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Here’s a catch-all thread for Steam sales. Currently, it’s the summer 2023 sale. The Steam Deck is discounted, as well as thousands of games.


Heres a great guide to games that are less than $10 on the current sale https://overkill.wtf/the-best-games-under-10-in-the-steam-summer-sale/

So far I’ve picked up Mass Effect Legendary edition for $15. I don’t want to go nuts because I have at least six games from the spring sale I haven’t even installed.


Good luck.


The only game I've been really considering pulling the trigger on is No More Heroes 3, since it appears like its issues have been fixed.

But, like you, I have plenty of games that I haven't played, so I might just skip it and see if it's cheaper during the winter sale.

On 7/4/2023 at 11:21 AM, SwimOdin said:

Might get Civ 6. I truly do not need that kind of time-destroying game, but I’ve never been known for making great personal choices.

Civ 6 with all the dlc is pretty great, but you know how civ is.

@panic is always looking for people to play with.

3 hours ago, Raptorpat said:

Civ 6 with all the dlc is pretty great, but you know how civ is.

@panic is always looking for people to play with.

I should hook panic up with my Dad. He bought a Steam Deck just to play Civ, and he’s got literally thousands of hours in it.


I bought Halo: The Master Chief Collection just for the hell of it, as I downloaded Infinite a while ago but haven't played it, nor anything else Halo.

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4 hours ago, Blatch said:

I bought Halo: The Master Chief Collection just for the hell of it, as I downloaded Infinite a while ago but haven't played it, nor anything else Halo.

That will probably be permanently installed on my steam deck

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I ended up only buying the Mass Effect game, mostly because I left my steam deck at my friend’s apartment for a week. He installed some great 3rd party software, so I am not at want.

  • 4 months later...

There’s another Steam Sale going on, obv.

What are you buying and quite possibly never playing? My list, God help me:

Tony Hawk 1 and 2 $15.99

Diablo 4 $41.99

Crypt of the Necrodancer $2.99

Outer Wilds $14.99

Shredders Revenge $17.49

Miles Morales $29.99

On 11/22/2023 at 10:35 PM, SwimOdin said:

There’s another Steam Sale going on, obv.

What are you buying and quite possibly never playing? My list, God help me:

Tony Hawk 1 and 2 $15.99

Diablo 4 $41.99

Crypt of the Necrodancer $2.99

Outer Wilds $14.99

Shredders Revenge $17.49

Miles Morales $29.99

Outer Wilds is an absolute masterpiece and you should actually play it now. I'm terrible at playing games I buy too but I'm so glad I started it on a whim.

On 11/26/2023 at 5:34 PM, Top Gun said:

Outer Wilds is an absolute masterpiece and you should actually play it now. I'm terrible at playing games I buy too but I'm so glad I started it on a whim.

I bought it, will play after the holidays.

  • 2 weeks later...

I will do my absolute best to buy NOTHING during the winter sale. I just had to pay $3600 for electrical problems with my car so that significantly lowers the value of games for me. With me luck?


Also, here’s my Steam year in review thingAttachment-1.thumb.png.a9750e1de273ad9b6cdd9ef4e99f197b.png


I ascended to civ vi

and the I had a child and have no time for that, I'm pretty sure that 2% was me accidentally opening civ VI instead of aoe IV a couple times because the buttons are right next to each other and look the same at a glance 


I bought Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the third time simply because I wanted it on Steam. I have no intention of playing it anytime soon. And I still plan on getting a PS5 copy since I still don't own it physically. And I already pre-ordered part 2 from Best Buy. I don't even like the original FF7 that much. /blog

On 12/22/2023 at 12:10 AM, Greeny said:

I bought Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the third time simply because I wanted it on Steam. I have no intention of playing it anytime soon. And I still plan on getting a PS5 copy since I still don't own it physically. And I already pre-ordered part 2 from Best Buy. I don't even like the original FF7 that much. /blog

Nomura’s got you by the balls

On 12/21/2023 at 11:18 AM, Raptorpat said:

I ascended to civ vi

and the I had a child and have no time for that, I'm pretty sure that 2% was me accidentally opening civ VI instead of aoe IV a couple times because the buttons are right next to each other and look the same at a glance 

I recently got Civ 6, is it looked down on compared to 5?


before it was "finished" with the big couple DLC packs, the purists looked down on it yeah. but that's like comparing apples and oranges

I like civ 6 way better, it's such a dynamic game in comparison, but @molarbear is a big stinky doodoo head

2 hours ago, SwimOdin said:

Feels like there’s a Civ cycle where a new game is hated until it’s suddenly loved 

I tried Beyond Earth and Civ 6 and still prefer V

Pat is right though, I did play 6 near release and haven't touched it since.

Beyond Earth still makes zero sense to me and I gave up on it. Civ 6 changed too much of the gameplay from V for me. At release (this may have changed) your happiness was no longer penalized for city expansion, in fact, I think the meta at the time was to build as many cities as possible. Micro managing your cities resources was no longer optional, it was now required.  You had to specify certain areas/workers IRRC to labor, and other things. It didn't feel like Civ to me, which kind of defeats the purpose of calling it Civ 6 instead of just making a new IP.  I am getting old and cranky, so it's quite possible I just do not like new Civ games.

I don't think V is perfect by any means, I can go on for days about how it doesn't come close to the scenarios pack for Civ 2 that consumed a good year of my free time... but then we risk excluding @Raptorpat from the convo, because they were a wee baby around that time and probably busy suing his pre school teacher for libel when they accused him of having the dirty diaper


Yeah they got rid of the global happiness, which frankly didn't make sense why one city falling apart would wreck all your cities on the other side of the map or why how your cities getting conquered would make your civ happier (the game logic was that you were losing the dead weight). And in molar's defense, it created that meta (in vanilla civ vi) where you could just spam cities.

That was fixed with the first expansion, which added the pressure/loyalty system which is a pretty organic counterbalance by comparison. Now, you have to factor in external pressure when placing a city. Each city in the game exerts loyalty pressure on surrounding cities (iirc it was based on culture output and governor perks? it's been a while), the closer you are, the stronger the pressure is. If loyalty falls below a certain threshold, your city will just secede and become independent. If another civ's pressure reaches a certain threshold, that city will then join that civ. When a civ hits a golden age, their loyalty pressure goes up, and when they hit a dark age, their loyalty pressure crashes. So there's a whole subcomponent of the full game that remediates the vanilla city-spamming strat though quantifiable risk:

CDN media

think the other thing molar is complaining about is how the cities were "unstacked" the way armies were unstacked in civ V. instead of just building everything in that one 'city center' tile, each of the production trees (religion/science/eco/military etc.) and wonders are placed on map tiles alongside the farms/mines/pastures etc. You no longer have the mega-capital that can build every single building and wonder, you're limited in the number of districts you can build based on the city's population so you have to be strategic in your city placement (think like "there are a bunch of mountains for a science buff, so this will be a science city to start" or "this city has a windy river perfect to max out the buffs for a market district"). The best part though is that when you build the buildings, they show up in their respective districts on the map! It's all color-coded so it's not visual clutter. Blue is science, pink culture, yellow eco, red military, orange is entertainment, rust is prouction, white religious, etc.


It also makes espionage more interesting because you send your spy to a district on a mission related to that district. Classic 'steal a tech' from the science district, siphon gold from the eco district, sabotage the factories in the production district, temporarily reduce the city's loyalty (or if you're playing against civ 6 hater @molarbear, you send the spy to his dam to blow it up and flood his countryside).


I think when you factor in the complete game (so that it's apples to apples), civ 6 is just a much more dynamic game than civ 5. To the extent that the civ development formula is 1/3 classic, 1/3 revised, and 1/3 new, I think they mostly went in the right direction on how to take a good game (civ V) and make it better (civ VI).

2 hours ago, molarbear said:

I don't think V is perfect by any means, I can go on for days about how it doesn't come close to the scenarios pack for Civ 2 that consumed a good year of my free time... but then we risk excluding @Raptorpat from the convo, because they were a wee baby around that time and probably busy suing his pre school teacher for libel when they accused him of having the dirty diaper

To be fair to molar though, my first civ was civ V with ramo, @panic, and itsacoaster.

22 hours ago, Raptorpat said:

It also makes espionage more interesting because you send your spy to a district on a mission related to that district. Classic 'steal a tech' from the science district, siphon gold from the eco district, sabotage the factories in the production district, temporarily reduce the city's loyalty (or if you're playing against civ 6 hater @molarbear, you send the spy to his dam to blow it up and flood his countryside).


I think when you factor in the complete game (so that it's apples to apples), civ 6 is just a much more dynamic game than civ 5. To the extent that the civ development formula is 1/3 classic, 1/3 revised, and 1/3 new, I think they mostly went in the right direction on how to take a good game (civ V) and make it better (civ VI).

22 hours ago, Raptorpat said:

To be fair to molar though, my first civ was civ V with ramo, @panic, and itsacoaster.

Are you sure it's not just the first Civ game you've managed to best them at?



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