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Sure, come on in *takes over conversation providing evidence as to why all the shit you're selling is made up*


oh....well then......back to suicidal thoughts it is  :|


i'm always up for a good messiah story.


have you heard the good news about our lord and savior brian?



haha....man, this is old.....still good though


is your place in life the bottom an all men sex pile?


no....but that's an oddly specific thing to randomly mention....you wanna get something off your chest....jesus doesn't judge, my son....or that actually maybe all he does, i'm new to this  ::)


You go ahead and do that. We'll just sit here and listen with the same amount of caring that We always do.




I didn't know you were here...I thought we lost you





Only if I get a chance to have sex with him. Otherwise, please go.


well he's in all of us....in you, in me..... ;)

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