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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. Why did you take a laxative?
  2. You ruined it!
  4. Just offer to sit on his face.
  5. I remember being an asshole.
  6. Battered and deep fried I mean what
  7. Exercised. Did some chores. Gonna play some video games.
  8. I only skimmed this thread and have no real experience with dating but I’m gonna add my two cents from advice I’ve received from friends. Maybe just ask her if she wants to hit up a local bar more or less platonically. And by bar I don’t mean a sports bar. Just a chill place to grab a pint and eat some nice food. My friends say this is a good plan for me (who is absolutely clueless) so probably a good plan for you.
  9. If Foo Fighters came around here I’d snap those tickets up
  10. Never been to one. At least outside of school concerts.
  11. Why not be naked? Naked is great. That’s what blankets are for I guess there are benefits to living upstairs Get home, take a bath, be naked
  12. Edit: Wait I get it. Now I’m the idiot.
  13. It’s from the old Lithium boards. If you made a thread with only a title it would be automatically labeled “-nt” at the end of the title.
  14. I have a 50’ flat screen tv. I’m gonna watch some sports.
  15. I’m pretty okay sometimes
  16. I can get cable for something like 100/m but I don’t care about non sports things on cable. Are there any reasonably priced/good quality other ways?
  17. Welcome to the grand tour grand tour grand tour Welcome to the grand tour dragon ball gee teeeeeeee
  18. It ripped into my roof and made a home there. They’re not cute. They’re demons.
  19. More waifu will destroy your laifu
  20. My dick is too big
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