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2 hours ago, viperxmns said:

Lucky reportedly live for reals this time 


Yea it's live

I been seeing them all over FB. 

Dumb question. Is Chimecho super rare or something?  I see peeps wanting them and I have 2. 1 I would def trade for a lunatone or something. 

12 hours ago, viperxmns said:

Yea it's rare

Rare in wild. 1k dust for catch, rare 10k hatch

I’ve caught them in the wild and let them go lol can’t manage my poké storage. I didn’t even notice the 1k stardust 🙀

Posted (edited)

I caught my first Sableye.  It's only cp186 but I'm happy.

Also I battled in a Makuhita raid since I'm working on battling in 10 raids for A Mythical Discovery 6/8 for the Special Research.

So far I have battled in 5 raids.


I went to the library yesterday that has the nice pond with tons of Pokestops and I caught a few more Wailmer and Magikarps.

Now I have 379 Wailmer candies and 353 Magikarp candies.  For me Wailmer are easier to find than Magikarp so I might wait until I have 420 Wailmer candies before I evolve it.

I have enough candy to evolve Slakoth and Wartortle but I want more before I evolve them.

Edited by blueraven1999
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Posted (edited)

I caught another Slakoth tonight so it's slowly getting stronger.

Caught more Spoinks and now I have enough to evolve it.  I might evolve it tonight.

I don't think it will get very strong anyway and I love filling out my pokedex. 


There's a new pokemon that I haven't been able to find yet this week.  I don't remember what it is but I think it's a starter.

I was close to finding it tonight but it fled before I could get to the pokestop.  I hatched Smoochum sometime in the last two weeks.


I'm still debating whether I want to evolve it or not.  I think it has good attack and the Jynx I have is unlikely to do well in battle according to that

one thing but so far it has done well.  So I'm unsure what to do.  I might evolve it just to get more experience.

Edited by blueraven1999

Hatched my first Tyrogue today.  Evolved my Spoink last night into Grumpig.

Caught three Swablu today and used the Pinap berry on two of them.

I almost have enough candies to evolve it.  Only three or four candies left to go.

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, viperxmns said:


I was thinking of naming one Neepnorp

Possible event, this person has leaked legit stuff prior https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2018/07/pokemon-go-evolution-event-august/amp/

I named the other one Bleep-Bloop and the other one which is the lowest you can catch I might name Trashcan or Recyclables 😆

I really hope they up the Pokémon storage. I need that big time if they’re gonna intro gen 4

Edited by 1pooh4u

Won a Charmander raid so now I'm up to 8 raids I battled for the Special Research.

Noticed I had a good amount of Slakoth candy so I evolved it.  Now it's a cp1376 Vigoroth.


I went to the library last night and finally got enough Wailmer candy to evolve it into Wailord.  It's cp1276.

Though it would have higher cp since it took so many candies to evolve it.  Don't remember if I mentioned that I evolved Swablu into Altaria.  It was cp 1446 before

I powered it up to 1471.


Just ranked up to level 28 tonight.  Also I hatched my first Dratini and my second Pineco.

I'm close to being able to evolve my Koffing.  I'm only 3 candies away which will be 2 once I decide which Koffing to keep.


I'm trying to decide between a cp595 Koffing with tackle and sludge bomb and a cp 728 Koffing with tackle and sludge.

Sludge bomb is the better move but cp 728 is much better than cp595 so I haven't made my mind up yet.



Well you can also check in-game appraisal but 1430 something would be a really good one, congrats


Best electric attacker with Thunder Shock Wild Charge, you need candy for him, good for fighting gyms

18 hours ago, viperxmns said:

Well you can also check in-game appraisal but 1430 something would be a really good one, congrats


Best electric attacker with Thunder Shock Wild Charge, you need candy for him, good for fighting gyms

Thank you.  I actually have a few rare candies (maybe 5 or 6 I'd have to check) saved up

but I'm planning on using them on pokemon that are close to being able to evolve. 

Probably will use them on Magikarp once I get closer to being able to evolve it.


I have one or two hundo eevee 

so what’s your guys opinion on last resort being the special move for eevee? On its face it doesn’t make sense to me. Eevee isn’t particularly useful in the game in eevee form. Was thinking you more experienced Pokémon players would know better. 

I’m also going to keep crying about Pokémon storage until they up it because I haven’t annoyed myself enough saying it ad nauseam 😆


Methinks Last Resort is mostly for collection as far as the Eeveelutions are concerned, according to Pokemon's website they get the move too

Wondering what quests they'll drop on us this weekend

  • Like 1
On 8/6/2018 at 9:34 AM, viperxmns said:

I'd suggest making karp your buddy, it's only 1km per candy. On the other hand to raise Raikou you need rares or it's 20k per candy as buddy.

It wouldn't be worth it since I can catch Magikarp at this one library near me and I usually go there once a week. 

Plus I'm already in the middle of getting candies for my Grovyle.  It had 30 candies to begin with and after walking

with it for about a month or so, I have 61 candies.


I'm only 11 candies away from being able to evolve Magikarp and I'll probably use some of my rare candies once I reach 398.

Yesterday I evolved Weepinbell into Victreebel and Koffing into Weezing.  Today I caught my first Nidoking and I decided to evolve my Mankey into Primeape.

I was originally going to wait until it had more candies but it had such low cp (only 400) that it wasn't worth it.  My Primeape is only cp860.


Bout time they follow up on that previous post from Pokemon itself

got my first 15atk Raikou, 89 IV well alrighty then

Dexed Torkoal via Go Fest friend

Hundo Mareep from quest

And this among others

Screenshot_20180808-015623_Pokmon GO.jpg

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Got a second Raikou from Field Research but it wasn't as good as my first one so I used

it for candy.  Also caught another Trapinch this morning so I didn't have to use any rare candies

to evolve my Vibrava into a Flygon.


Earlier this week I finally caught my first Phanpy.  It's cp919.  I'll probably make it my buddy after

I'm done walking Grovyle.  It currently has 73 candies.  I used my Weezing for the first time today in either a gym battle or a raid.

I don't remember.  Didn't beat the raid but I was close.  Was fighting against an Alolan Exeggutor. 


On the plus side I participated in 10 raids now for Special Research.  Now I only have to catch more Magikarp so I can evolve it.

DIdn't end up going to the library with the pond this week due to bad weather on the day I wanted to go, but there's always next week.

Hatched another Togepi today.  It has 27 candies now.

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On 8/5/2018 at 1:06 AM, viperxmns said:

Oohhh yeeeaahh

Screenshot_20180805-000406_Pokmon GO.jpg

Have I said “FUCK YOU” to you yet this week? If not, then FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾

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  • Haha 1

I'm bored as fuck and downloaded the app today. This is actually pretty fun. Since I got a bulbasaur and charmander in my house and front yard, it feels like a nice start with the added nostalgia. I never played any of the games but watched the cartoon for years. Also, fuck zubat. I wasted so many balls trying to capture that fucker out of pettiness and still didn't get it.

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Welcome back to the fold. You picked a HELL of a day to start playing again. It’s Community Day today. Eevee is the Pokémon highlighted today. You’ll be able to take advantage of shiny Pokémon and the like too. Happy hunting!

  • Like 2
1 hour ago, SorceressPol said:

I'm bored as fuck and downloaded the app today. This is actually pretty fun. Since I got a bulbasaur and charmander in my house and front yard, it feels like a nice start with the added nostalgia. I never played any of the games but watched the cartoon for years. Also, fuck zubat. I wasted so many balls trying to capture that fucker out of pettiness and still didn't get it.

Zubats are a pain in the ass and actually easier to catch with curveballs than straight throws. 

Welcome to your life now 😆

  • Haha 1

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