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Everything posted by Ric

  1. It's alright I guess, 5/10
  2. Will you post it here when it happens?
  3. where is Kagome?
  4. Here's some other dumb shit and this is one of my favorite thumbnails now
  5. Ghostrek if you'll meet me in a cemetery we can fight. Two enter, one leaves. The survivor hunts the others ghost. This is mutual of course, only if you want to. It's not the first time I've made this agreement with someone.
  6. The posts are telling me not to bother clicking, maybe next time
  7. I know this was 10 days ago but is there really anyone who would wish that? I'm sure there are some who wouldn't care one way or the other.
  8. Sure ghost, I'd punch one of you relatives.
  9. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
  10. It's broken Really pisses me off
  11. The cheesy jalapeno was awful, haven't tried the others
  12. NSFW Do spoilers still take a couple seconds to load in, well it's not at the top so it should be fine
  13. Lets have a shot of rum Then I can make you come Lyrical genius
  14. You don't need to meet your clone to achieve that
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. Now I'm thinking what's weird about a nighttime stroll
  17. I've dealt with a lot of crazy in the last year. Also, thinking I could use a new coffee table now.
  18. It won't happen today, other plans came up. But here it is https://www.twitch.tv/pimpjira87
  19. Maybe I should probably stream tomorrow.
  20. Blood Will Tell God Hand Shadow of Rome Steambot Chronicles Way of the Samurai Zone of the Enders(The 2nd Runner is the better game, could skip to it if you want)
  21. Ric

    Best Games of 2023

    The Mario games for me, and Disgaea 7...although I didn't play much else.
  22. About to finish Persona 3 Reload at anytime, when I next decide to pop it in.
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