It's kinda my profession. Not to worry though, I can deliver. Speaking of, I just made a few dozen adult freeze pops, strawberry margarita and peach-mango funstuffs.
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