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3 hours ago, Cidz said:

I miss alotta ppl i dont even know if any of them are on here i dont even rmb everyones usernames (as i often gave ppl nicknames lol) but ill try to list some that i rmb but basically everyone from the old AD and ppl i talked to back in the day on aim yahoo skype etc... (also idk how to tag ppl? Idk who is even on here)

Mewnz (moongodess) i rly miss her actually like i wonder what happened to her. We use to talk sm n watch movies and animes.

CAC ah idk what happened to him either but i hope hes doing well I lost touch w him and miss him too.

Capperz (capp90??) Actually i think i follow him on fb looks like he got married good for him. 

Dubzeh (jdubb) weve kinda drifted over the yrs like i texted him not too long ago (after a yr lol) he seems to being doing well has a gf and friends idk he use to stream on twitch.

Mormz (mormegil? Idr) use to talk to him on twitter but i nvr go on there so idk how hes doing...

Sammycham (samuraichamploofan? Idr) another one i lost touch w and miss! Use to talk to him on Twitter

Poke (pokenirvash) i was wondering abt him the other day. I wonder how he did in life. He must be in his 20s now? Ik him when he was like 12 or 13? I hope hes doing well in life. I wonder if he ever became an architect like he wanted. 

Gaynor. Tho i think?? Hes on fb idr but i havent spoken to him in years.

Who else who else hmm....oh! Namey! (Myname) how are they? I lost complete touch w them but i hope they ended up well. I hope theyre happy. I miss them sm! 

Im sorry i forgot his name or what i called him but i mostly talked to him on aim he had rly bad insomnia. I use to stay up rly late and sometimes hed be the only one on. i use to help him make banners for diff show folders on asmb...

Who was the one on ib that reaaallyyyy liked balloons? They were rly cool n i miss them! Forgot the username tho.

Hmmm oh! Hardcore hunter! And um...i forgot her username but hunter would know her! The chick who likes batman. I wanna say im fb or ig friends w her but idr. 

Curz (currency?) But i think im friends w him on ig. But still miss watching animes and movies w him and mewnz on aim lol.

I follow teez (proudtelevisionaddict) on ig and shes done well! 

Umm...shins! Whatever happened to him?? 

And lol even winback miss that silly troll he was fun at least. 

Martin (idr his full username but it had martin in it) he was a math teacher irl? Anyways he was pretty cool too! Tho i mostlt knew him from the blog dubzeh had csw.

Also ppl from csw that use to blog w me the other day I found the old website for that otome game we tried making.

Oh! Speaking of which did i mention chapperz??? Yea! Lol he was sm fun to talk to n watch weird animes w and i hope hes doing well too.

Anyone know how kohikki is doing? Wb boxers? Angel? I dont think they liked me v well back in the day lol but I still hope they're all doing well. I hope theyre happy i really do. 

And um...oh! Foley! Yea he use to show me sciency stuff on aim he was fun too. Dunno what happened to him. 

Anyways im sorry i rambled on too much. I dont even know anyone rmb me prolly not. But! If anyone does rmb me pls msg me or say hi! I lost touch w just abt everyone i miss having ppl to talk abt anime w.

(Btw theres sm i still kinda kept in touch w but havent spoken to inahile like lunk and sllew tryble and rainy)


oh i remember you! i think we posted a bunch in IB

Posted (edited)

Gypsywoman (I think there were some numbers after her name)









and really like a dozen more people. Some I used to play black ops and l4d2 with. I miss all of them.

Edited by fullmetal_pirate
Posted (edited)

@Raptorpat whaaaa omg that's so cool ty! 

@PokeNirvash wooow! look at you I'm super proud of you poke I rly am I'm glad ur doing well and that you got a great job that you love! sounds like you got a high degree nice. its ok we all go thru a neet phase lol. and what do u mean ur like gonna be 29???? that's like almost 30!!! omg where does time go...I'm 38 almost 40 lol. 

as for me I work at a grocery store for the past 8ish years I like it enough it pays my bills and my coworkers are cool. I work in the deli dept in the mornings but before that for a yr or so I was closing cashier. that was tiring lol. but hey a jobs a job. other than that all I do is spend time w my cats and watch anime n play video games. no human children or nothin like that just cat kids! 

@moonmaster3 what was ur username? yeah I use to frequent ib often too! mostly migrated around between ad, oa, and ib 

@fullmetal_pirate ooooh hey I rmb u too! there's a lotta ppl Ik I'm forgetting there were just so many ppl that I came across on my time on asmb. which I miss all....

Edited by Cidz
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On 9/12/2023 at 8:57 PM, Cidz said:



I remember you, largely because I just looked at my dead MAL page not too long ago and you were on the front page(from 2011, lol). I was Pimpalicious on there if that sounds at all familiar.

I've lost touch with most people from the boards, only ones I really talk to nowadays are Phillies and Bloodhawk.

11 hours ago, Cidz said:

@Raptorpat whaaaa omg that's so cool ty! 

@PokeNirvash wooow! look at you I'm super proud of you poke I rly am I'm glad ur doing well and that you got a great job that you love! sounds like you got a high degree nice. its ok we all go thru a neet phase lol. and what do u mean ur like gonna be 29???? that's like almost 30!!! omg where does time go...I'm 38 almost 40 lol. 

as for me I work at a grocery store for the past 8ish years I like it enough it pays my bills and my coworkers are cool. I work in the deli dept in the mornings but before that for a yr or so I was closing cashier. that was tiring lol. but hey a jobs a job. other than that all I do is spend time w my cats and watch anime n play video games. no human children or nothin like that just cat kids! 

@moonmaster3 what was ur username? yeah I use to frequent ib often too! mostly migrated around between ad, oa, and ib 

@fullmetal_pirate ooooh hey I rmb u too! there's a lotta ppl Ik I'm forgetting there were just so many ppl that I came across on my time on asmb. which I miss all....

literally same as it is here! but iirc ppl just called me Moon or moonmaster lol


Oh wow! In a fit of nostalgia I came here from reddit! So amazing to read all these names that bring back such good memories! I remember PokeNirvash, fullmetal_pirate, and also Metatronda, Ghost of a librarian, Cille, bherman, redring, lunapark and a lot more I'm regrettably forgetting right now! I was port_a_john!

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On 9/12/2023 at 9:57 PM, Cidz said:

CAC ah idk what happened to him either but i hope hes doing well I lost touch w him and miss him too.

Idk what happened to me either, but I'm still around and miss you too!

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