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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. I mean if you want it to be...
  2. Well I hung them and they kind of grew on me. They look much better at night. Also this is the first time the cooktop has ever been fired up since 1992.
  3. I don't do that glamping shit
  4. I am technically the third owner, I can assure you 0 sex was had in it.
  5. They clash with EVERYTHING But I'm not living in the shit so I don't care that much. I might use it 5 or 6 times a year. But dammit that means I'd wake up 2-5 days in a row with them, 5-6 times a year.
  6. Pop-up camper. It's to block off the beds from the middle part of it.
  7. They looked like a better match until I got them out in the daylight. Honestly I’d prefer brown but alas I do not has. They’re completely blackout and would be very private... but the red wine color... ehhhhh
  8. November 18th. It works because I was planning a Philly trip in November, just couldn't figure out which weekend. I'm gonna see fuckin' TOOL!
  9. They tunnel under porches and sheds and shit and die there. I'll bet it smells nice.
  10. Looks like a few of you still aren't ever busy.
  11. clean the turtle tank and bury dead animals Yeah. There's a pattern here.
  12. Hi.
  13. What? I'm tabbed out
  14. That is all
  15. That's like 35 mins from you by car though
  16. So you want to be a pet. Makes sense.
  17. or @AnimationFan14 or @Still Me 😘
  18. Did this yesterday while cooking and hosting a small party. ❤️
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