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Amanchu! Advance 11

Well damn, I too thought Kokoro was a girl. This is unacceptable! The only acceptable relationship for Pikari is the yuri/lesbian route with Teko!

Posted (edited)

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 22


Aww, I woulda liked seeing that double date. I gotta side with Nendou, Arale would definitely win strongest Jump character!xD Lay off the clones for now Saiki, but what's this? A dramatic cliffhanger flashback to 6 year old aiki with just 2 episodes left? Interesting....let's see where this goes.

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Golden Kamuy 11


Heh, there's nothing like a murder hotel for some really fun escapades!xD A bit toned down on the gore compared to the manga but that was expected tbh. Well, Dick-sensei err Ushiyama was definitely the highlight this week. Now all that remains is seeing how they plan to make a decent stopping point next week considering they've adapted roughly 6 out of 14(and counting) manga volumes.

Edited by BUU8800

Tachibanakan Triangle 12(END)

And so we end, I think, with fireworks, wishes, and a peck on the cheek. Well this short series was alright I suppose. Definitely nothing memorable, but fairly easy to watch. Generous 6/10 I guess.

Lupin III: Part V 12

3D Kanojo: Real Girl 12(END)

What the hell kind of ending was that? This IS finished right? No second season was announced? So a series where the source material is actually complete failed to end on a conclusive note. With only introduced at the very end of last episode incest-driven non-blood related brother dead set on stealing Iroha from Tsutsui? What? Just....what? I mean I liked the ring measurement scene, and I guess the ring and the kiss were sweet, but the eating ramen post-credits stuff was just random as fuck. And here I thought the final obstacle to their relationship would be her leaving in 3 months like the first episode mentioned but....fuck that I guess? Let me go check ANN to make sure I'm not making an ass of myself....ah fuck it DID get a second season! Damnit! I mean...oh, goodie. So this first season was pretty disappointing. What started out promising with very quick kiss development never really recovered from a terrible pedophilia storyline followed by cliche emotional drama nonsense and now this terrible brother angle that will likely dominate the second season. Which of course I'll watch being a masochist and all. Generous 6 out of 10. In fact, fuck it, 5 out of 10. Yes, I'm giving the ecchi short that I won't even remember in a week a higher score than this.


Blade 1-3


Yep, I Marvel Anime now.

Best ep so far is #2, and that's mostly thanks to the involvement of police presence. Sakomizu elbowing his partner in the face after learning he was among the several cops that were in with Existence was badass. B|



Girls' Last Tour #6
Magical Girl Ore #12 (END)

I enjoyed how laughably weird Saki's manager's story ended up being. It was the first time I've ever seen a villain who asked the hero to defeat him, to the point where he would electrocute their love interest if they wouldn't budge... and yet there were even some attempted pathos with his plot, as if the show wanted you to feel sorry for him.

Like I've said before, this show could've been great if it were a short, but before that, I think better direction would've helped. They had to jump through a couple of hoops just to have enough content to fill 12 episodes. In fact, I found out that Michiru and Ruka were new characters created just for the show, and yet they ended up being almost identical copies of Saki and Sayuno; I really feel like that was a missed opportunity. At least this anime had some genuinely entertaining moments, even if they didn't feel as funny as the highs of other ones I've watched. To me, it falls squarely between a 5 and a 6 (out of 10), but I'll give it the latter to be generous. :)


Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 12

Oh this has 13 episodes? And here I thought it was only 12 this whole time. Well aside from Ijuin, who may just surpass Nyanko Big for best character, another garbage drama episode we didn't need. I've made my opinion known about ten times by now, just end show! Oh, and if by some chance this show gives us the "realistic bad end where she marries Charlrs and Tada is just grateful to have known her" I'll be fucking furious, not that I expect it.

Comic Girls 12(END)

D'aaaaaw, so Kaos-sensei really did experience that tiny sliver of success. Well I honestly didn't think it would happen so I'll give the show that much credit at least. Overall a fairly standard cgdct show, cute and enjoyable enough, but not at all memorable. It'll get lost in the sea of them so to speak. Slow Start from last season, itself nothing special, was more memorable. Still, 7/10.

Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii 7 - 11(END)

Aww, getting to date your first love, just be wary of the look of death! Anyway this was enjoyable as a source manga reader, and fairly faithful. I don't have much else to say though, 8/10.


Dorei-ku the Animation 11
One Outs 15


I'm not sure if the scene where Takio enslaves Sachi was also there at the very beginning in the manga, but its placement in the anime was effective foreshadowing of him becoming the surprise final boss. This show has been surprisingly enrapturing and entertaining to several degrees, so much so that I can't even call it terrible, in spite of the level of disbelief you have to suspend to even put up with something of this ridiculous nature. Even if the final episode drops the ball hard, I will have no regrets watching this to its completion.


[that's my no regrets face]


Posted (edited)

Isekai Izakaya Nobu 7 - 12


Huh, well I guess since there's another episode and this show comes out in pairs it must be continuing for another cour at least. Cool, it's enjoyable enough. That chicken the old guy had during the live action portion of episode 10 looked soooo good.xD

Edited by BUU8800
Posted (edited)

Hinamatsuri 12(END)


When desperate times call for desperate measures never underestimate the power of suggestion, eh Hina?xD That aside we finally got the 3 year timeskip that was teased back in the first episode. Somewhat odd to end with Mao considering how little screentime she got, but I guess if they only had that much time to work with getting her up to speed first makes sense. This desperately needs more episodes like Golden Kamuy. Both deserved to be at least 2 cour. I think the source material for Kamuy is stronger, but this had the better anime adaptation of the two just due to not having cringe production values. I compare the two because I lumped them in my head when the season began as I read them both and love them both. But more on Kamuy on Monday. Strong 8/10, though the finale could have used more of best-girl Anzu.

Toji no Miko 24(END)


A meeting with the moms in the netherworld to spark a return and end the series. So yeah, this show stunk. Its biggest sin was how boring it often was, but there were others. Certain plot points weren't explained well causing confusion that spanned multiple episodes. Certain characters felt ultimately pointless while others never earned the redemption they were given after being antagonists. Production values sometimes took a nosedive, looking particularly bad at times, and there were other bad things I could mention. But honestly, I mostly just feel relieved it's finally over. I'll be nice and give it a 5/10 for best-girl Mai, and for Ellen's big, beautiful tits.

Edited by BUU8800

Yesterday's watches:

Girls und Panzer: This is the Real Anzio Battle!
Ghost Stories 5


Anzio High School was more Italian than Bryce Papenbrook's accent for Caesar Zeppeli, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad.


  • Haha 1

Blade 8-9


Compared to our protags' half of the episode starting in the middle of the action, the major disconnect between Blade retreating from Kikyo and him finding himself captured by Mad Stan feels rather incompetent in terms of direction, even after filling in the blanks myself halfway through the episode.



Amanchu! Advance 12(END)

Night diving for Teko to get her license and end our second season. Which was roughly on par with the first in healing factor and quality. However that 3 episode whatshisface arc that felt weirdly out of place made this the slightly weaker of the 2 imo. Still 8/10 though. If it took 2 seasons just to get through their first year that means we should expect 4 more seasons right.....RIGHT?


The iDOLM@STER: Live for You!


The only copy I could find was hardsubbed in German, and I had to burn in English subs from a separate .srt file on top of it. And they were delayed a bit, which I'm sure would be Poke's worst nightmare.

Still, this was some nice, albeit fairly surreal fun. I have no idea why Miki thought her plan would work, since nobody seemed to be filming her group along their journey, unless the P.O.V. was actually of a cameraman who got them on tape the whole time. That would've been... well, the 2011 anime did something similar, but in a more pointed manner. Regarding the Producer, I thought the idea of never showing his face even though he's actually there is an interesting move; it predates the KanColle anime's decision to do so with the Admiral by many years. Of course, people hated when they did it, so I assume the choice of having named Producers that are actual characters for all of the iM@S shows was a good one.

Also, all of the O.G. character designs would make for great cursed images, especially Makoto's. B|

I also started a Squid Girl rewatch, as it's relevant to the news cycle.

Posted (edited)

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, 23


Well Akechi knows the truth, in an episode entirely devoted to the past. A rather poignant episode too. But I don't know that Dr. Stone really needed the shoutout.xD Man I'm gonna miss this. But next week's the season 2 finale. Will there ever be more? The manga ended awhile ago now so who knows?

Edited by BUU8800

Blade 10
Kuroko's Basketball 45


On one hand, it was nice seeing Frost's sympathetic side for once. On the other... that next episode preview couldn't have screamed "Makoto dies" louder if it tried.




Posted (edited)

Golden Kamuy 12(END)


Inkarmat is on the scene! And with her some horse racing! Interesting how they cut out most of the Hijikata story based largely on the film Yojimbo and just sandwiched its beginning and end around the larger horse racing story, and slightly disappointing honestly, but hey, they've got 14 volumes and counting to cover. We knew some of it was getting trimmed somehow. Even with the announced season 2, which thank Christ by the way, it's extremely unlikely they'll be able to even catch up with the manga where it is right now in just 12 more episodes. Come on eventual season 3! Hopefully the production values are at least as good as they got by the end of this season as that really was the only weakness with this adaptation. That aside the story and characters really speak for themselves. Absolutely fantastic, strong 8/10.

Fumikiri Jikan 7 - 12(END)


Hmmm....so....it's over? I mean MAL has it at 12 episodes so I guess so? Not much of an ending, just revisiting the budding lesbians we started with.xD This was a pretty cute short little anthology series. Nothing standout about it or anything, but I'll be nice and give it the generous 7/10.

Edited by BUU8800

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