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Last week's episode was something of a breather, as Riko was knocked out while Reg went to get the ingredients needed to free her. Oh, and Nanachi did some stuff. And their pet did some stuff also, but it was somewhat creepy. Now, after Reg has a strange vision of the grove where Lyza's supposed grave is, it seems like high time to discover some more info about the Abyss.


Oh, and here's some much-needed info on Season 2. Have fun!


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"Gentlemen! I have genetically spliced the double helix of a raw pork tenderloin, with that of my roommate, Mitty!"


"Hell yes, whoa!"




"Come here, Mitty... and pay your half of the utilities! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Didn't expect to see the surface again.

And ships?  So they don't have to live even around the Abyss which is apparently cursed as well?!


So we got an explanation for the titular Curse. I probably could've figured it out like that with enough time, but it was neat to see Reg and Nanachi play woth the floaty CG cloak. And then, for good measure, a freakadelic scene with Riko wrapped in a bag of flesh. I'm assuming that's what Mitty has become; good thing they can't hurt anyone.

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