BUU8800 Posted February 2, 2017 Author Posted February 2, 2017 But... but ACCA and Rakugo! Rakugo is why I allowed for second. They're pretty much neck and neck with a finish line 8 weeks out...or so. Will one stumble? I dunno, also don't watch ACCA. Quote
granzchesta Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Rakugo is why I allowed for second. They're pretty much neck and neck with a finish line 8 weeks out...or so. Will one stumble? I dunno, also don't watch ACCA. I consider Dragon Maid to be the best new anime. Rakugo is best sequel, although it's the only sequel I am watching atm besides YowPeda. But still! You should give ACCA a try Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 2, 2017 Author Posted February 2, 2017 Seems you and Eye both agree on splitting sequels up from originals for seasonal rankings. Fair enough. I'll pass on ACCA, for now at least. I did watch Chain Chronicle's first episode on Monday night and though it saddens me to admit it I can see why Eye so easily dismissed it. Don't plan on dropping it as it isn't THAT bad, but I feel absolutely no desire to watch episode 2 which...isn't good. Perpetual on-hold list will probably be getting bigger soon. Honestly I'm still planning on catching up on Conan this year when not watching my seasonal shows despite how insanely difficult it's proving to be due to its episodic, case by case nature. If only it had 100 episode arcs like One Piece instead of 50 2 episode arcs! 310+ episodes and 7 movies to go! I WILL CATCH UP!...............................someday. After that...maybe Gintama? Got nearly 280ish episodes and a movie or 2 of that to catch up on. Hell it may be easier to rotate them after getting Conan down a bit closer I dunno, we'll see...I assume. And speaking of... Detective Conan 537 - 538 Oh ho, quite the benevolent turn from Kaitou Kid this time. I figured the missing plates were being used to feed the dog, but failed to put 2 and 2 together and realize he was actually trapped inside the safe. Seems pretty obvious though in retrospect. Sweet motivation aside I don't envy who hasta clean the no doubt mountain of dog feces left behind in the safe. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 All Out!! 13 I liked Hachi before this, but I like him even more now. He's a funny guy. It was cool to see him with his eyes open part of the time this episode during the flashbacks. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Seems you and Eye both agree on splitting sequels up from originals for seasonal rankings. Fair enough. I'll pass on ACCA, for now at least. I did watch Chain Chronicle's first episode on Monday night and though it saddens me to admit it I can see why Eye so easily dismissed it. Don't plan on dropping it as it isn't THAT bad, but I feel absolutely no desire to watch episode 2 which...isn't good. Perpetual on-hold list will probably be getting bigger soon. Just makes it easier, since I don't normally like ranking stuff. But after that most recent episodes, especially Gintama's, I might have to go: 1. Rakugo 2. Gintama 3. MaiDragon 4. ACCA See, it's just not fair to the new shows? Also, ACCA might have dropped 'cause of MaiDragon... As for Chain Chronicle, it wasn't bad, like I said. But there wasn't anything there for me to connect with, and I could understand why that might be different for someone else. Would be nice to have a good melee action show, and Akiba's Trip isn't quite there visually. I might have said it before, but Gintama doesn't require strict adherence to watching every episode, so long as you hit the major arcs. And Crunchyroll just announced they're releasing dubbed episodes, starting with season 3. Ai Mai Mi S3 5 Ninja Girl & Samurai Master 18 ACCA 4 MaiDragon 4 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 Gintama 2017 ep 3 Elizabeth was the MVP this ep. Loved the part where she beat up the enemy with her die sign. Also the "Nobody cares, just get on with" it sign in response to the long titles was great. Totally agreed with her. The gorilla bit in the beginning was funny. I can understand comparing Kondo to a gorilla, but it's kind of mean to compare others to the gorillas though. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 2, 2017 Author Posted February 2, 2017 See, it's just not fair to the new shows? I might have said it before, but Gintama doesn't require strict adherence to watching every episode, so long as you hit the major arcs. And Crunchyroll just announced they're releasing dubbed episodes, starting with season 3. I can understand why you consider it unfair, but I can't agree. Well, I suppose I do to a point. I don't even acknowledge things with hundreds of episodes(or sequels to things with hundreds of episodes) in seasonal rankings. If I did, Dragon Ball Super would absolutely be the best series for me every season it airs just for being Dragon Ball related. It's the rules for Buu! So something like Gintama is absolutely disqualified from seasonal rankings in my eyes. Ditto Detective Conan and One Piece. Something like Rakugo though? That's only in its second, and last, 12 episode season? Yeah, that's fair game. I suppose it's a bit unfair to pick and choose like that, but eh, my rankings. Also, I absolutely refuse to skip any Gintama so long as I can help it. I saw they added the dub. A rather asinine decision to start it 200+ episodes in imo, but I'm sure they have their reasons. Detective Conan 539 I dunno, this one seemed off somehow, even by filler standards. The accidental death felt too outlandish considering the bleak message they were going for, which itself felt overly preachy. I guess the photo ending sorta worked, seeing how far the three brothers had fallen with their own eyes. Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted February 3, 2017 Posted February 3, 2017 Masamune-kun no Revenge 5 Super Lovers S2 4 One Room 4 Kuzu no Honkai 4 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 3, 2017 Author Posted February 3, 2017 Detective Conan 540 - 541 A Kogoro-centric 2 parter where he figures things out mostly on his own? Count me in! Even if it's filler, I'm always up for some Kogoro episodes. (Although apparently Japan disagrees. According to the Detective Conan wiki 541 was/possibly still is the least watched episode in the show's history in Japan.) And aside from Conan using his soccer ball to push the culprit back up the cliff enough for Kogoro to grab him, which was ridiculous, this one was great! Always love seeing Kogoro being badass, and the Eri flashback/scene comforting him was wonderful. <3 That fat ladies' involvement in the case did just kinda peter out though I suppose. Textbook definition of a red herring. Quote
Blatch Posted February 3, 2017 Posted February 3, 2017 Off the Air: "Words" Kantai Collection #12 (END) So that's the end. Yeah... honestly, the final episode was better than I expected! They brought back literally everyone we've seen in the whole show, including Nagato in combat for the first time. And, for as utterly cornholed as it was, Fubuki landing the critical blow to turn the battle was basically a huge telegraphing of her whole character arc, but at the same time the whole thing would've been heresy without it. I'm just happy to have gotten some damn good action, historical reversioning and Japanese supremacy aside. Overall, Kantai Collection is... not a great show, but I don't really agree in calling it bad. You see, when a show has so many different characters to juggle at the same time (literal dozens in this case) and it can only give character development to a precious few... well, I'm not a fan of it. Especially when the MC gets very trite and stereotypical development. Why the hell they just didn't go ahead and make Kongou the main character, I don't know. But the show was competently produced in all areas and did have a few genuinely enjoyable moments. For those, I give it a 6/10. And now... the final screenies: Enjoy, Poke. [stand by for super chiptunes] [move][glow=blue,2,300]Blatch's Official Electronica Program (as collected from 12 weeks of rating BAKUON!!):[/glow][/move] Week 1: Dubmood, " " Week 2: Zabutom, "New Beginnings" Week 3: Virt, "FX3" and "FX4" Week 4: Basehead, " " Week 5: 4mat, "Extras" Week 6: Dma-Sc & Trash80, " " Week 7: Shnabubula, "Starbound: Right of Ascension" Week 8: Goto80, "_| ̄|○" Week 9: Random Neopets staff member, "Assignment 53 OST (no opera)" Week 10: Dubmood, "Force De Frappe" Week 11: 2xAA, "Flow" Week 12: BitPuritans, "2A03 Puritans" Bonus: James Bennett, "LOVE OST" No, it's not really a chiptune album, even though it is electronic in nature, but I really wanted to share it with you because LOVE is a great game and this soundtrack kicks fucking ass the whole way down. And besides, you now have a whole baker's dozen of great low-fi electronica albums to gloss over. Pop down a Dunkin' Donuts coffee and see me in the morning, because there is still a lot more you need to learn. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 3, 2017 Posted February 3, 2017 Buu: That's one of my favorite episodes. Kogoro eps are the best. Watched 3-gatsu No Lion 14. Pretty depressing ep. Too much shogi at the beginning. Smith continues to get more awesome. Knew he was going home to his cat. That reaction was priceless. I love the teacher as well. He's a lot of fun to watch. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 3, 2017 Posted February 3, 2017 Yowamushi Pedal: New Generation ep 3 I didn't like the musical new guy at first, but he won me over as soon as he got their names wrong Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 3, 2017 Author Posted February 3, 2017 Urara Meirochou 5 Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club 5 Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Season 2, 5 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted February 4, 2017 Posted February 4, 2017 Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun 1-3 Still hilarious. Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted February 4, 2017 Posted February 4, 2017 Youjo Senki 5 BanG Dream! Serien 5 Kuzu no Honkai Fuuka 6 3-gatsu no Lion 16 Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 4, 2017 Author Posted February 4, 2017 BanG Dream! 3 Rewrite: Moon and Terra 4 3-gatsu no Lion 16 Dragon Ball Super 77 One Piece 775 Quote
EyeOfPain Posted February 5, 2017 Posted February 5, 2017 Nichijou 1-6 Ah, I finally can watch it again! Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 5, 2017 Author Posted February 5, 2017 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 15 Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 5 Hunter x Hunter (2011) 37 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 5, 2017 Posted February 5, 2017 Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon 1 Looks like a fun show so far. Kobayashi is a scary drunk. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 5, 2017 Posted February 5, 2017 Handa-kun 8 I know it's not from this season, but this is my favorite show that I'm watching right now that's not a sequel. Although Nanbaka 2017 is pretty close. Kondo was awesome this episode. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 6, 2017 Author Posted February 6, 2017 Long Riders! 11 - 12(END) Final Thoughts: Nice work Ami, enduring some rain riding and introducing Saeki to the wonderful world of cycling with Team Fortuna! Anyway, glad to finally be able to finish this rather cute, rather relaxing series. The production delays were unfortunate, but I think finishing this after starting Minami Kamakura from the current season has allowed me to appreciate it more. It might be a bit unfair to say only 5 episodes into that series, but this one is definitely the better of the two imo. Ami, Aoi, Saki, Yayoi and Hinako made for a team I always enjoyed watching interacting together. This sorta felt a bit like Hidamari Sketch with cycling. A very warm series. Ami's earnestness in taking up cycling felt genuinely touching throughout. And honestly I'd rather we got 12 more episodes of this than Minami. Which sounds like I'm shitting on that show when I really am enjoying it too. It's just that they're so similar and...I liked this better...again through 5 episodes of that, but I don't see that changing. Anyway, I'm rambling. This was a solidly good 7/10 series. I'm tempted to give it an 8, but I'll hold off. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 6, 2017 Posted February 6, 2017 Gabriel DropOut 3 That cafe owner is a saint. I'd fire Gabriel right away if I was him. Quote
StarPanda Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Fate Zero 1-25 This was another nice series, it explains the events of the previous holy war it also ties in with the fate/stay night stuff which was really cool, animation and battles were nice characters were likeable I did not pay attention to some episodes since I found them very dull and what not but over all a 7.7/10 Up next Fate Stay Night UBW Quote
EyeOfPain Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Xam'd 1-7 Not as exciting a show I remember, but still looking forward to seeing some things again. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 7, 2017 Author Posted February 7, 2017 Xam'd was a 1 and done viewing show for me. I did finish it though. Iirc the best part about it was the episode that ended with his estranged parents kissing. Textbook bleh, 5-6/10 show. Quote
EyeOfPain Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Xam'd was a 1 and done viewing show for me. I did finish it though. Iirc the best part about it was the episode that ended with his estranged parents kissing. Textbook bleh, 5-6/10 show. I haven't rewatched it since I bought it, and it just seemed like the right time. It's hard to not compare it to Eureka seveN, but it doesn't quite hold up. I'm looking forward to seeing Haru and Akiyuki's growth again, and maybe that ending will resonate a bit more this time 'round. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 7, 2017 Author Posted February 7, 2017 Maybe because I only watched it years later, but never made the E7 connection. That...makes it look even worse. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Dragon Ball Super 76 It was nice to see Krillin and Goku fighting together. I'm glad Krillin is back to his bald look. He looks better without hair. Quote
Blatch Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Super Bowl LI Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid #4 Full Frontal with Samantha Bee: (two most recent eps) Sakura Trick #4 (rewatch) Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 7, 2017 Author Posted February 7, 2017 Detective Conan 542 - 543 Well the case itself wasn't much. Mostly due to the big hint to the culprit's identity once again requiring knowing kanji. Even the secondary clue felt too esoteric to be of much help. The culprit's motivation felt more shoehorned in than usual too. I ended up feeling more sympathetic towards the victim despite her past transgression. At least the Okiya intrigue surrounding it was fun, and it was nice to see a culprit go down swinging again, this time by taking Ayumi hostage. It had been awhile. Is Haibara right to be so suspicious of Mr. Okiya? We'll see, but actions speak louder than words they say. Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Handa-kun 9 I'm going to go through withdrawal once I finish this. It's so good. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 7, 2017 Author Posted February 7, 2017 Detective Conan 544 Oh hey! They played the current OP in the episode, neat. Yeah, figured it was him. Never tryta use any of the Mouri family for your alibi, especially in filler one-offs. Another weak motivation, the guy pretty much acted on impulse. Well, I guess the music business is pretty ruthless. Quote
Stardust Whispers Posted February 7, 2017 Posted February 7, 2017 Onihei 5 ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka 5 Quote
blueraven1999 Posted February 8, 2017 Posted February 8, 2017 Gintama 2017 ep 4 How did that guy's name go from Zaku to Gundam Zura's back story was interesting. He was already one of my favorite characters and I like him even more now. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 8, 2017 Author Posted February 8, 2017 Detective Conan 545 - 546 Yeah, the vast majority of this case was pretty easy to figure out. I literally instantly realized Yamamura's granny was just seeing her own reflection, and the rest came shortly after meeting the suspects. Only thing I didn't really foresee was Sato being the original witch, but in retrospect her appearance in the episodes at all makes it obvious. Careful Takagi, you've got a screamer. Despite the easiness of the case and slight padding in part 2(nearly the first 7 minutes were recap +op) I did enjoy the foggy, atmospheric, supernatural premise. Plus it was another of those rare 2 parters where nobody actually dies...in the present anyway. Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 8, 2017 Author Posted February 8, 2017 Twin Star Exorcists 43 Piacevole! My Italian Cooking 5 Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon 5 KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! Season 2, 5 Quote
Blatch Posted February 8, 2017 Posted February 8, 2017 Yuri!!! on ICE #5 Space Ghost Coast to Coast: "In Memory of Elizabeth Reed" World War Blue #1 Quote
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