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I hate to stereotype them, but millenial ladies just seem to have attitude probs

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Lmao, that picture you use



So. God. Damn. Sexy.



I need to take some new shirtless pics and put them up. Can't wait to meet some of these girls and have s-s-s-s-ex with themmmmm.  <3


I honestly don't really want to know but .....do you ever talk to your mother like this? how the hell do you actually go about your day acting like this?



Maybe because I'm an alpha male?






Maybe because I'm an alpha male?



your not an alpha  ...I have no fucking clue WHAT the hell you are but your slowly revealing yourself to be NOT HUMAN either ...for fucksake get that tumor in your head checked already.



your not an alpha  ...I have no fucking clue WHAT the hell you are but your slowly revealing yourself to be NOT HUMAN either ...for fucksake get that tumor in your head checked already.




Dude, you're flipping out like Nicholas Cage in Matchstick Men in the pharmacy scene when he was off his meds!!! You're losing it, man!!!!!!  >:D


No zeni, we are talking about scotch.



18 year old... scotch? Are you a drinking amateur or something? That would be crap.



He's talking about WOMEN, an area in which you have VERY limited experience!


She's way too sociable though, and I'm draining beers non-stop to try and keep up with her because she wouldn't understand my lone wolf warrior nature, so I have to keep pounding these beers down in order to transform into a social butterfly like a fcking Pokémon so that I can meet up with her and have crazy hot sex in her room while her parents are working!!!


She has what we call a narcissistic personality disorder and a heightened sense of delusion.



She thinks just because I messaged her that I'm infatuated with her and whatnot, but I put her in her place and let her know how it really is. Her ego is shattered, which needs to happen to a lot of girls basically. :D


We can't ignore the problem America is having with these out-of-control millennials, and we need to find an effective solution for it. The alpha male solution to the problem has been counteracted with feminism and Lifetime movies that spin perfectly normal guys into abusive monsters. We need to fight back against this counterproductive social agenda and find a solution! It reminds me of the temptation to join the vampires or werewolves in any of the Elder Scrolls games, but then I just resist the temptation and perform the noble act of joining the Imperial army.


And Ima certified G (for gonad),


And a boner-fied dud!!


And you




That.!!!  <3 ;)


Bada-boom, fakest bitch in the room!!






I'll be damned.

I actually agree with this.

Guest The Hound

You actually have to troll them



See this one chick I'm talking to started by noticing she was self depreciating and talking about being dumpster material etc on her profile, so I asked her a comical question - what kind of inanimate object she can personally relate to, she said a used up douche, so i subsequently told her i'm a fresh one ripe for insertion



long story short we fkt











get at me bro












Guest The Hound

you keep trying to go for these preppy white bitches and they want nothing to do with you because you don't know how to talk to them



lower your standards and go for some gutter trash if you're really that desperate to get laid


You actually have to troll them



See this one chick I'm talking to started by noticing she was self depreciating and talking about being dumpster material etc on her profile, so I asked her a comical question - what kind of inanimate object she can personally relate to, she said a used up douche, so i subsequently told her i'm a fresh one ripe for insertion



long story short we fkt











get at me bro











Worse than zeni

Guest The Hound




she was kinky as fuck i only did what i needed to do -_'

Guest The Hound

Worse than zeni





Viper, you're such an amateur when it comes to dealing with women.



Like I said, I got her number. First night talking to her. I'm the man. I run OkCupid basically. <3



Beta males like you don't know sh-t!

Guest The Hound

So, are you salivating over the dick pic "she" sent you zeni?





You're just failing so hard at trying to be edgy. You copied stilgar, a loser, and thought it would be cool, but it made you look like you'd never even kissed a girl.

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