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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. the vast majority of shows evolve over their lifespan, to reflect changes in culture or politics, or to adapt to staffing changes, to work within budget constraints, or simply as a response to criticism or testing. if you feel you've been cheated on because the first 8 years (i thought it was just 4 years a page ago? maybe that was someone else) of your viewing experience was good but then the show changed on you, ... sorry for your loss, i suppose. but you're in the minority. i guarantee you that there are far more people who are still satisfied with the show's trajectory, even including the stumbles it's taken.
  2. i spent about a half hour this morning sitting down at the bank with the lead guitar player of a metal band that was pretty big in the 00's. they're hitting the trails again this year and he was helping get his family's shit in line. what happened to the dreads man. this look ain't it.
  3. this whole thread reads like first world problems. til fuggs showed up anyways.
  4. the only one wasting their time in this equation is you. i feel as though i'm spending my time in a very appropriate manner by indulging my interest in a fantasy tv series. if you're upset that the show veered away from the books, then don't watch the show. wait for the books. but it's not necessary to shit on people who feel differently. i gave up on walking dead for very similar reasons, but i don't fault people who still watch and enjoy it. there's always downton abbey if you need to feel sophisticated while you stare at pixels.
  5. you're touching on the whole thing dane was implying: that someone would have to be stupid to enjoy the show at this point. pretentious bullshit aside, i have no problems with the show not meeting the high expectations it's created for itself. everyone's so laughably angry that they're not getting the show they deserve. because a tv series about dragons and oracles feels forced and has some lazy storytelling. gimme a break mate.
  6. i guess i'll just have to disagree with you. if the writers know what they plan on doing with the plot, then why drive the story away from it? sending everyone off to the south only creates another messy tangent that will require additional crap to bring them back into the fold. keeping everyone at winterfell, however out-of-line it may have been from a tactical standpoint, wraps up the night king storyline and gives the writers three episodes to focus solely on bringing the main plot to a close. if you recall, this last two seasons was supposed to take considerably longer. the fact that storylines have escalated since about halfway through season 7 means we're getting all the important bits and glossing over plot holes and inconsistencies. yeah, it's a shitty way to end a series that had real promise. but if we'd waited for grrm to lead the show's writers to a conclusion (and he did have some input on the show's conclusion) then there'd have been a several year hiatus, or thirteen seasons where the plot moves at a snail's pace and everyone loses interest long before we get to where we are. i'm not thrilled with how the last episode turned out, but i'm willing to accept it if it means we can finally get this damn thing over with.
  7. the writers' intention has been that the night king dies in winterfell for the last 4 years. so moving anyone out of winterfell makes no sense in that context.
  8. it's also a "make do with what we have" situation. and it's also a tv show. i dunno. there were flops for sure.
  9. what about the crypt is throwing you? i mean, yeah it's supposedly a major oversight by the characters to put the weakest people in a giant tomb full of potential wights. but i also feel like they ran a greatER risk of death, being on the surface if/when the horde makes it into winterfell. if the plan to take out the night king works in the end, the crypt would indeed remain the safest place. if the plan doesn't work, then everyone dies anyways so at least the non-fighters aren't in the way. i feel like the best option would have been to just get those people out of winterfell altogether. but that does nothing for the story.
  10. i'm not saying it's definitely intentional, but imo it all fits. i guess next week will either confirm it or not.
  11. don't ruin this for me. i need to believe this much actually happened, so i can justify not burning everything this episode put out there.
  12. i watched the scene again and it's all there. the only part i can't confirm is the point when jon supposedly sees arya, but i didn't watch backwards very far so it could be in there somewhere.
  13. i tried watching it with the wife when season 1 was airing. i was not horribly impressed, and never made it thru the entire season. maybe i'll give it another shot.
  14. so anyways, back to not being assholes to each other. it looks like jon show was actually sacrificing himself so arya could enter the godswood and kill the night king. in the final scene with the big dramatic music, the night king notices something...either on bran's face or elsewhere, but his expression changes. bran already knows what's coming, and maybe the night king is getting wise to it. and then in the very next clip, jon snow musters up the courage to stand up and scream at the dragon...or rather, to arya. he has become aware that she's making her way in (supposedly he sees her before the scene with the night king approaching bran but it's hard to say where or when) so he stands up and screams "GOOOOOOO! GO GO" while drawing the attention of the dragon, to let arya pass by into the godswood (the dragon was defending the entrance). after that, well...the rest is the rest. it changes the ending quite dramatically, if you ask me. jon finally becomes useful. he displays another kingly quality in sacrificing himself to serve the greater good. it makes a lot more sense than him just giving up and screaming back at the dragon. and, arya hasn't somehow magically ninja'd her way into the godswood. she got a big assist. for all the ridiculousness that happened in this episode, this change makes me feel better about how it ended. i'll have to go back and watch for evidence of arya being pinned down somewhere, which would have set this whole thing up with jon.
  15. i did that out of order. this was supposed to be last photo. desert rose plants are poppin'. 4 of 5 have sprouted now. check out this meaty little feller.
  16. @Clu i bought a bag of crap from woot last week and this was in it. want?
  17. It tells me they couldn't afford to break their contracts.
  18. you know what works just as good as canned air, but doesn't cost you one red cent to use? the can of canned air you stole from your work.
  19. lol, all those angry customer calls certainly had nothing to do with verizon's numerous lawsuits for bill cramming. or for "premium" text services. or for phantom data use. or any of the other dozens of lawsuits / class action suits verizon has paid out over the years. nah, those charges were all valid and those customers are just assholes for not wanting to pay them.
  20. blaming customers for being horrible, when really they're just unhappy with shitty support structure and expensive-as-fuck contracts. that's how we at VERIZON have been selected JD POWER® award winners for customer service, three years running.
  21. so then your prior statement about companies "bend[ing] over backwards to win them year after year" is inaccurate. those hypothetical companies are bending over backwards to keep their customers happy, not to win awards. no matter really, just making an observation.
  22. maybe that should be your first sign. companies are trying to score jd power paperweights instead of focusing on customers first.
  23. wife is on her 5-day tapout, so i'm doing some of those manly husband things today. picked up some plugs (she calls them tampax pearl, whatever) at the store and made supper for the boys. then i made some of her favorite cupcakes, red velvet. and i'm about to top them with some cream cheese frosting. be jelly of my creation.
  24. wacky1980


    you tipped your hand too soon. i was about to spill the beans on my grow room.
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