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I hate to stereotype them, but millenial ladies just seem to have attitude probs

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I can't do that! I need to procreate and make a lot of descendants with a hot girl of my choosing!

Please don't ever say that again and certainly, please, never spawn whut



I can't do that! I need to procreate and make a lot of descendants with a hot girl of my choosing!

I'm an alpha and I will make all kinds of babies with the hot bitches!



I can already see it now.... Zeni Jr gets a thread moved on here from FFA to Rants twenty some odd years from now, and he gets up in Luuv's grill and says, "Do you KNOW who my father is?!"


This isn't your ex gf, this is a fake profile.




If this is who you're referring to, she was never your girlfriend and isn't trying to kill you. Do you mean internet girlfriend? She might have told you she would be your internet girlfriend in order to try to get money however all those fake OKC profiles even manage to do that, but she wasn't your girlfriend in any real sense.


you realize I said 6 years ago

this was what she looked like from that time



and yes she is legal almost got a panic attack when I first met her

what she looking like now I had no clue until she posted a link via fb


we broke up but we do talk still that was until she destroyed my first car and I pressed charges and sued



I can already see it now.... Zeni Jr gets a thread moved on here from FFA to Rants twenty some odd years from now, and he gets up in Luuv's grill and says, "Do you KNOW who my father is?!"

Very high expectations in that fantasy -_'


She's pretty cuuuuuuuuuute... <3


and extremely feisty

and has a huge liabo in sex


still not sure how my back didn't give out back then :|


you realize I said 6 years ago

this was what she looked like from that time



and yes she is legal almost got a panic attack when I first met her

what she looking like now I had no clue until she posted a link via fb


we broke up but we do talk still that was until she destroyed my first car and I pressed charges and sued


The current OKC profile picture of your "ex" has been on the internet for several years, and the profile has all the hallmarks of a fake account.


That OKC profile picture has been on the internet for several years.


do I look like I pay attention?

all I know was she make the comment on FB and gave a link




Theres always test tube babies I guess  -_'


the divorce is strong

although with how zeni is you getting money would be as bad as kwame kilpatrick saying he's innocent


do I look like I pay attention?

all I know was she make the comment on FB and gave a link


Okay, maybe she uses a years-old pic of herself in which she looks much different from the slightly older pic of her that you shared. Are you facebook friends w your ex who is trying to kill you?


Also i don't understand this:


we broke up but we do talk still that was until she destroyed my first car and I pressed charges and sued


Give me a timeline of events here. You dated her when she was 19 or 20, broke up, still talked to her, ??, she destroys your car, you sue, now she is trying to kill you?


Theres always test tube babies I guess  -_'

Zeni ever getting his dick wet was only part of it, the other was expecting the place to be here 20 years from now :D


Okay, maybe she's using someone else's old pic as her current pic for some reason. Are you facebook friends w your ex who is trying to kill you?



was trying she gave up after the restraining order was placed on her

it wasn't a bad relationship I just never knew how crazy she can get when she skips her meds  ::D::


Give me a timeline of events here. You dated her when she was 19 or 20, broke up, still talked to her, ??, she destroys your car, you sue, now she is trying to kill you?


let's see I'm 25 shes 26  we were a year difference but had alot in common

we broke up about 2 years later after she forget her meds "bipolar" didn't know that while dating her she had a mood swing while I was driving so that's part of the issue


I talked to her friend a few days ago turns out her meds controls her mood when I was dating her she kept skipping on taking them so that was major issue that still scares me to this day

the lawsuit fell thru after the courts deemed us both unstable "mainly her" at the time I gave up on the lawsuit however she took it personally which apparently meant I should be allowed to live since I hurt her  :|

as of right now I'm still puzzled and confused from her actions




was trying she gave up after the restraining order was placed on her

it wasn't a bad relationship I just never knew how crazy she can get when she skips her meds  ::D::


let's see I'm 25 shes 26  we were a year difference but had alot in common

we broke up about 2 years later after she forget her meds "bipolar" didn't know that while dating her she had a mood swing while I was driving so that's part of the issue


I talked to her friend a few days ago turns out her meds controls her mood when I was dating her she kept skipping on taking them so that was major issue that still scares me to this day

the lawsuit fell thru after the courts deemed us both unstable "mainly her" at the time I gave up on the lawsuit however she took it personally which apparently meant I should be allowed to live since I hurt her  :|

as of right now I'm still puzzled and confused from her actions


Okay, so let me get all this straight. You're 25 right now today, and she is 26 right now today, in 2017, correct?


You first met her when you were an adult teen and "almost had a panic attack" because you thought she was underage. Okay.


And as an adult teen, this was your 12th girlfriend at the time. Throughout your teen years you dated 11 girls prior to her. Okay...


You dated for 2 years, she did something crazy while you were driving causing your car to be destroyed, you broke up and tried to sue her for damages, and the court dismissed the suit because you were both deemed unstable. Okay.


For this reason she was "trying to kill you" until you got a restraining order and now she no longer is trying to kill you. Okay.


Her current OKC profile pic has been on the internet since at least mid-2013, meaning it was taken either near the end of your relationship or soon after it had ended, but you had never seen it until she posted a link to her OKC on Facebook, which I personally have never seen anyone do, ever. Okay.


Is everything here correct?


Okay, so let me get all this straight. You're 25 right now today, and she is 26 right now today, in 2017, correct?


You first met her when you were an adult teen and "almost had a panic attack" because you thought she was underage. Okay.


And as an adult teen, this was your 12th girlfriend at the time. Throughout your teen years you dated 11 girls prior to her. Okay...


You dated for 2 years, she did something crazy while you were driving causing your car to be destroyed, you broke up and tried to sue her for damages, and the court dismissed the suit because you were both deemed unstable. Okay.


For this reason she was "trying to kill you" until you got a restraining order and now she no longer is trying to kill you. Okay.


Her current OKC profile pic has been on the internet since at least mid-2013, meaning it was taken either near the end of your relationship or soon after it had ended, but you had never seen it until she posted a link to her OKC on Facebook, which I personally have never seen anyone do, ever. Okay.


Is everything here correct?



the worst part about you harassing these girls is that you do it just so you can make these threads here


I've long since come to this conclusion too, and it is by far the saddest thing about all this. It would be one thing to make it all up and post about it here, but he actually really does it and takes screen caps and posts them here, just to troll us. Zeni really needs a hobby. I mean, other than trolling us and Ok Cupid. How desperate zeni is for attention from THIS tiny, meaningless in the grand scheme of things board that he goes to these extreme lengths makes him the most pathetic person I've ever come across, whether it be irl or on the Internet.






One last question. When did you first see her OKC? How long ago did she link to it in a post she made on Facebook, and what was the context? Like did she just say "hey friends, check out my fake looking dating site profile with a 2013 pic and no information filled out!" ?




One last question. When did you first see her OKC? How long ago did she link to it in a post she made on Facebook, and what was the context? Like did she just say "hey friends, check out my fake looking dating site profile with a 2013 pic and no information filled out!" ?



about 3 days ago

and it said .....  she blocked me so all I ever got was a link sent to me by her friend



about 3 days ago

and it said .....  she blocked me so all I ever got was a link sent to me by her friend




Well I don't think that's your ex's OkCupid profile, it's a fake account.




Well I don't think that's your ex's OkCupid profile, it's a fake account.


oh good

cause from experience no dude would last long with her

and I mean sex




Guys, I've been doing this for years haha. The truth is that I have a problem and I need help. My problem is that I'm too sexy and appealing for my own good, and the help I need is to discover how to open the Pandora Box to a girl's heart and I ain't talking about no God of War. :)


Guys, I've been doing this for years haha. The truth is that I have a problem and I need help. My problem is that I'm too sexy and appealing for my own good, and the help I need is to discover how to open the Pandora Box to a girl's heart and I ain't talking about no God of War. :)


Guys, I've been doing this for years haha. The truth is that I have a problem and I need help. My problem is that I'm too sexy and appealing for my own good, and the help I need is to discover how to open the Pandora Box to a girl's heart and I ain't talking about no God of War. :)


Why don't you just start out by making some friends? Male, female, whatever.


Why don't you just start out by making some friends? Male, female, whatever.



I have plenty of friends. Tiger, for starters is a lifelong friend, and those are hard to come by. Trust me, I've got the goods in the friends department.



I have plenty of friends. Tiger, for starters is a lifelong friend, and those are hard to come by. Trust me, I've got the goods in the friends department.


Why do I keep replying seriously to this Calvin and Hobbes motherfucker


Guys, I've been doing this for years haha. The truth is that I have a problem and I need help. My problem is that I'm too sexy and appealing for my own good, and the help I need is to discover how to open the Pandora Box to a girl's heart and I ain't talking about no God of War. :)

I will help you by ignoring you. Not by using any ignore feature but I'm just not going to reply to your threads.

I suggest others do the same at least for the sake of the women you harass for our entertainment  -_'



Buh bye Zeni


I will help you by ignoring you. Not by using any ignore feature but I'm just not going to reply to your threads.

I suggest others do the same at least for the sake of the women you harass for our entertainment  -_'



Buh bye Zeni


Might just move them offline

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