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Everything posted by wacky1980

  1. hey bucket, let's tone down the nazi propaganda, k?
  2. yes. keep it going. i'm taking notes right now.
  3. i appreciate your dedication. really, marvelous work.
  4. jeez, you went there fast. feeling a little insecure today?
  5. so the 4th other thing...is it fucking your secretary? i bet it's fucking your secretary.
  6. this is how i know you're performing a parody of an actual idiot.
  7. there's no atmosphere on the moon, so no. however, there's plenty of atmosphere here on earth to carry a scent. what does a cigarette smell like?
  8. but does it smell like tar?
  9. early bird special, i'm sure.
  10. sure it does. it's a fair question, asked of a person who should be well-suited to provide an answer as a smoker himself. and it's a very simple question to answer. apart from having a binary response, it's also experience-based and you have like 60 years of that. so what does a cigarette smell like?
  11. we've established you're incapable of answering the question of whether a cigarette smells. anyone with a working nose can provide the answer. but not you. therefore, i cannot assume you know what bacon smells like either, hence your answer being a non sequitur. if you can smell bacon, you're also able to answer my question. so i'll ask it again. what does a cigarette smell like?
  12. non sequitur much?
  13. does your nose work? do you even have a nose?
  14. they're not here. you are. what does that cigarette smell like?
  15. so what did it smell like?
  16. i just told you, i quit. how about you light one and tell me.
  17. just trying to make conversation. i quit like a year ago and i don't remember. what does cigarette smoke smell like?
  18. what does a cigarette smell like?
  19. must have been pretty awkward for gendry and arya, being seated like 3 feet from each other for that meeting. glad they didn't explore that tension like, at all.
  20. nah. they paid extra for that loud muffler, just to annoy you and the other geriatrics. a damn fine investment, imho.
  21. well i blanked out for about 2 hours from he pills. back up now, and we're about 30 minutes from round 2 of this storm. it will move through quite a bit faster than the first one, so we might only get 1/4" this time. not sure if it's the reassurance of lower rainfall totals or the pills, but i'm feeling better about it this evening.
  22. ugh, i hate the rain. showers are ok. thunderstorms are ok. but torrential downpours fucking send me. my old house trained me to hate the rain, because every hard rain would take the basement sump pump right to its limit. even after i installed a battery backup. still couldn't get easy during heavy rain. after we moved in 2016, that kinda faded off. the new place gets a wet basement, but it's not finished so it doesn't bother me when a bit of water gets in. but now we're having issues at the bar. the city has chewed off the sealcoat in the alley and now the rainwater from the gutters doesn't run off into the storm sewers. it goes right down through the stripped road, finds its way through our foundation, and pools up in the basement there. it's been getting progressively worse with each heavy rain. i'm concerned a hard enough rain over a long enough time period is just gonna wash it out and the whole building will collapse. i've complained to the city three different times and they only respond with "it's on the list". great. cool. i'm sure it's an irrational concern. i hope it is anyways. but its been bad enough lately that i'm taking xanax every time i know there's a big storm coming. not sure it helps. maybe i need one of those thundershirts people put on their dogs. anyways, this latest storm just sent round 1 past us, and we got about 1-1/2" of rain in 2 hours. there's more forecast for around 6pm, possibly that much again. it's kicking my ass just thinking about it headed this way. fuck.
  23. i've never applied plaster, but i've gutted a couple houses full of it. current house is all plaster, and i know that means we'll be removing it all in time. ugh. as for drywall, i'll hang the shit all day but i'm no good with mud. tapered edges, maybe passable. butt edges? be looking like fuggs' belly roll.
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