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I still have it.... I have nutted in it a few times and a girl drank it.


So, all that being said.... who wants it next?


PM your address because I don't want it any more..... and the book.... fuck you POOH!

Guest The Hound

I still have it.... I have nutted in it a few times and a girl drank it.


So, all that being said.... who wants it next?


PM your address because I don't want it any more..... and the book.... fuck you POOH!

you def fucking nutted it in



i believe u


I still have it.... I have nutted in it a few times and a girl drank it.



It's probably a fairer approximation to Baileys than I want to give credit for, but you're still a chisler. 


Welp, its supposed to go to me next... but now I'm slightly afraid.


How much rubbing alcohol is this gonna require?



sulfuric acid autoclave time!


I still have it.... I have nutted in it a few times and a girl drank it.


So, all that being said.... who wants it next?


PM your address because I don't want it any more..... and the book.... fuck you POOH!


C'mon man you know I  <3 you besides them fuckers won  whut


Welp, its supposed to go to me next... but now I'm slightly afraid.


How much rubbing alcohol is this gonna require?

Lol just forward the glass to the next person and swig from the bottle  :D


Lol just forward the glass to the next person and swig from the bottle  :D



I'll just use rubbing alcohol and then boil it  :D



Hopefully that will remove all traces of jizz.



I'll have to txt chocolate_soda to see if he even wants it anymore when I'm done. Otherwise, I dunno who gets it after him.

Guest The Hound


I'll just use rubbing alcohol and then boil it  :D



Hopefully that will remove all traces of jizz.



I'll have to txt chocolate_soda to see if he even wants it anymore when I'm done. Otherwise, I dunno who gets it after him.




Guest squirrelygod

Glad I had it long before you


This is the last updated list from the thread you linked.


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6. itsacoaster

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8. katt_goddess [also KagomeInu]

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12. lesans_muse

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14. -Unknown_User-

15. SurleyMcDouchebag

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40. RIN_00 ****BETTY steps in.*****

40.5 duzitickle

41. GreenThreads [also: Jebus1, also holkimcardie1]

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43. venus_df

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45. Cille [also: meta]

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50.5 duzitickle

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75. 55

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101.5 katt_goddess

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