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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. mother's day is in like 3 weeks. would you shit on your mother?
  2. looks like the frame is 970x90 pixels (large leaderboard). this style is also expandable up to 970x415 with a "push-down" effect. too invasive, imo. i'd like to think the powers will select the smaller and static 728x90 (leaderboard) size if they're going for the banners.
  3. got dam that hot .gif
  4. your what isn't huge? i've heard that about you once or twice... anyways, i'd guess that if it's stretching everyone's pages, it will likely get tweaked a bit more to not be so intrusive.
  5. yes, probably ads. they'd have to stretch the header to a fixed minimum width in order to insert banner ads. if you're rocking a smaller monitor, you probably noticed it right away. i did on this one anyways. it might not be as obvious on a wider screen. mobile, no idea.
  6. i think creating drama is definitely the worst part of weather forecasting. it's literally the least entertaining tv to watch, as long as there's nothing dangerous coming. so if they create the impression that there's even the slightest chance of dangerous weather, they have a bankable item. there's also the liability aspect. if they don't tell you what the worst case scenario looks like, and then the worst case scenario occurs, they've been negligent to the point of causing / contributing to innocent deaths. unfortunately it's a lesser-of-two-evils situation. either piss people off by being unnecessarily cautious, or leave people under-informed to the point that they don't take a weather event seriously, with the result of injury or death. this is mostly why i don't pay attention to consumer-facing weather media. i follow a small number of weather people who are consistently on-mark and respected by the community at large. i'm also a butterfly effect away from having entered a meteorology / atmospheric science program in college. in retrospect, i kinda wish that would have happened. i also like to use the nws website. it provides a baseline forecast model and a pretty strong radar product (the images from above, for starters). it also includes local forecast discussions created by the people directly responsible for issuing weather statements that local stations base their reporting on. it also has access to some pretty awesome raw tools. my personal favorite is the GOES-east and GOES-west full-disk image set, which supplies near-live, satellite-based imagery to every weather station in the western hemisphere.
  7. she'll see it eventually. give her the tree dick. maybe this is a euphemism now?
  8. get her one of these. basically a barometer, but also kinda looks like a tree dick.
  9. there's still time...
  10. y'all ain't dead yet, right?
  11. ooh, there's tornader warnings included now.
  12. this is the same line that came thru here early yesterday, like 2am. we didn't get any of the violent stuff but we did get about 2" of rain and plenty of wind and lightning. i don't know your exact location, but the shit is marching across GA right now.
  13. leave it to fuggs to complain because her cycle finally went back to normal.
  14. if you're not trading pied piper coin by the end of the year, i'ma be very disappointed.
  15. i trip on my own balls every day. it's not all it's cracked up to be. i'd avoid trying it if i were you.
  16. thank you! this was my favorite logo design for all the festival media i did over the years. partly because of the double entendre, but also because it was the simplest to draw. and i'm a bit of a fan of old western tv programs, so this trope was fun and fitting.
  17. radio who?
  18. thom yorke comes to mind as well.
  19. big cocks used to be an evolutionary advantage, back when every cock was competing to drop their seed the deepest. but with the relatively modern concept of monogamy, that's no longer the case. if anything, they could now be an evolutionary DISadvantage, because someone with a large cock is statistically more likely to have a higher number of sexual partners. and now that birth control is in pretty high use, the likelihood of picking up a reproductive disease is greater than the likelihood of dropping a baby into a belly and keeping it there full-term. so a large cock is more likely to remove your genes from the pool than it is to create the offspring. i'm mostly talking out my ass here, but it sounds good so i'ma stick with it. also, it makes me feel better.
  20. @Sawdamizer nice profile pic. cleft lip joker is best joker.
  21. https://eventhorizontelescope.org/ released the photo in a simultaneous, worldwide press conference this morning. the photo is the culmination of over 2 years of work from several observatories' synced observations of the M87 galaxy's core over 55M light years away. this is pretty god damned amazing work. click link for full story. also, inb4 joke about fuggs' asshole.
  22. this is the correct answer, btw. there is no "or"
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