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Everything posted by ITasteLikeSex

  1. So you like sticking your face in corn holes?
  2. They'll all be corny
  3. have a 4chan
  4. " I don't even really like popeye's " Wow rude
  5. You weren't kidding. That's an actual name. A real life person has that name and it's you.
  6. I was just making a testicles joke
  7. Wait up whose nards did you work for?
  8. At minimum second worst decade of my life. Strong candidate for worst though.
  9. I hate everyone and everything seems stupid to me.
  10. Where did he go? He hasn't posted since Christmas.
  11. I'm here now. Fuggs is ultra banned.
  12. I got a Pornhub Premium account for Christmas and maybe this will be more motivation to actually use it
  13. Get good, scrub. I already won twice.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joshua_Ryne_Goldberg
  15. Oh cool I'm getting a pay raise I mean what
  16. Who did what?
  17. Your personality type is: Logician INTP-t
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