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Million Dollar Extreme presents: WORLD PEACE... cancelled.

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I'm surprised if only because when faced with criticism, Lazzo has repeatedly chose to double down.  This is one of the few instances where he did cancel something.


Well, you know. This show had actual business consequences for [as], not the least of which included Brett Gelman saying he'd never work with them again, so that probably explains the decision.


Can someone show me a clip of MDE: World Peace to explain how it's alt-right?


I saw an episode of it once and did not see any "alt-rightness" about it.


the show's creator Sam Hyde is well, read his Twitter feed:  https://twitter.com/search?q=%40Night_0f_Fire&src=typd


he's the show's creator, producer, head writer, etc etc. 


I wasn't aware of that when the show was first announced.  I checked out some of MDE's youtube stuff and thought it was fairly underdeveloped and kinda dull.  But I thought the same of other shows AS picked up and was proved wrong.  So just kinda shrugged it off. 


the show never really bowled me over in any way.  Just didn't really ever connect with it. 


but basically the show's creator/producer/writer is pretty extreme "in the tank" for Trump and the Alt-Right.  very clearly and unabashedly so.  So clearly that's going to be a big factor in terms of - the stuff he writes and the choices he makes for the show.


It's not just like some "dip a toe in and see how it feels" relationship.  He's full-on hardcore Alt-Right.


Personally, the reason I think it was a dumb move for Adult Swim is - it's just lose-lose.


I mean - what would Lazzo have done if he had a hit on his hands?  Even though that's highly unlikely.  I mean - so - it's not successful, he cancels it, alt-right hates AS.  Far left hates AS for airing it to begin with.  Best case scenario - the show - first of all, the show would never get super great ratings (like even RC level ratings, much less FG level ratings), but - say it does - is that good then?  for the network?  That puts you in the unenviable position of either having to cancel a popular show due to social pressure, or doubling down at the potential expense of general ratings, and losing a large sector of your audience.


It's lose-lose.  Even if it had been successful in some way - there's no win there.


It was a super dumbass show to book knowing what he knew. 


I mean - I get - attempting to experiment/flirt with an alt-right sensibility, which arguably is a thing, has a sizable audience, and for how "out front" it is, still seems fairly much untapped and unresearched.


but that tepid curiosity can't possibly counterbalance the giant red fucking flags there.


Somewhere in my black little brain I sort of get why he did it.  Probably much the same impulses that led to him airing that TruTV show based on the tabloid website.  but it had puppets in it sometimes.  so - I guess - .


I generally find that Lazzo is pretty adept in his position.  I think this was a glaring misstep in an otherwise pretty stellar career.


Everyone screws up once in a while.  How many one and dones before uncovering Rick and Morty?  How many failed ASA shows before Toonami?  Etc.




I guess the show's controversy ended up being the end of it, especially considering the office infighting.


This will certainly be a strange chapter in [adult swim] history. And one that will probably be forgotten by the network itself.


I had no idea this show even existed, was it one of those things AS aired 4 am as part of their "off the air" segments?


Can someone show me a clip of MDE: World Peace to explain how it's alt-right?


I saw an episode of it once and did not see any "alt-rightness" about it.

, occording to several articles, the Alt-Right content was edited out of episodes before they aired because they creeped the f**k out of the network censors

Of all the shit that could get a show cancelled, political commentary was the straw that broke this camel's back? I don't care if it's "alt-right" (WHATEVER that is).


Do I even want to know what the term "alt-right" entails? Is it the equivalent of eating children? I just can't wrap my head around what could be so controversial about it.


I mean tons of shows currently playing and former shows on the network focused on more controversial subjects. (See Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode "Shake Like Me" for just one example.) What makes MDE: WP any different?


EDIT: Never mind, I looked it up. I guess in this case, they probably have a reason to do this. But I'm surprised Lazzo didn't fight it.


brett gelman w/e his name is is the biggest fuckingv moron ive seen this past month

fuck that dude for playing a part in getting the show cancelled

i wasn't a huge fan of mde, cuz some of the skits were too weird/unsettling, but stuff like the tap water skit was some of the best comedy [as] had in the summer.

the show was unique in the way it approached topics, and was actually funny at times which is more than i can say for most of the shit [as] has made the last year.

but yah, fuck brett gelman.

also Admin[/member], im only 80% sure, but i remember reading that sam isn't actually alt-right

most of his stuff is satrical and a commentary on the alt-right


srsly have you read his twitter feed?


it's full of alt-right stuff.  Not comedy - actual pov type twitter posts.  a lot of it's not jokes.  Just really super right-wing nutty opinions.


there's literally no room for missed context.


He's pretty much an alt-right nutbag according to the kinds of stuff he posts on social media.


there's no dispute there.  unless he's some kind of deep-deep cover comedian, which given the frequency of the posts and opinions, seems unlikely.


for me personally, the alt-right phenomenon is interesting comedically and historically.  I can't say that I'd be against some sort of mainstream representation of that.  But - I don't see the upside for a network.


I will say - there's little difference in my mind between the Moral Majority of the 80s and the PC/community standards of the 90s through now either though.


I think Brett Gelman is brilliant.  One of a small handful of legitimately original thinkers in comedy today.  Which on some level makes his stance more baffling.  But then again, if you think about history, and what the alt-right generally stands for - I mean, you can be morally outraged all you want, but those words "first they came for the gypsies..." etc, are no less true.


If/when stuff like this bubbles its way to the top, should we just "aw let em have their little comedy show, what harm could it do? it's not like somebody like Trump will ever get elected".  oh wait...


I get both sides.  I get the genuine oppressiveness of the left.  I think it's a real thing.  And - fascism springs as much from the left as from the right.  It grows in the manure that the extremes poop out.


But also - you know, however it's dolled up, if there's like "oh that one funny sketch so it's all okay" or whatever else - the alt-right camp has some pretty disquieting notions about a lot of social issues.


When we have real life history of similar things leading to mass extermination, it's fair to be wary.  It's probably even fair to be vocal in opposition.  Some may say it's a social imperative to speak and act to entities like Alt-Right before they gain the traction required to make the social change they seem to desire, most of which is fairly frightening.


so - I think in some respects, Gelman is possibly being hypocritical.  But from another point of view, people who are all "aw that one sketch was funny so let em have their little show" may well be contributing to what is ultimately a fairly dark social movement that advocates many fairly toxic things.


or maybe it's just a comedy guy doing comedy.


some people aren't into the idea of rolling the dice to find out.


So - he's being hypocritical to his art.  But he's also being humanist in his social politics.


I am not enlightened enough to know which is best.


ok so just going off memory, wasn't there a post on the asmb like, within the last year and a half, by someone asking if it was true that mde got a show on adult swim?


i could archive.org this probably, but i assume at least someone else here knows what i'm talking about


timeline being from probably late 2014-mid 2015. i am 99% sure this was before trump announced he was running for president, or at least very close to that time.


as someone who hasn't seen any of their other stuff, is it fair to say that the show was already being discussed/developed before they were known as alt-right? i've been told that they've generally always leaned right, however.


but i mean, i recognize mde as a legitimate comedy collective. odd future were given a show, so i mean, i don't think it's totally out of the ordinary for them to have considered giving them a show. i will say that them censoring the text in the show was a good move. the last words of the series suggest that trump isn't a racist, which is both incorrect and shows them to actually be right wing/supporters of his. but yes, if they knew what they would be getting into, i don't think it should have been considered at all.


again, i'm unsure of when the post was. but if they greenlit the show after being fully aware that they were alt-right, yes that's a huge misstep.


also, according to reddit, the show had a bigger budget than your pretty face, with comparable ratings to season 2. so maybe even if there wasn't the alt-right thing attached to it, it would have been cancelled anyway.


i love brett gelman, and i hate to see him just leave like that. i can only hope that isn't permanent  :-\


srsly have you read his twitter feed?


it's full of alt-right stuff.  Not comedy - actual pov type twitter posts.  a lot of it's not jokes.  Just really super right-wing nutty opinions.


there's literally no room for missed context.


He's pretty much an alt-right nutbag according to the kinds of stuff he posts on social media.


there's no dispute there.  unless he's some kind of deep-deep cover comedian, which given the frequency of the posts and opinions, seems unlikely.


for me personally, the alt-right phenomenon is interesting comedically and historically.  I can't say that I'd be against some sort of mainstream representation of that.  But - I don't see the upside for a network.


I will say - there's little difference in my mind between the Moral Majority of the 80s and the PC/community standards of the 90s through now either though.


I think Brett Gelman is brilliant.  One of a small handful of legitimately original thinkers in comedy today.  Which on some level makes his stance more baffling.  But then again, if you think about history, and what the alt-right generally stands for - I mean, you can be morally outraged all you want, but those words "first they came for the gypsies..." etc, are no less true.


If/when stuff like this bubbles its way to the top, should we just "aw let em have their little comedy show, what harm could it do? it's not like somebody like Trump will ever get elected".  oh wait...


I get both sides.  I get the genuine oppressiveness of the left.  I think it's a real thing.  And - fascism springs as much from the left as from the right.  It grows in the manure that the extremes poop out.


But also - you know, however it's dolled up, if there's like "oh that one funny sketch so it's all okay" or whatever else - the alt-right camp has some pretty disquieting notions about a lot of social issues.


When we have real life history of similar things leading to mass extermination, it's fair to be wary.  It's probably even fair to be vocal in opposition.  Some may say it's a social imperative to speak and act to entities like Alt-Right before they gain the traction required to make the social change they seem to desire, most of which is fairly frightening.


so - I think in some respects, Gelman is possibly being hypocritical.  But from another point of view, people who are all "aw that one sketch was funny so let em have their little show" may well be contributing to what is ultimately a fairly dark social movement that advocates many fairly toxic things.


or maybe it's just a comedy guy doing comedy.


some people aren't into the idea of rolling the dice to find out.


So - he's being hypocritical to his art.  But he's also being humanist in his social politics.


I am not enlightened enough to know which is best.

idk mang i hadn't seen his twitter really closely, and i kinda still want to believe he's not actually nutty like that, but that the show was cancelled and he didn't go out of his way to backtrack on his alt-righty posts on twitter makes me think...


ok so just going off memory, wasn't there a post on the asmb like, within the last year and a half, by someone asking if it was true that mde got a show on adult swim?


i could archive.org this probably, but i assume at least someone else here knows what i'm talking about


timeline being from probably late 2014-mid 2015. i am 99% sure this was before trump announced he was running for president, or at least very close to that time.


as someone who hasn't seen any of their other stuff, is it fair to say that the show was already being discussed/developed before they were known as alt-right? i've been told that they've generally always leaned right, however.


but i mean, i recognize mde as a legitimate comedy collective. odd future were given a show, so i mean, i don't think it's totally out of the ordinary for them to have considered giving them a show. i will say that them censoring the text in the show was a good move. the last words of the series suggest that trump isn't a racist, which is both incorrect and shows them to actually be right wing/supporters of his. but yes, if they knew what they would be getting into, i don't think it should have been considered at all.


again, i'm unsure of when the post was. but if they greenlit the show after being fully aware that they were alt-right, yes that's a huge misstep.


also, according to reddit, the show had a bigger budget than your pretty face, with comparable ratings to season 2. so maybe even if there wasn't the alt-right thing attached to it, it would have been cancelled anyway.


i love brett gelman, and i hate to see him just leave like that. i can only hope that isn't permanent  :-\


according to statements made by AS on social media, they were aware of the alt-rightness beforehand.  And in fact it was a hotly contested thing within AS, some people in the office were adamantly against it. 


I tend to agree with the notion that - like if people would just shut the hell up it would probably have just quietly gone away anyhow just on its own steam (or lack thereof in this case).


The first thing I saw of their's I think was a game con piece that just was like - not - super inventive or particularly creative.  The idea was kind of funny, but wasn't new.  And the whole - sort of concept of like "TAKE THAT NERDS" seems a little obvious and overdone maybe.  I kind of felt the same about most of the stuff of theirs I've seen.  Nothing I've seen of theirs makes me go "oh hey cool it's those guys".  It's always just like "eh.  why am I watching this?".  Not - like pissed off at it.  More like just - not - into it in any way. 


Put it this way - if MDE was a nightclub, it would seem fairly quiet/sedate to me, and there would be no doors that I could find.  So - like I could never really find my way into it.  So just didn't really care whether it was there or not.




yeah i saw kim's post on reddit, but i didn't take that to mean waaay before the decision to greenlight was made, but i guess it would make sense given how she said it


Of all the shit that could get a show cancelled, political commentary was the straw that broke this camel's back? I don't care if it's "alt-right" (WHATEVER that is).


Do I even want to know what the term "alt-right" entails? Is it the equivalent of eating children? I just can't wrap my head around what could be so controversial about it


I mean tons of shows currently playing and former shows on the network focused on more controversial subjects. (See Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode "Shake Like Me" for just one example.) What makes MDE: WP any different?


EDIT: Never mind, I looked it up. I guess in this case, they probably have a reason to do this. But I'm surprised Lazzo didn't fight it.

Alt Right is the current term that the White Supremacist movement (such as the Ku Klux Klan) reffer to themselves as.....though anti-feminists also reffer to themselves as it



so basically, just anybody who hates women, other races, and Gay people, classify as Alt-Right

  • 3 weeks later...

, occording to several articles, the Alt-Right content was edited out of episodes before they aired because they creeped the f**k out of the network censors


I follow MDE on Youtube. The guy said it wasn't his intention to make the show overly political anyways.


Alt Right is the current term that the White Supremacist movement (such as the Ku Klux Klan) reffer to themselves as.....though anti-feminists also reffer to themselves as it



so basically, just anybody who hates women, other races, and Gay people, classify as Alt-Right


I thought it was basically just right-wing people who were unhappy with establishment Republicans.


It only became a shorter word for calling them every "ist" and "phobe" to try to absurdity their movement.


brett gelman w/e his name is is the biggest fuckingv moron ive seen this past month

fuck that dude for playing a part in getting the show cancelled

i wasn't a huge fan of mde, cuz some of the skits were too weird/unsettling, but stuff like the tap water skit was some of the best comedy [as] had in the summer.

the show was unique in the way it approached topics, and was actually funny at times which is more than i can say for most of the shit [as] has made the last year.

but yah, fuck brett gelman.

also Admin[/member], im only 80% sure, but i remember reading that sam isn't actually alt-right

most of his stuff is satrical and a commentary on the alt-right


Going by the earlier topic you started and these posts, I can see why you're on the same page as Atomsk.

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