Mine was $700 and there's about $700 in it... I ditched the 10-bolt for a stronger 12-bolt from a parts Blazer I had. The parts Blazer was bought for $500 and I sold the SM465/NP205 transmission/transfer case setup complete with manual clutch pedal assembly for $550.
My ‘88 Blazer blew apart from a 1st gear takeoff on the street... over-engineered 3-speed SM465 transmission in front of a weak GM 10-bolt will do that. I had to take out what was left of the spider gears and drive 65 miles home from Philly in essentially front wheel drive. It loved 70 on the highway...
Because if I put it on steak or chops I put just the right amount on and then let them sit for an hour before grilling properly.
if it’s burger, I mix it in with the ground beef and then sprinkle some more on the patties as they cook.. on the grill.
He wasn’t underestimating. If anything he was giving you more credit than he should have.
and you have talked about your shitbox being “vandalized” before... it’s relatable.