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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Rogue_Alphonse


    You weren't saying that before
  2. The travel isn't bad to me honestly, some cons I crash in someone else's room if they stay an extra day, but usually i have a day of nothing at home once I get home XD
  3. @Doomprofit!
  4. The scheduling is the hardest part, especially when you’re staffing the biggest 21+ party at the con and have to take apart a hotel suite to do so. XD
  5. Mine is from 2002 and has seen thousands of miles of motorcycle riding... I wonder if it’s covered under the warranty
  6. It's a good thing word travels in the con community
  7. We had a couple characters who wee like that... and they are banned from their own cons now lol
  8. It's been a bug for years.
  9. It affects everyone, especially those who are Barfleet members. When everyone left the hotel today, they all have been dead silent since on social media. I finally sat down from doing household chores and stuff. And while yes I am tired, I tried to get a nap in and it just wasn't happening. I might be a little bit insane.
  10. Runs and drives fine. needs exhaust to pass inspection but nobody uses it because the A/C is dead đŸ€Ł
  11. I have a truck sitting in front of my house with a 318 in it
  12. Wanna join a couple of other people having a hard time and getting laughs out? You have my number
  13. @Katya_Hiki
  14. All of them. At once. Did you not read my post?
  15. My washer fluid is brown because I mixed all the colors... so now it will remove ice and bugs, will not streak, and i don';t get water spots after a rain. Rain-X also helps with it all though.
  16. I'll bet the designers of your car spoke it fluently.
  17. I wonder what other gas stations have this buffet of fuels... My car requires 93 (I carry octane boost incase I can only find 91) and fuck yes I'll put some non-ethanol 89 in my Jeep!
  18. In and out with made to order food? Yes. Waiting in a line of people with shopping carts and having to actually travel to find one in the region they advertise themselves to be in? Absolutely not. Buc-ees is an inconvenient convenience store With shopping carts and gas pumps. So basically a: Stop N Shop. Costco but not nearly as horrible. GIANT Food Stores. PJP. (do they sell fuel?) And whatever other grocery stores out there that sell fuel.
  19. To be fair, that song is easy to remember and even easier to forget the title/artist. I have done it.
  20. Whatever. Thread stealer.
  21. My hair is very dark brown in the summer and black in the winter... but if I dyed it, it was blue-black
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