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1 hour ago, elfie said:

Is Tolkien/D&D THAT strong an influence in our culture?

You mean their culture? 

D&D inspired some early video game in Japan. The game also is what made Kobolds into dog/wolf type monsters and Orcs into pig monsters instead of the lizard/dragon and green humanoids that they are in D&D. Though I think it's more used just because to the Japanese Medieval Europe settings are the most foreign to them and a way for the character to stand out.  Also they have odd power fantasy reasons. Like a middle school kid that wasn't even captain of the kendo team; being the greatest swordsman in all of Europe simply because of muh Bushido superior 10k folded nippon steel katana samurai. pic not isekai but it happens to lesser extents in other isekai. The hero eventually gets a katana and it's just a game changer on stylin on barbaric knight scrubs. Also they'll either be way too cool and serious all the time, or just a super nice guy that gets into serious fedora mode when they see elderly, women, or children being harmed or disrespected.  


Then there are series like Soul Eater/Fire Force where I think the mangaka is a King Arthur otaku. The insert of Knights and Excalibur etc I think might be self referential humor. The characters used are kinda humor characters, but at the same time they're possibly the strongest characters in each series if their conditions are met. Hell if Arthur Boyle from FF and Excalibur from SE joined forces it would probably result in an unstoppable character, because Arthur would without a doubt follow all of Excalibur's conditions happily. 


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59 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

They've known but they just don't care. Like Cartoon Network it's more about profit than it is about quality. 

This is also why Western influence is such a double edged sword.  As companies struggle to maintain independence, they also gain insights and ideas for plots and ideas that an overly insular community may lack.  And sometimes that does well, like how Ghost of Tsushima did as a game.  What matters at the end of the day for the block is getting the best examples of a genre rather than completely ignoring it because of a lot of bad entries, while the audience will eventually move people past the fad.  At this point, all we can do is support series that go against those fads.



FUN FACT: The studio the above two animators belong to is actually a subcontractor who's only ever worked primary production on two anime, both of which were co-pros.

logo.jpg (eps 4-6 only)


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14 hours ago, Daos said:

Can I interest you in a hot new sci fi show from Bandai?


Crest/Banner was a fucking masterpiece.  The late 90s and early 00s had so much great sci-fi shit being produced.

4 hours ago, Top Gun said:

Crest/Banner was a fucking masterpiece.  The late 90s and early 00s had so much great sci-fi shit being produced.

It's also got like the worst dub ever.

Didn't FUNI get the rights to it? Don't know why they just shelved a release if so.

3 hours ago, MasqueradeOverture said:

It's also got like the worst dub ever.

Didn't FUNI get the rights to it? Don't know why they just shelved a release if so.

If you think that's the worst dub, you haven't heard actual bad dubs. :D A lot of the cast is pretty stilted and awkward throughout much of Crest, but they improve significantly by Banner.  I'm not going to say it was a particularly good dub, but it hit my threshold for "listenable."

And what do you mean?  FUNi released it a year or two ago.

9 hours ago, Top Gun said:

If you think that's the worst dub, you haven't heard actual bad dubs. :D A lot of the cast is pretty stilted and awkward throughout much of Crest, but they improve significantly by Banner.  I'm not going to say it was a particularly good dub, but it hit my threshold for "listenable."

And what do you mean?  FUNi released it a year or two ago.

Not "literal" worst dub, but about the same as the first 13 episodes of Utena which is way below what I can tolerate.

They did release it? Huh.

On 7/19/2020 at 4:18 AM, HardcoreHunter said:

Kekk was a horrible show. If the manga is good then good for it, but the anime was terrible. I'm pretty sure Soul Eater did air; I'm actually positive it did. 

ASA and Toonami are the same exact block to me. Just remove tom and it's the same block. Hell when Toonami took over it was still showing a lot of the same exact shows that ASA had been airing at the time. 

As for the Staff I still think that they're horribly out of touch; or have very particular tastes in series that they don't like to diverge from. I think there is also just an issue with the type of anime being produced today vs when AS/T were starting. It also doesn't help that back in the day they were the only game in town for this sort of content, and now there are a handful of streaming services and the internet to contend with.

As much as I advocate them getting series like Konosuba or Overlord at the same time those are series which have been around for a while now. It would still be new to some people but nothing like it was back in the day. When Cowboy Bebop first aired on Adult Swim. There was no way you'd have seen that unless you had the VHS or a bootleg. When Naruto first aired on Toonami internet streams were 144p (the p stands for potato), and torrents would take over a day to get just one episode. 

I also don't think that they really watch many anime themselves to find out what a show is really like. A lot of series now have added moe, slice of life, and isekai masks onto their series that get kinda subverted if you watch them. For the Toonami staff they have to immediately see some sort of cool factor that appeals to them; like a kid in the 90s picking a movie out to rent based only on how cool the cover is. 

It wasn't a horrible show.  Plenty of people enjoyed Kekkaishi.  I liked that the fights were more about tactics and strategy than power and strength.  And destroying enemies with those Kekkais was a very unique fighting system which only got more and more creative as the series progressed.  Also characters that might not be as good in fights can still be useful in their own way.  Again, it's not all about POWAR.  And the manga is highly praised.  The anime is good, and the manga continues that same story, and improves, and gets great.  I very much recommend anyone read the manga if they get the chance.  Plenty of time now... 

I actually found the character of Gen highly relatable.  His struggles with his demon powers made me think of my own struggles with anger issues at the time.  And I'm "abnormal" like Gen, too, what with having Asperger's, and bipolar disorder.  When Yoshimori told Gen that he isn't a monster, it helped me get rid of a lot of the self-hatred and guilt I had been having for a long time up until then.  Hell, I had been suicidal as early as 6th grade.  It was like I has an epiphany.  I actually made a thread about it at the time.  And I've gotten much better at dealing with my anger since then.  Obviously, Asperger's and bipolar disorder can't be cured, but you can learn to better self-treat and manage them, and try to adapt better to the world.  I can tell you I certainly didn't ask to be this way.  But I have been trying my best over the past several years.

Soul Eater did not air.  I remember it very well because people threw a big fit that Kekkaishi was the new pick-up and not Soul Eater, and so didn't give Kekkaishi a fair chance.  They were already prejudiced against it because it wasn't the show THEY wanted.  Toonami aired Soul Eater years later, well beyond the peak of its popularity and hype.  It was rectifying a mistake of ASA's.  I don't regret ASA getting Kekkaishi, though, obviously.  But they still should have gotten Soul Eater at some point.

It's like you didn't hear anything I said.  And now you're going to get me going on a rant.  Toonami and ASA had totally different people running them, different style, atmosphere, feel, and introduction and packaging, different kinds of shows.

Toonami had Tom and Sara, CGI fictional cartoon character mascots, and a whole universe to itself, with those events they would do.  Toonami would do game reviews, play music videos, and interview people. 

ASA had no real mascots or hosts, spokesmen, of sorts, to speak of, and certainly they didn't try to create their own universe, and I don't remember any interviews, reviews, or any other kinds of specials or extras. 

They had the black and white bumps, and would take questions and comments from fans.  A lot of times they would lightheartedly tease or make fun of the fans and shows in the bumps, or just in general.  They would do April Fool's stunts, wholly an Adult Swim tradition, doing things like adding sound effects or putting mustaches on characters.  They even did it to the serious Sango and Kohaku backstory episode!  They even put a damn mustache on the Shikon Jewel!  Of course, many anime fans, taking themselves and the medium too seriously, and unable to take a joke, took things like this as ADULT SWIM HATES ANIME!  Yes, a network that provides a home for anime for years hates anime.  Makes so much sense. 

But I enjoyed those bumps!  One of the viewer comments that mentioned in nerdy joke fashion how the Tessaiga goes from katana to falchion and gains extra attack points... that's how I found out Tessaiga was a falchion!  And what a falchion was!  The bumps were informative and funny.  There was less personality to it and it was the network talking directly to the fans, no characters, but they had their appeal just as Tom and Sara did, but in a different way. 

After all, most other networks wouldn't talk to their fans like that, if at all.  You don't get things like the black and white bumps, or Tom and Sara, all the time with TV.  Just like you don't get a lot of Joe Bob Briggs.  Both felt special, but totally different from each other.

Then there was the shows themselves.  Toonami shows were usually, generally more action packed and not often the most cerebral, and geared for a younger audience.  ASA shows were generally more mature and dark, often more thought provoking.  They had their action, but had a lot more quiet calm moments.  ASA had Cowboy Bebop and Trigun, often aired back to back and perfect complement to each other, Ghost in the Shell, etc.  Mature, deep, serious shows with lots of parts that people who like the more frenetic shows would find boring. 

Even within the same genre or age range, demographic, if you will, Toonami had Dragon Ball/Z/GT, Naruto, and One Piece.  ASA had Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, and InuYasha. 

Bleach was part of The Big Three with Naruto and One Piece, but it was always regarded as more serious and grown up, more mature, more "cool," than the others.  It deals with grim reaper samurai fighting monsters who are ghosts that lost their way and even hurt their own loved ones, then they're trying to fight one of their own who is trying to get to Heaven to kill God.  Ichigo lost his own mother to a Hollow.  People are dying and horrible things happen to them from the first episode, people have horrible, tragic, violent backstories, etc.  The characters are older, and even though they are stated to be teenagers, Kubo drew them like they are college students, a common thing in anime actually.

Naruto was regarded as "cool" too, and it had some dark, tragic, and serious stuff going down.  Characters died.  It came off as more mature than One Piece, but it still had Naruto having a diarrhea attack from eating spoiled milk like a dumbass, literally winning a fight by farting, and the show was literally about children. 

One Piece of course came off as very childish and lighthearted, and as much as people want to claim, this wasn't exaggerated THAT much by the 4Kids version.  Hell, I swear some of the characters that somehow didn't die, like that bird guy, came off like something 4Kids put in.  Then of course the characters looked very cartoonish and un-anime-like, just made many fans regard it as kiddy, juvenile, and definitely not "cool" like Bleach, or to a lesser extent, Naruto.  I don't think these fans would feel much different if it wasn't 4kids-ized, either.  And of course no one dies in the whole show for hundreds of episodes past wherever both Toonamis would dream of getting.  I still loved One Piece though, even with the 4Kids stuff in there.

Fullmetal Alchemist, I mean it's obvious.  The show starts with the brothers' mother dying and them trying to bring her back with disastrous results, Ed losing his arm and leg and Al his whole body.  The show is dark as fuck, especially 03.  Both shows get very philosophical too.  No way that would be on Toonami.

InuYasha again has a horrible, violent, tragic backstory to start things out.  There's lots of violence and horrible shit happening and body horror on a weekly basis.  Then there is romance aspect, the sexuality and the nudity.  No way that ever airs on Toonami.  InuYasha may be Shonen, but it's a lot more mature and darker than others.  And of course deals with death and past relationships, dealing with that, Inuyasha has to mature and grow up over the course of the series.  And the fact it has Kagome and Inuyasha as co-leads, fish out of water story, action, drama, and romance, it appeals to everyone, but it's not a Toonami show.

The shows that most felt like ASA shows on Toonami, would be Big O, and Blue Submarine No. 6.  Maybe Kenshin. 

Big O had action, but had plenty of quiet and calm, thinking moments, and got VERY philosophical.  It straight up fucked with your head.  But the fact it felt a lot like Batman TAS in ways, but with robots, helped it fit in.  Most of the violence was with robots too, and little to no nudity that I can recall.

Blue Sub 6 was about the most awful and dystopian depressing thing they could have aired.

Kenshin was good because it was a Shonen where the main character wasn't a dumbass.  It was about a samurai that swore to never kill again.  I mean maybe that gimmick had it in its favor for Toonami, but this was still a guy who killed tons of people in his past, and people were bound to die in the show eventually, which of course they did.  Hell, you had the one girl who was suicidal, and there was opium trade.  And all I talked about was in the same arc!  It somehow managed to make it onto Toonami.  A great show, honestly, it's too bad about... eh.

Dragon Ball I shouldn't have to explain.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows, and has a lot of tragic and sad moments, sympathetic and compelling characters, and great interactions between them, it matures more as it goes along, and of course Toonami showed the more mature Z portion first.  But it of course fit in perfectly on Toonami with a few edits, has plenty of action.  Hell, how many times do we hear people don't watch it for the writing?

You're seriously going to use that?  The April Fool's experiment was just that.  When Toonami returned it was under a shoestring budget.  They recycled old Tom segments and only got 2 new shows, and maybe not the best ones to reintroduce Toonami with, at that, especially Casshern Sins.  Also Casshern and Deadman Wonderland went together with each other about as well as oil and water. 

But do you really think they would just stop a bunch of shows mid-run?  Or stop airing Bleach, with how successful it was for the block, and popular it was with fans?  Hell, I bet Demarco wishes he had Bleach now.  It should also be noted that this Toonami wasn't meant to be just like the old Toonami.  This was Toonami on Adult Swim.  The block grew up and matured with its fanbase (well some of the fans anyway, lul.)  This is actually why they got something like Deadman Wonderland in the first place.  Look at how DARK AND VIOLENT AND EDGY Toonami can get now!  It's not like the Toonami you remember!  Of course in Casshern's case this was misguided.  An overly depressing show that has tons of build up, then wastes time on the pink haired girls personal issues, then has to have a rushed and unsatisfying ending.

But, this also would explain why it was justified and made sense to keep ASA shows, besides the fact ASA had been absorbed and replaced by Toonami and these shows and their future sequels and spin-offs would have nowhere to go, they fit just fine, because Toonami was more mature now.

But this wasn't ASA anymore.  So you wouldn't see all the kinds of picks you'd see ASA get in the past, and more importantly, Toonami would get shows ASA was too incompetent or had too poor taste to get.  They also got Soul Eater and Gurren Lagann, which should have aired on ASA.  So we would get a lot of good shows we wouldn't have dreamed of ASA getting, and certainly way more new shows than ASA would ever get.  But as far as the most pure, ASA-like shows, would be things like Michiko & Hatchin, Megalobox, maybe Black Lagoon.  Hellsing I think never would have been on ASA and sure as hell not original Toonami.  Only Adult Swim Toonami could have and would have aired Hellsing.  But there certainly are less of the obscure unexpected picks on Adult Swim Toonami.

At the same time, you won't see things only original Toonami would have aired, either.  Don't expect to see something like Zatch Bell on the block.

So, no, they aren't the same at all, but this Toonami isn't like the old Toonami, either, it's a whole new animal.

They are both out of touch and have horrible taste.  They have gotten the obvious hit shows it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they should put on, which ASA would often be too stupid to get, but that's really not much of a feat or something deserving of such high praise.  Then at the same time, they pass over other seeming surefire hits.  They also won't air stuff just because they don't like it, which is the stupidest fucking thing.

That is exactly what happens, actually.  They watch like 3 episodes of shows and if they like what they see, they get the show.  This is what happened with Tenchi Muyo GXP, which backfired spectacularly.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 7/19/2020 at 10:24 AM, Distinct Lunatic said:

Kekkaishi I remember being added back in 2011, it still being ASA back then. Not gonna lie, parts of it felt like a Bleach clone, such as the older brother being a captain of the gotei 13whatever the hell that group is called. There were a few other things that stood out to me, like that one woman that worked for the big baddies that looked very much so like Rukia.

I still liked the series, and I intended to read the manga at one point but never gotten around to it.

Back with "Toonami" on AS, it quite literally was just ASA but with Tom. Back then for reasons unknown they chose to start the block off with DW and Casshern Sins... DW was decent enough, read the whole manga many years ago but it didn't feel like the type of show you'd want to use to launch the block, and especially not Casshern Sins. I watched it all the way through back then, and I'd say a solid 70-80% of everything in it was a literal waste of time and was insanely boring to watch. The only thing worse then that was the Tenchi Muyo series. I don't think the Akame ga Kill anime existed back at that time, but even with how much I fucking hate that series it'd have suited the block better than those 2 shows.

Kekkaishi is a great manga.  You should check it out.  I never thought about Kekkaishi being similar to Bleach.  It was more close to InuYasha to me.  The Ayakashi from Kekkaishi were similar to the types of creatures the demons were in Inuyasha.  There's even demon dogs.  And the characters wore similar outfits (Yoshimori looked especially like Miroku) and had similar roles, to fight these Ayakashi and protect people.  His brother was a captain of something yeah haha.  Group of 12 apparently is what they were called lmao.  Masamori had the cool older brother thing too, like Sesshomaru, or Bayakuya? :P And he had that awesome fish!  And he was 21?!  He looked like he was in his 30s at least! 

But, the Shadow Organization is for fighting Ayakashi, it almost makes me think of, as if the demons in modern day Japan still existed in InuYasha, there could be a now secret organization fighting them.  And this is what the Shadow Organization is basically.  That actually wouldn't be a bad idea to make something like that in the new InuYasha series, since one of Sesshomaru's daughters gets stuck in present day Japan, she could find out about it and become a part of it.  I also find it hard to believe all the demons went extinct either.

I don't remember a girl looking like Rukia.  I feel like I should remember that lol.

But, Demon Slayer feels more similar to InuYasha, Bleach, and Kekkaishi, than Kekkaishi does to Bleach, to me.  The parallels of Demon Slayer to InuYasha are obvious and have been discussed, but that Demon Slayer Corps is a lot like the Shadow Organization, a secret organization to fight demons, except Demon Slayer is in the late 1800s or turn of the century?  Not sure when it takes place.  There were power lines and electricity, and a steam train.  They have the whole crow thing going on like Masamori's Night Troop had, wear similar clothes, have captains and squads etc, which is both in common with Bleach, too, though.






I forgot about the mark on Yoshimori's hand.  That's like Miroku too, haha.  And of course, the staffs.  But it was just a mark that showed they are the true successors to something or other.  I think Tokine has it on her boob lol.


Hmm I guess Tanjiro (which I've been misspelling as Tanjuro this whole time apparently,) doesn't look as much like Miroku and Yoshimori as I thought.  No, actually, he looks like if Miroku slicked his hair back and became a Soul Reaper.  And Tanjiro and Miroku both have earrings, but Yoshimori doesn't.  He even has his black uniform personalized with a small touch, like most of the Soul Reapers do.  I guess the only real similarity Tanjiro and Yoshimori would have in appearance is the dark uniform with baggy pants and the dark hair.  I thought Yoshimori wore sandals, but he doesn't.  Tokine does.  He wears some kind of slip on shoes, and also a watch and backpack that aren't traditional and old school.  Of course Tanjiro has a sword and not a staff.  But I know someone else with a black sword though, lul.

One thing I will say for Kekkaishi is the author drew the characters to look their age (except Masamori lmao.)  Yoshimori and Tokine are supposed to be in their mid-teens, and they look it.

I already addressed the Toonami on AS thing in my other post to Hunter.  And I agree with you that Deadman Wonderland and Casshern were not the best way to start off the new Toonami hahaha.  Still remember people losing their shit at how underwhelming the initial return was and the shows they picked.  And then people freaking that Toonami wasn't playing a bunch of the old Toonami shows lmao.  That was also when the Toonami section of the ASMB turned into a total toxic shit-fest, when it had been largely positive up to that point, during and after the April Fool's event and the grassroots effort to bring Toonami back.  I stayed out of that section for a good while after that.

GXP was the WORST (fitting theme it had lmao).  Akame ga Kill was bad, anime the anime with all the cliches and tropes they could get in there, full of thin, one-note characters, about as deep as a puddle, full of over-the-top edgelord nonsense, and forgettable.  Characters die left and right but you are never made to care about them.  BUT somewhat watchable and entertaining. 

But Tokyo Ghoul was WAY worse.  A favorite of Hot Topic's best customers with bad writing and character development, and even more edgelord nonsense, even cringier than Akame ga Kill was with it, with none of Akame's silly charm.  Also, the anti-discrimination message didn't work when the evil ghouls were going around killing people and even the "good" ghouls had to eat people to live.  How many suicide victims and morgues could the "good" ghouls raid for food?  Besides the fact they are depriving people of burying their loved ones.  This would also end up with people being "missing" indefinitely for some of the people who committed suicide.  And the show put entirely too much emphasis on coffee!  There's only so far you can take that!  It's just fucking coffee!  I've always preferred tea, anyway...

Edited by ben0119
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On 7/19/2020 at 6:28 PM, Top Gun said:

I am 100 percent in favor of Demarco continuing to avoid fucking isekai shit. It's the laziest goddamn premise for a series, and I hope the fad dies in a fire. 



On 7/19/2020 at 8:25 PM, Top Gun said:

I have zero interest in any that aren't so old that they predate the term "isekai" in the first place. Twelve Kingdoms, Escaflowne, Rayearth, that's the good shit. 


On 7/20/2020 at 9:49 AM, Daos said:

Fair enough, Freezing and Infinite Stratos it is. Harem time!

Aren't most of those Isekai series harems as well anyway?  BLEGH!

Posted (edited)
On 7/19/2020 at 1:06 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

Yeah budget is an issue to an extent. Though I feel that some series prices really shouldn't be as much of an issue. I would rather have getting a couple of good shows a year than 4 complete garbage shows that combined cost as much if not more than what it would have taken to get a couple of good ones. The problem is that DeMarco has to see the value in it himself, which he can't because he has boomer anime hipster shit taste. 


Shield Hero, Tanya, and Re Zero I'd say never. SH and Tanya would prove to be too problematic. As well I don't think that SH would fit the block well. I could see Tanya on though. However that show has pretty much been banned from anime cons so I don't think Toonami wants to deal with the sjw backlash of people who can't tell a fictional WWI setting apart from a fictional WWII setting.  Re-Zero has the problem of having the slowest first 12 episodes in any anime ever. The groundhog day nature of it I think would be a turn off towards the majority of viewers.  Overlord probably has the highest chance of getting picked up, but even that show has some casual filter arcs that won't be liked by many viewers. Konosuba I think would work great; but again DeMarco's shit taste I doubt he'd ever air it. 

I like toonami, but I feel that it's held back a lot by its staff from doing better. Yeah I've been more active on here. Kinda the result of the world falling apart and not having much else to do. Really I should be working on my videogame backlog lol. 

I don't think that they ever really imposed that onto themselves. I mean they've shown plenty of older series. It also depends on what the studios are charging them for different series. I think Toonami has been trying to catch lighting in a bottle, and grabbing shows while they're in concept before even getting animated; then hoping it's a hit. Their logic is that this will bring the most profit for them, because after the show is already a hit in Japan, they'll have to pay even more money for it. 

LMAO you described Demarco a tee!

IRONIC.  Demarco originally co-founded Toonami to rebel against the other cartoon blocks at the time and do something foreword thinking and different.  Now, Demarco has become one of those out of touch network dinosaurs himself!

Given Demarco's behavior on Twitter, Ask.fm, and elsewhere, I doubt he cares about offending anyone or SJWs.  And what he has aired already.  I mean, could any of the stuff that happens in those shows really be more offensive than what we have seen in SAO, JoJo, Hellsing, Black Lagoon, Deadman Wonderland, Tokyo Ghoul, or Akame ga Kill?

You may be underestimating Toonami fans or pinning them wrong, or not, I don't know.  Trying to remember, did ASA air Baccano?  Only similar example I can think of, but it was all Pulp Fiction'd, not Groundhog Day.  Either way, people had to watch Re: Zero week to week originally when it came out.

Isn't Konosuba just another isekai harem show?  Ovelord has... disturbing implications, from what I'm aware of.

You showed back up before covid happened.  I think a lot of just assumed you were dead, or moved on from anime, or at least ASMB/UE community.  I've got a videogame backlog too lol.  Still cracking away at it, and right now I am cleaning and reorganizing my room, and other parts of the house.  Now since my glasses are gone, I am forced to play handheld systems. T__T  It's just as well since I have backlogs there too.  I'm also watching all the Forensic Files episodes, and started watching Seinfeld again.

Yeah that worked out real well for them with Dimension W.  Also no way are most of their originals going to be huge gangbusters hits.  They will gain cult followings if they are lucky.  And I can guarantee you most people are not going to give a shit about Uzumaki.  Sure in this current environment with competition from streaming services they need originals or at least get it in on shows right off the bat, but they are lousy with their picks on these originals and world premieres, and they STILL need to pick up established hits, newer the better, but later is sometimes better than nothing, possibly in the case of some of the shows you, Daos, and others commonly mention.

Edited by ben0119
  • Like 1
On 7/19/2020 at 2:19 PM, elfie said:

To this day, none of the five (six, now) series that have crossed over in Isekai Quartet have been run on Toonami, despite them all having dubs. Sword Art Online is the only recent isekai anime that they still run because it's the Dragonball Z of isekais. I guarantee you than if SAO wasn't even a smidgen less popular than it is, DeMarco wouldn't give it the time of day. I can't remember a single positive thing he has said about it.


On 7/19/2020 at 2:45 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

Yeah without a doubt about SAO only being on the block due to having a large fandom. I don't care what DeMarco says; he 100% doesn't like isekai series. It's been like half if not more of all the anime being produced for the last five years. Toonami has only managed to get the one; which also happens to be the least isekai of them aside from season 1. 

On the Pre-Flight episode where they discussed SAO, the only thing Demarco said he didn't like was when the series goes too hard into the teen soap opera stuff.  Is that site still around that catalogs the episodes?  It should be up there.  Then on Twitter or somewhere, discussing the rapisodes, he said how you shouldn't discount an entire series that is otherwise good just because of a bad scene or two.

Well he has refused to air other things that have large fandom.  He wouldn't air Yugioh, probably because they're on Adult Swim now, and flat refused to air Panty and Stocking.  Also funny enough, Demarco said he hates .hack and would have never aired it on Toonami, when someone was asking him about regular CN running it at 5 in the morning or whatever it was.  Ah, thank ye olde programmable VCR.

Demarco said he has nothing against Isekai but just wasn't able to air any others.  But he also said "I'm sure will Boruto be back at some point," and claimed back then they didn't renew it for now, to be able to run other shows or something along those lines, it was about the most bullshitting thing he could say, then of course later on he says there are no current plans to bring it back.  Surely Demarco wouldn't LIE or bullshit, would he?  Also, how much effort did he put in to get those other isekai shows?  I doubt as much as he did get stupid Gundam back, like he was a fucking a peace negotiatior or some shit.

  • Like 2
On 7/19/2020 at 10:29 PM, Jman said:

All that being said, when it comes to sloppy leftovers from the content fridge, you occasionally get some good moments.  The aforementioned GI JOE bought us this piece of patriotic insanity lovingly nicknamed “War on Terror - The Musical” that’s still better than the entirety of Rise of Cobra.

Or the Hamtaro promos -

So at least there’s that.  Ballmasterz can’t even do that much.

So THAT'S what that G.I. Joe short is from?  I know the old cartoon sure didn't look that good, and I didn't remember that in the movie.  I remember even as a kid thinking it was a dumb show, since it was a show about a war where no one died.  I liked the toys though, and their backstories.  Then I heard about how awesome the comics were, and more mature than the cartoon. 

But, I have watched and re-watched a ton of old cartoons over the past few years.  I should probably watch G.I. Joe just for completion, and especially since it is the complement to Transformers.  I've of course re-watched G1, Beast Wars, and Machines, more times than I can count.  And M.A.S.K. I have re-wartched tons of times.  But as for a 80s cartoon and toy line specifically, I actually prefer M.A.S.K. over Transformers.  Of course, M.A.S.K. didn't last past the 80s and become a multi-sequel and multi-universe juggernaut like Transformers.  But what happened to the Hasbro shared universe?  There was going to be a M.A.S.K. movie. 😧

Man, it would update so easily, and wouldn't be hard to make.  If you can make Mad Max: Fury Road or the Need for Speed movie (I use those examples and not Fast and Furious, because they don't suck and use REAL CARS AND REAL STUNTS), you can make M.A.S.K.!



1 hour ago, ben0119 said:


On the Pre-Flight episode where they discussed SAO, the only thing Demarco said he didn't like was when the series goes too hard into the teen soap opera stuff.  Is that site still around that catalogs the episodes?  It should be up there.  Then on Twitter or somewhere, discussing the rapisodes, he said how you shouldn't discount an entire series that is otherwise good just because of a bad scene or two.

Well he has refused to air other things that have large fandom.  He wouldn't air Yugioh, probably because they're on Adult Swim now, and flat refused to air Panty and Stocking.  Also funny enough, Demarco said he hates .hack and would have never aired it on Toonami, when someone was asking him about regular CN running it at 5 in the morning or whatever it was.  Ah, thank ye olde programmable VCR.

Demarco said he has nothing against Isekai but just wasn't able to air any others.  But he also said "I'm sure will Boruto be back at some point," and claimed back then they didn't renew it for now, to be able to run other shows or something along those lines, it was about the most bullshitting thing he could say, then of course later on he says there are no current plans to bring it back.  Surely Demarco wouldn't LIE or bullshit, would he?  Also, how much effort did he put in to get those other isekai shows?  I doubt as much as he did get stupid Gundam back, like he was a fucking a peace negotiatior or some shit.

A couple people here made a great point that they probably wouldn't be able to air Tanya the Evil in this political climate and country, because it's about a fictional Nazi-like military government which would hit too close to home here. Then again, if they had aired the other 5 isekais first, then they could feasibly air Isekai Quartet after that, when everyone would be familiar with the injokes from those other shows already. This would need years of prep time though.

3 hours ago, ben0119 said:


With Kekkaishi it was the one lady Aihi that legit looked like a knock off Rukia, https://kekkaishi.fandom.com/wiki/Aihi if you take a look at some of the pictures of her shown there. The one school friend of Toshimori's, Yurina https://kekkaishi.fandom.com/wiki/Yurina_Kanda honestly felt a bit of an Orihime clone with the way she acted with how she felt for the MC although Orihime isn't exactly a unique character type.        

As for the new Inuyasha series, since apparently they already put out info like Sessh's one girl being raised in modern day Japan, them saying that some degree of the show will take place in the Reiwa era, that being modern day times. Also supposedly Moroha (Inu Kagome's girl) apparently hasn't seen her parents in a long time, who knows maybe things will result in all 3 girls being stuck in modern day times. That probably won't be the main storyline there, but considering Takahashi chose to portray the characters with no visible indication of being demon (no dog ears on any of them, not even pointed ears like Sessh's) I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of action took place in modern day times. And honestly I think there should be demon action in modern day Japan (in the series) the main series was only around 500 years ago, and they've shown tons of demons that can live centuries. The most we saw was that ghost piper thing and the one mask.

2 hours ago, elfie said:

then they could feasibly air Isekai Quartet

They could but it would go against everything that DeMarco likes. The only thing he likes are battles and music you've probably never heard of. If it involves a heavy comedy, drama, romance, or slice of life element; he hates it. Isekai quartet is just everything he would hate and removes the only things he likes in an anime. "Am I out of Touch? No it's the viewers who are wrong"! 

  • Like 1
  • Haha 1
4 hours ago, ben0119 said:

did ASA air Baccano?

No we never got that. We had Black Lagoon and Durarara, but not Baccano.

4 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Either way, people had to watch Re: Zero week to week originally when it came out.


That was when it was brand new. Even then people bitched. The LN/Manga readers pretty much just did damage control half of season one to assure people it gets better. Not to mention the Dub has been on crunchy for a while. Anyone who has had interest could have watched if for free by now. 

4 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Isn't Konosuba just another isekai harem show? 

It's mostly a comedy. It's kinda like if Always Sunny in Philadelphia were an anime. The Mangaka also did Kemono Michi: Rise Up. That one isn't as good as konosuba but it gave me some laughs. 


4 hours ago, ben0119 said:

You showed back up before covid happened.  I think a lot of just assumed you were dead, or moved on from anime, or at least ASMB/UE community. 

I kept in touch with Elfie for the most part. Really I just wasn't watching toonami for a long while. The only reason I've been watching it now is for the sake of discussion on the boards. Which kinda tells how Toonami isn't in the forefront of anime anymore. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

No we never got that. We had Black Lagoon and Durarara, but not Baccano.

That was when it was brand new. Even then people bitched. The LN/Manga readers pretty much just did damage control half of season one to assure people it gets better. Not to mention the Dub has been on crunchy for a while. Anyone who has had interest could have watched if for free by now. 

It's mostly a comedy. It's kinda like if Always Sunny in Philadelphia were an anime. The Mangaka also did Kemono Michi: Rise Up. That one isn't as good as konosuba but it gave me some laughs. 


I kept in touch with Elfie for the most part. Really I just wasn't watching toonami for a long while. The only reason I've been watching it now is for the sake of discussion on the boards. Which kinda tells how Toonami isn't in the forefront of anime anymore. 

To be clear, we only got the first season of Durarara. They never aired Season 2.

Yeah Ben, he's been around online all the time. the main reason he's here more often is because COVID changed his schedule to the point where he has more free time to spend here and watching Toonami.

Edited by elfie
Posted (edited)
On 7/26/2020 at 9:56 AM, elfie said:

A couple people here made a great point that they probably wouldn't be able to air Tanya the Evil in this political climate and country, because it's about a fictional Nazi-like military government which would hit too close to home here. Then again, if they had aired the other 5 isekais first, then they could feasibly air Isekai Quartet after that, when everyone would be familiar with the injokes from those other shows already. This would need years of prep time though.

I mentioned that I doubted Tanya the Evil could be more offensive than stuff that was shown in the likes of SAO, JoJo, Hellsing, Black Lagoon, Deadman Wonderland, Tokyo Ghoul, or Akame ga Kill.  But a lot of that stuff was a while ago.  Though actual Adult Swim and Toonami viewers have never really been overly offended by stuff that didn't justify it.  I would say the SAO rapisodes are justifiable to offended with, and had enough backlash to get the author to stop using rape in the stories.  Not sure how the Tanya show would go over, as yeah, some of those other potentially offensive moments (some including Nazis) were a good while ago.  But I don't know if the show is even on Demarco's radar.  And have people requested for it to air?

I highly doubt that would ever happen.

Edited by ben0119
On 7/26/2020 at 11:46 AM, Distinct Lunatic said:

With Kekkaishi it was the one lady Aihi that legit looked like a knock off Rukia, https://kekkaishi.fandom.com/wiki/Aihi if you take a look at some of the pictures of her shown there. The one school friend of Toshimori's, Yurina https://kekkaishi.fandom.com/wiki/Yurina_Kanda honestly felt a bit of an Orihime clone with the way she acted with how she felt for the MC although Orihime isn't exactly a unique character type.        

As for the new Inuyasha series, since apparently they already put out info like Sessh's one girl being raised in modern day Japan, them saying that some degree of the show will take place in the Reiwa era, that being modern day times. Also supposedly Moroha (Inu Kagome's girl) apparently hasn't seen her parents in a long time, who knows maybe things will result in all 3 girls being stuck in modern day times. That probably won't be the main storyline there, but considering Takahashi chose to portray the characters with no visible indication of being demon (no dog ears on any of them, not even pointed ears like Sessh's) I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of action took place in modern day times. And honestly I think there should be demon action in modern day Japan (in the series) the main series was only around 500 years ago, and they've shown tons of demons that can live centuries. The most we saw was that ghost piper thing and the one mask.

Hmm, her hair is too long, blue, and Rukia doesn't have the two long pieces coming down on the sides.  And this girl has small eyes.

I don't remember that girl being like Orihime, but it has been a while.  True enough Orihime is not a unique character type haha.  I do remember one of her friends being fat and thinking this is one of the few animes to acknowledge that fat girls exist.


Wow, you are right.  I knew none of them had dog ears, but they don't even have the elven demon ears.  They look just like human ears.  So they could blend in to modern society really easily.  Of course, they could hide the elf ears under their hair or hats, but dog ears wouldn't be so easy to hide.  For Moroha I could see, she is only one quarter demon, but Sesshomaru's girls being half-demons, seems odd to me.

And now I see that more has been released.  Some of it just today.  Final character designs for the characters and some weapon reveals.  So I need to bump the thread about the InuYasha sequel show.  






I am surprised that Moroha doesn't have silver hair.  Her hair and eye color are just like Kagome's.  But facially and hair style she looks like Inuyasha.  And the hairbow, alluding to Inuyasha's ears, is a nice touch.  She's also wearing what I think is the fire rat robe.  But it turns out her sword isn't Tessaiga.


It's called Kurikamaru.  I was reading a reply under the announcement tweet that mentioned the name could have something to do with dragons, and I see there is a dragon design on the blade.  Hmm.



Not sure what their red streaks in their hair are all about.  On Towa with her silver hair it makes me think she could be yet another sibling of Todoroki haha.


Towa's sword is called Kikujiyuumonji.  Rolls right off the tongue...


Setsuna's spear/halberd thing is called Kanemitsu no Tomoe.

And yes, it would make sense for many of the long-lived demons to still be around, but also for them still to be around in general.  Even if they are reduced in numbers and maybe gone more into hiding, and at this point pure myth and legend to most people, there should still be some demons around.

Yeah we had the Noh Mask, and the ghost piper.  Yura's hair was also able to travel through the well.  There were those dried demons but I don't know if that was filler or not.

Posted (edited)
On 7/26/2020 at 1:09 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

No we never got that. We had Black Lagoon and Durarara, but not Baccano.

That was when it was brand new. Even then people bitched. The LN/Manga readers pretty much just did damage control half of season one to assure people it gets better. Not to mention the Dub has been on crunchy for a while. Anyone who has had interest could have watched if for free by now. 

It's mostly a comedy. It's kinda like if Always Sunny in Philadelphia were an anime. The Mangaka also did Kemono Michi: Rise Up. That one isn't as good as konosuba but it gave me some laughs. 

I kept in touch with Elfie for the most part. Really I just wasn't watching toonami for a long while. The only reason I've been watching it now is for the sake of discussion on the boards. Which kinda tells how Toonami isn't in the forefront of anime anymore. 

Oh, that's right.  I remember watching it I think on Hulu on my ancient fat PC monitor back then, if I recall correctly.  With the Pulp Fiction-style storytelling I can't imagine how it would do on ASA or Toonami or the like.  Toonami aired Black Lagoon, not ASA, but it has nothing to do with Baccano, so not sure why you brought it up.  Durarara is by the same author as Baccano, which is possibly part of why I watched it, and possibly the story, concept, and setting interested me.  I did end up liking it a lot more than Durarara.  I liked Durarara at first but then it diverged into a side plot focusing on three other characters who then proceed to have a misunderstanding-fueled feud, which is something that always annoys the fuck out of me.  And it didn't help that the show completely diverted from the story and characters I was more interested in.

Oh I see.  I wonder how it was received in Japan.  It had to have done well to get another season.  Re:Zero got dubbed, but didn't it take forever?  And it's free?  Also isn't Crunchyroll mostly a subs thing?

Oh ok.  Well I still haven't liked basically any harem I've watched though.  I don't care for the whole concept or setup at all.  I couldn't stand ANY of the Tenchi series.  And usually when I find out a show is a harem I don't watch it.

Ok.  Yeah but you were back on here way before the covid shit started.  Ain't that the damn truth.  But I have my hands in so many interests, hobbies, shows, etc, I don't often get around to watching a lot of anime separate from Toonami, though I probably should.  Since I have been watching ASA and Toonami and coming to the boards for years, it is ingrained and isn't anything I would stop doing and I do my best to never miss when the block airs live. 

It also doesn't help that if I watch other shows, I won't really have anyone to discuss them with.  They have that "what are you watching" thread in Anime & Manga section, but people only ever seem to use it as like a shared log of what they are watching and no one really discusses anything.  I honestly don't see the point of the thread. 

Social Media isn't really ideal for discussing shows.  Facebook is the epitome of impermanence and not really conducive to discussion like forums are, where you can go back to things later on.  Twitter's layout and setup has always been ass for actually keeping track of and following discussion and posts.  Reddit's layout has always been ass. A comment section with nothing above it, basically, no avatars and the setup, layout, and interface is not good there, either.  I don't know why they made the site in the asinine way they did. 

And of course, social media will be rife with assholes (especially Twitter,) and people latching onto anime and discussions for ulterior purposes (swats away alt-right and anti-sjw jackasses,) and spoilers, as people have little to no sense of spoiler marking there, and some people seem to even revel in spoiling people. 

Of course, other actual forums will be more geared to sub airing discussion so spoilers will not be marked there regardless, either (except maybe from the manga and light novel if the anime is an adaptation.) 

So basically what I have to do, is watch a whole show (if it's done airing), avoid looking on the internet in the process, except maybe to visit the ANN and MAL listings (and sometimes I am hesitant to even look at their synopses, which can be spoily), and find a place to watch it, watch the whole show, then post about it somewhere here, if at all.  

The experience of watching live on TV (only on Toonami at this point,) and discussing the shows on a forum with a simple, organized, straightforward layout, mostly free of assholes and spoilers, simply can't be replicated elsewhere.  Which is why the block and this forum is so cherished by me.

Of course, even as much as I enjoy the experience of watching Toonami and discussing it here, I Iong ago learned the lesson to not "save" any show for Toonami, no matter how "inevitable" it may seem.  I did that with Fairy Tail and ended up regretting it immensely.  That jackass Demarco had said he never even watched it before, when people had been requesting it in droves for years up until then.  I didn't end up liking it as much as the Rave Master anime and manga, which is why I was initially interested in Fairy Tail, but still enjoyed it quite a bit, and wished I had just watched it as soon as I could.

For the past several years now, if I am really interested in a completed show, I will go and watch it.  If there is a show or season coming up that I really want to watch, I will watch it ASAP, if it's something I'm really into and I don't mind watching the sub for it.  This is especially the case for new seasons and sequels of things I am already a fan of.  I didn't wait for Demarco for anything past season 1 of SAO (and he never did air GGO,) I'm not going to wait for Demarco for Bleach, and I won't for InuYasha, either.  And funny thing is, JoJo and SAO were highly recommended to me by one of my best friends.  In both cases I was about to start watching them and then suddenly Toonami got them.

Recently, I watched Riding Bean and Gunsmith Cats in place of that last marathon.  Been wanting to watch them for years and finally sat down and said fuck it and watched them.  They were both great and I was sad to learn that Gunsmith Cats was just three episodes.  They sure put in a lot of effort and spared no expense though.  I saw the lengths they went to on that making of documentary and I could tell from watching it.  It was very impressive.

Edited by ben0119
On 7/26/2020 at 1:10 PM, elfie said:

To be clear, we only got the first season of Durarara. They never aired Season 2.

Yeah Ben, he's been around online all the time. the main reason he's here more often is because COVID changed his schedule to the point where he has more free time to spend here and watching Toonami.

Yes, and it was ASA that aired Durarara ages ago.  The second season didn't come out til years later, at which point Toonami had taken ASA's place.  So it would take Demarco and co. actually watching and having to like Durarara (god forbid it be something JUST the viewers like) and then actually go through the effort of acquiring it. 

And I don't for a minute believe they put equal effort into everything they pick up.  Look at the ridiculous lengths they went to get Gundam back.  There's no way they made that sort of effort for the various shows Demarco claims he "tried but couldn't get," like the various isekais he claims he tried to get, or Yuri on Ice.  The man is the ultimate bullshitter and will say anything he thinks will please people, or piss them off the least.  And have you noticed, any time something goes wrong, it's never his fault or decision or department, or anything Toonami could do?  But he will gladly take the praise for anything that goes right.  Somehow the man simultaneously has all of the power and none of it.  Because he is full of shit.

Still though, Demarco may have felt obligated to run season 1 before he ran season 2, since it was so long ago, which Demarco may not have been able or wanted to do.  Even then, maybe season 1 didn't do well?  I don't know.  I personally didn't like how the plot diverged from the genuinely interesting story and characters in the beginning to these three other characters, who then proceed to have a misunderstanding-fueled feud, one of my most hated pet peeves in storytelling.  Then at the last second the show introduces two obnoxious incestuous twin sisters.  It didn't seem like the show was going to get better again after that.  So I really wasn't all that interested when season 2 came out, and I was glad Demarco didn't get a show that time.  Though I would have watched it if he did, for ASA/Toonami completionism, and discussion.  I have to really, REALLY not like a show that ASA, Toonami, in past years, sometimes other blocks, airs, to drop it.

Yeah, but he was back here way before the covid stuff happened.

On 7/26/2020 at 4:35 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

I think this tweet summed up DeMarco to pretty much all he is and cares about. Being the old guy who influences hipster music fads. 



On 7/26/2020 at 8:06 PM, Daos said:

Lol I always bring up the tastemaker thing as an example of how delusional he is. And how bloated his ego is.

Yup that tweet and what you guys said sums up Demarco to a tee LMAO.  And that is STILL his pinned tweet!  I have been pointing and laughing at it for ages.

Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

Yes, and it was ASA that aired Durarara ages ago.  The second season didn't come out til years later, at which point Toonami had taken ASA's place.  So it would take Demarco and co. actually watching and having to like Durarara (god forbid it be something JUST the viewers like) and then actually go through the effort of acquiring it. 

And I don't for a minute believe they put equal effort into everything they pick up.  Look at the ridiculous lengths they went to get Gundam back.  There's no way they made that sort of effort for the various shows Demarco claims he "tried but couldn't get," like the various isekais he claims he tried to get, or Yuri on Ice.  The man is the ultimate bullshitter and will say anything he thinks will please people, or piss them off the least.  And have you noticed, any time something goes wrong, it's never his fault or decision or department, or anything Toonami could do?  But he will gladly take the praise for anything that goes right.  Somehow the man simultaneously has all of the power and none of it.  Because he is full of shit.

Still though, Demarco may have felt obligated to run season 1 before he ran season 2, since it was so long ago, which Demarco may not have been able or wanted to do.  Even then, maybe season 1 didn't do well?  I don't know.  I personally didn't like how the plot diverged from the genuinely interesting story and characters in the beginning to these three other characters, who then proceed to have a misunderstanding-fueled feud, one of my most hated pet peeves in storytelling.  Then at the last second the show introduces two obnoxious incestuous twin sisters.  It didn't seem like the show was going to get better again after that.  So I really wasn't all that interested when season 2 came out, and I was glad Demarco didn't get a show that time.  Though I would have watched it if he did, for ASA/Toonami completionism, and discussion.  I have to really, REALLY not like a show that ASA, Toonami, in past years, sometimes other blocks, airs, to drop it.

Yeah, but he was back here way before the covid stuff happened.

Season 2 wasn't even that good. I remember back when they were airing it, they had three 12 episodes parts to the season, there being gaps in between them when they were being aired. The first part I think was interesting enough. I remember season 1 pretty clearly despite not watching it in a very long time, but I barely remember season 2 cause I thought it was fucking boring. Just about all of the second twelve episodes were boring as shit, and much of the third as well. Don't think it was until the last few episodes before things got more interesting.

When it comes to the three kid main characters it's all shit. Also they follow the source material more than season 1 did, which meant there was some inconsistencies that make certain things confusing and poorly explained, or not even explained at all, basically like them forgetting things that were done or explained back in season 1. And the direction the Dollars leader kid takes near the end, was so stupid and sloppy.

Trust me when I say you don't want season 2 aired on Toonami. I liked season 1 well enough, but even that one honestly shouldn't be aired on Toonami. I don't think either of them would get good ratings.

Edited by Distinct Lunatic
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Posted (edited)
56 minutes ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Season 2 wasn't even that good. I remember back when they were airing it, they had three 12 episodes parts to the season, there being gaps in between them when they were being aired. The first part I think was interesting enough. I remember season 1 pretty clearly despite not watching it in a very long time, but I barely remember season 2 cause I thought it was fucking boring. Just about all of the second twelve episodes were boring as shit, and much of the third as well. Don't think it was until the last few episodes before things got more interesting.

When it comes to the three kid main characters it's all shit. Also they follow the source material more than season 1 did, which meant there was some inconsistencies that make certain things confusing and poorly explained, or not even explained at all, basically like them forgetting things that were done or explained back in season 1. And the direction the Dollars leader kid takes near the end, was so stupid and sloppy.

Trust me when I say you don't want season 2 aired on Toonami. I liked season 1 well enough, but even that one honestly shouldn't be aired on Toonami. I don't think either of them would get good ratings.

Oh well thanks now I really know not to watch it lmao.  Those fucking three characters lmao.  I thought maybe after they had their big arc, the show would be done with them and get back to the other characters and plots.  This is why I thought maybe season 2 might not be so bad, but I have not rushed to watch it at the least and wouldn't be a top priority for me to watch regardless.  Now I will probably just avoid it entirely.  To me, the show came off as having a rotating or shifting cast.  I hoped it was done with the three kids, but apparently not!  And it's not good that they are back in the focus and the story is even worse, or that other parts are boring!  I had no idea the first season didn't follow the light novels as closely as the second.  Then the second season doesn't try to tie in to that at all.  Yeah, that would create problems lmao.

But I mean, there is technically a threat of this happening if Demarco follows up on my suggestion of getting already-dubbed shows from the past few years that Toonami didn't air. :P

(Potentially and hopefully they have already been trying to get such shows (just not this one!) and simply couldn't get the deals done yet, or my confidence and belief in them will have fallen even lower.)

Edited by ben0119
46 minutes ago, ben0119 said:

Oh well thanks now I really know not to watch it lmao.  Those fucking three characters lmao.  I thought maybe after they had their big arc, the show would be done with them and get back to the other characters and plots.  This is why I thought maybe season 2 might not be so bad, but I have not rushed to watch it at the least and wouldn't be a top priority for me to watch regardless.  Now I will probably just avoid it entirely.  To me, the show came off as having a rotating or shifting cast.  I hoped it was done with the three kids, but apparently not!  And it's not good that they are back in the focus and the story is even worse, or that other parts are boring!  I had no idea the first season didn't follow the light novels as closely as the second.  Then the second season doesn't try to tie in to that at all.  Yeah, that would create problems lmao.

But I mean, there is technically a threat of this happening if Demarco follows up on my suggestion of getting already-dubbed shows from the past few years that Toonami didn't air. :P

(Potentially and hopefully they have already been trying to get such shows (just not this one!) and simply couldn't get the deals done yet, or my confidence and belief in them will have fallen even lower.)

I find it funny how those three are meant to be the main group, but the grand majority of other characters featured throughout the series are much more interesting to watch. Celty's story is still the more interesting one to follow. Roid rage guy, Shizuo is much more interesting to watch, especially when they pretty much pair him off with this blonde haired woman, and also make him an older brother figure to this one little girl in it. Both of those stories are far more interesting than the Dollars leader Mikado and his two school friends. The funny thing is they all felt so much more like random side characters in that season than in the first one.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Oh ok.  Well I still haven't liked basically any harem I've watched though.  I don't care for the whole concept or setup at all.  I couldn't stand ANY of the Tenchi series.  And usually when I find out a show is a harem I don't watch it.


Then you'd probably be fine with this because it's not a harem series. Also how do you like SAO which is a harem series? 


3 hours ago, ben0119 said:

It also doesn't help that if I watch other shows, I won't really have anyone to discuss them with.

Just make a series discussion thread to talk about OA shows 

As for Fairy Tail it really wouldn't fit toonami. Old FT maybe would have fit old kids toonami like rave master did. Though it's way too lighthearted for new toonami. Also as the series went on the mangaka got way heavier on the fanservice because he gave up on the story. 

  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Yes, and it was ASA that aired Durarara ages ago.  The second season didn't come out til years later, at which point Toonami had taken ASA's place.  So it would take Demarco and co. actually watching and having to like Durarara (god forbid it be something JUST the viewers like) and then actually go through the effort of acquiring it. 

And I don't for a minute believe they put equal effort into everything they pick up.  Look at the ridiculous lengths they went to get Gundam back.  There's no way they made that sort of effort for the various shows Demarco claims he "tried but couldn't get," like the various isekais he claims he tried to get, or Yuri on Ice.  The man is the ultimate bullshitter and will say anything he thinks will please people, or piss them off the least.  And have you noticed, any time something goes wrong, it's never his fault or decision or department, or anything Toonami could do?  But he will gladly take the praise for anything that goes right.  Somehow the man simultaneously has all of the power and none of it.  Because he is full of shit.

Still though, Demarco may have felt obligated to run season 1 before he ran season 2, since it was so long ago, which Demarco may not have been able or wanted to do.  Even then, maybe season 1 didn't do well?  I don't know.  I personally didn't like how the plot diverged from the genuinely interesting story and characters in the beginning to these three other characters, who then proceed to have a misunderstanding-fueled feud, one of my most hated pet peeves in storytelling.  Then at the last second the show introduces two obnoxious incestuous twin sisters.  It didn't seem like the show was going to get better again after that.  So I really wasn't all that interested when season 2 came out, and I was glad Demarco didn't get a show that time.  Though I would have watched it if he did, for ASA/Toonami completionism, and discussion.  I have to really, REALLY not like a show that ASA, Toonami, in past years, sometimes other blocks, airs, to drop it.

Yeah, but he was back here way before the covid stuff happened.

I remember it felt like ASA picked up only one new anime per year. They were not at all invested in getting fresh hot new titles in favor of following the classic shonen anime. That's one big reason why everyone was so annoyed when Kekkeishi aired. They were in the mindset of "well THAT'S one annual single acquisition wasted until the next year!".

Edited by elfie
1 hour ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Then you'd probably be fine with this because it's not a harem series. Also how do you like SAO which is a harem series? 


Just make a series discussion thread to talk about OA shows 

As for Fairy Tail it really wouldn't fit toonami. Old FT maybe would have fit old kids toonami like rave master did. Though it's way too lighthearted for new toonami. Also as the series went on the mangaka got way heavier on the fanservice because he gave up on the story. 

Fairy Tail fits in that odd target demographic and genre that America really doesn't have. It's clearly catering to young boys, which CN always caters to, but at the same time it has the scary, awful boobies and asses.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Season 2 wasn't even that good. I remember back when they were airing it, they had three 12 episodes parts to the season, there being gaps in between them when they were being aired. The first part I think was interesting enough. I remember season 1 pretty clearly despite not watching it in a very long time, but I barely remember season 2 cause I thought it was fucking boring. Just about all of the second twelve episodes were boring as shit, and much of the third as well. Don't think it was until the last few episodes before things got more interesting.

When it comes to the three kid main characters it's all shit. Also they follow the source material more than season 1 did, which meant there was some inconsistencies that make certain things confusing and poorly explained, or not even explained at all, basically like them forgetting things that were done or explained back in season 1. And the direction the Dollars leader kid takes near the end, was so stupid and sloppy.

Trust me when I say you don't want season 2 aired on Toonami. I liked season 1 well enough, but even that one honestly shouldn't be aired on Toonami. I don't think either of them would get good ratings.

There's this one episode toward the end of the 2nd cour which has one of the characters saying "asshole" like 20 or 30 times. That's kinda amusing, and would probably do decent in the ratings. Come to think of it, an episode of Ballmastrz that aired last night did something similar! I guess us assholes will see!

  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, elfie said:

I remember it felt like ASA picked up only one new anime per year. They were not at all invested in getting fresh hot new titles in favor of following the classic shonen anime. That's one big reason why everyone was so annoyed when Kekkeishi aired. They were in the mindset of "well THAT'S one annual single acquisition wasted until the next year!".

I think the trend of us getting older anime was more due to DeMarco and his friends picking what they liked. Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Blue Gender, Evangelion, etc. Just about all the classic shows came out in that 95-2000 time window. 

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I think the trend of us getting older anime was more due to DeMarco and his friends picking what they liked. Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Blue Gender, Evangelion, etc. Just about all the classic shows came out in that 95-2000 time window. 

Honestly I think there's better pre-2010 series out there than post-2010 series.

3 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

Also how do you like SAO which is a harem series?

Question wasn't aimed to me, but still want to give my take on it.

Short answer, SAO is crap. Long answer cut to the chase, it's crap.

Back when it was announced for AS several years back I went and watched all of season 1 in the span of a couple of days. I thought it was "decent" but highly, very highly, overrated. It had a good premise, but then very quickly became a harem series with just about every girl wanting Kirito's dick, him being a major Gary Stu character, with nothing interesting or unique about him. I think it was around episode 8 or so when they decided to go slice of life for a few episodes with him and Asuna, it didn't both me too much, but they really should have had all 25 episodes of that season be about SAO, cause immediately after those slice of life episodes they jumped straight to the end of that arc. The second half really annoyed me more so because it begins the trope of the series having rape happy bad guys, such as slime monsters wanting to have fun with Asuna, and then the way the season ended with that one douche trying to have his way with her there. Honestly the big tiddie cousin girl, Suguha or whatever I didn't mind... to an extent. It's more so that the second she fell for Kirito she became completely useless and mostly irrelevant.

As for SAO 2 I fucking loathe that one. They even had the first episode be entirely exposition, a big chunk just being Kirito and some guy sitting in a cafe talking. When it comes to authors, exposition dumps (especially those done in cafes) need to be done carefully otherwise you completely kill the moment. When it came to Sinon, as with Suguha she became completely useless once she started wanting Kirito's dick. Also everything about her character felt forced and not natural, her past with shooting the one guy, her somehow able to have a gun in her house, as well as people able to just point their finger at her like a gun, making her practically have a stroke; and yet GGO was perfectly fine for her. Everything about the big baddie was absolute trash, also apparently Kirito was able to recall his name back in SAO despite him refusing to hear it back then. There's also the infamous "Asada-san!" scene where her friend became a complete rabid animal in his attempt at raping her. I gave up on the franchise after that.

2 hours ago, elfie said:

I remember it felt like ASA picked up only one new anime per year. They were not at all invested in getting fresh hot new titles in favor of following the classic shonen anime. That's one big reason why everyone was so annoyed when Kekkeishi aired. They were in the mindset of "well THAT'S one annual single acquisition wasted until the next year!".

Regarding Kekkaishi, I was just thankful that [as] was at least picking things new to the block up in 2010, even if it was just it and Brotherhood. After the huge swath of practical nothing in 2009, where the closest thing to "new" were the last 16 episodes of Moribito they had to negotiate for, even something as obscure and mediocre as Kekkaishi was welcome by my inconsistent standards.

  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, PokeNirvash said:

Regarding Kekkaishi, I was just thankful that [as] was at least picking things new to the block up in 2010, even if it was just it and Brotherhood. After the huge swath of practical nothing in 2009, where the closest thing to "new" were the last 16 episodes of Moribito they had to negotiate for, even something as obscure and mediocre as Kekkaishi was welcome by my inconsistent standards.

Remember when we thought it would be a package deal with InuYasha: The Final Act? Turns out if it WAS some kind of package deal, it was just for more Bleach.

Yeah, 2009 was pretty much all just about Bleach, the continuation of Code Geass R2, and the rest of Moribito. 2010 was even worse, with only FMA:B, Kekkaishi, and more Bleach making the lineup fresh. And 2011 only added Durarara!! to the mix. Compared with the dark ages of ASA, even incredibly tough 2020 is much better for Toonami.

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Remember when we thought it would be a package deal with InuYasha: The Final Act? Turns out if it WAS some kind of package deal, it was just for more Bleach.

Yeah, 2009 was pretty much all just about Bleach, the continuation of Code Geass R2, and the rest of Moribito. 2010 was even worse, with only FMA:B, Kekkaishi, and more Bleach making the lineup fresh. And 2011 only added Durarara!! to the mix. Compared with the dark ages of ASA, even incredibly tough 2020 is much better for Toonami.

Also doesn't help that back with Code Geass I remember for a period of time they were airing new episodes at like 3 or 4am central time, like they wanted the series to underperform. Though one possibility is that series had a shit ton of mature themes, genocides happening every other episode, and a fair amount of sexual themes, that weren't as commonplace as its become in this past decade maybe they had to air it at that time.

Edited by Distinct Lunatic
  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Distinct Lunatic said:

Also doesn't help that back with Code Geass I remember for a period of time they were airing new episodes at like 3 or 4am central time, like they wanted the series to underperform.

It was 5AM EST, with Moribito at 5:30. Luckily, Bandai and Media Blasters were pissed off enough that they forced [as] to move them back to more respectable times - which was how we got the whole "anime on Saturdays only" situation we had from 2008 onwards - so as bad as it was, things kind of worked out in the end.

  • Like 2
  • Sad 1

2008 was the last time they aired anime on weekdays--InuYasha at 5:30, until 2018, when Dragon Ball Super got a 3-month run in the 8 PM and later 8:30 PM slots on weeknights. And then again this year MHA aired at 5:30 AM for about 2 months. Of course, other non-anime action shows, such as Samurai Jack, have also gotten limited runs on weeknights, but most of those have either been at the front or the back of the lineup. Only recently was Samurai Jack's Season 5 featured at 1 AM on weeknights!

  • Sad 1
19 hours ago, ben0119 said:

Hmm, her hair is too long, blue, and Rukia doesn't have the two long pieces coming down on the sides.  And this girl has small eyes.

I don't remember that girl being like Orihime, but it has been a while.  True enough Orihime is not a unique character type haha.  I do remember one of her friends being fat and thinking this is one of the few animes to acknowledge that fat girls exist.


Wow, you are right.  I knew none of them had dog ears, but they don't even have the elven demon ears.  They look just like human ears.  So they could blend in to modern society really easily.  Of course, they could hide the elf ears under their hair or hats, but dog ears wouldn't be so easy to hide.  For Moroha I could see, she is only one quarter demon, but Sesshomaru's girls being half-demons, seems odd to me.

And now I see that more has been released.  Some of it just today.  Final character designs for the characters and some weapon reveals.  So I need to bump the thread about the InuYasha sequel show.  






I am surprised that Moroha doesn't have silver hair.  Her hair and eye color are just like Kagome's.  But facially and hair style she looks like Inuyasha.  And the hairbow, alluding to Inuyasha's ears, is a nice touch.  She's also wearing what I think is the fire rat robe.  But it turns out her sword isn't Tessaiga.


It's called Kurikamaru.  I was reading a reply under the announcement tweet that mentioned the name could have something to do with dragons, and I see there is a dragon design on the blade.  Hmm.



Not sure what their red streaks in their hair are all about.  On Towa with her silver hair it makes me think she could be yet another sibling of Todoroki haha.


Towa's sword is called Kikujiyuumonji.  Rolls right off the tongue...


Setsuna's spear/halberd thing is called Kanemitsu no Tomoe.

And yes, it would make sense for many of the long-lived demons to still be around, but also for them still to be around in general.  Even if they are reduced in numbers and maybe gone more into hiding, and at this point pure myth and legend to most people, there should still be some demons around.

Yeah we had the Noh Mask, and the ghost piper.  Yura's hair was also able to travel through the well.  There were those dried demons but I don't know if that was filler or not.

Inuyasha was basically One Punch man by the end of Inuyasha. I wonder how they write him out of the story so the kids can fight stuff without his help?

Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, HardcoreHunter said:

I think the trend of us getting older anime was more due to DeMarco and his friends picking what they liked. Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Blue Gender, Evangelion, etc. Just about all the classic shows came out in that 95-2000 time window. 

Also older anime is cheaper to air, which is why they started out the revived block with the likes of Casshern Sins.

Edited by elfie
17 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Regarding Kekkaishi, I was just thankful that [as] was at least picking things new to the block up in 2010, even if it was just it and Brotherhood. After the huge swath of practical nothing in 2009, where the closest thing to "new" were the last 16 episodes of Moribito they had to negotiate for, even something as obscure and mediocre as Kekkaishi was welcome by my inconsistent standards.

Airing BROTHERHOOD was hands down one of the best decisions ASA ever made.

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
On 8/2/2020 at 12:09 PM, HardcoreHunter said:

Then you'd probably be fine with this because it's not a harem series. Also how do you like SAO which is a harem series? 


Just make a series discussion thread to talk about OA shows 

As for Fairy Tail it really wouldn't fit toonami. Old FT maybe would have fit old kids toonami like rave master did. Though it's way too lighthearted for new toonami. Also as the series went on the mangaka got way heavier on the fanservice because he gave up on the story. 

It sure looks like one.

SAO isn't a harem series.  To start off, Kirito and Sachi were not a couple.


"No, in the official source material, Kirito and Sachi were never in love. Their relationship is described very explicitly by Kirito in the Light Novels as a non-romance relationship. Kirito even goes ahead and compares their situation to “two cats licking each others’ wounds”. We already know Kirito had plenty of personal issues in Aincrad and the reason he got close to Moonlit Black Cats in the first place was that he felt broken. Sachi was his healer. Similarly, Sachi had her own set of problems and Kirito was her healer. The duo never shared any romantic emotions towards each other and this is very explicitly stated in the source material.

Many people who claim they are in love either go off of their head canon or mistakenly think the original Web Novel long before the series’ official publication is canon. Or like the other answer, they thought Manga was canon."

It did not come off as a romantic relationship for me in the anime, either.  In any case, Sachi is dead anyway and cannot be a potential romantic partner.

Kirito meets Asuna and they are the destined couple from day one.  There was no "who will he pick!?/who will get together?!" here.  They even become boyfriend and girlfriend relatively early on in the series and get married in-game.  A harem series wouldn't have the couple get together until at the end.  Hell a lot of non-harem series are like this.  SAO is actually refreshing in the sense that it doesn't wait til the end to put Kirito and Asuna together.

Besides that, Kirito didn't have romantic interest in the other girls he met after he met Asuna. 

Silica I did not take seriously and was like a puppy love crush, we have seen this plenty of times in real life and fiction.  Kirito talks about how Silica reminds him of his sister and she is little sister-zoned.  Come to think of it makes more sense that Kirito would say that since Suguha was originally meant to be flat-chested until Reki's wise editor suggested to make her busty. xD

Lisbeth professes her love for Kirito but she gets friend-zoned.  She also doesn't try to keep pursuing Kirito once she realizes the budding relationship her good friend Asuna has with him.

Suguha falling for Kirito is ridiculous.  But in her defense, she did not know Kirito the player was Kazuto her brother.  I could be wrong on this, but according to the books, inside the games, besides SAO after Kayaba had everyone look at those mirrors that makes their avatar their real selves (and in the process revealing a lot of Guy In Real Life players and people not being as good looking as their avatars xD,) players did not have the same voice as their real selves.  Maybe they didn't do this in the anime because they didn't want to have 2 voice actors for each character, I'm not sure.  Or it's one of those things where they sound different in-universe, but not to viewers, sort of like how in Gladiator the characters speak English instead of Greek, it is "translated" for the viewers.  Either way, in both the anime and books, Kirito does not exactly resemble his ALO avatar, and Suguha looks much different from Leafa.  If only Kirito had walked into his sister's room and looked up at the Leafa poster on her ceiling. xD Of course, once the truth was found out it couldn't go any further! xD


At the time I had actually advocated for Suguha to be kicked out of the house. xD But someone rebutted and said Kirito did not have the moral authority to do that since Kirito killed people in SAO. xD He said Suguha would probably have to go to counseling. xD

But honestly I really prefer to just think of that Fairy Dance Arc as a filler arc that never happened, just like Bleach's Bount Arc!  The Arc(s) which shall not be named!

I did not see Sinon as being romantically interested in Kirito so I don't know why people say that.  Obviously Kirito was not romantically interested in her.  They were friends who bonded over their past of PTSD.

Aside from Kirito's actual relationship to the other girls, he does not live in a house with all of them or travel together with them.  The other girls have their own lives and do their own thing and aren't always spending it with Kirito.  There is exactly one arc where Kirito has an adventure with all the girls, and it lasts for 3 whole episodes.  Plus Klein is along.  Anyway, their relationships are all long-since well-defined as platonic by that point.

Finally, besides Kirito settling down early, he seems to actually have an interest in being with women romantically and has a sex drive.  Many harem protagonists seem asexual or gay, either having little or no interest in any of the girls surrounding them, or being so clueless and moronic to either not notice a girl's attraction to them, or fuck up their chances with them if they do pick up on it.  Though in Tenchi's case I maybe can't blame him given how annoying the women are.

The things I described that SAO doesn't have are what makes it not a harem, and also are why I abhor harem series.  They are are a ridiculous premise and setup, usually very contrived, full of obnoxious tropes, and annoying characters and situations.

Edit - Whoops, I got on such a tangent on SAO, I forgot about the other 2 parts of the post! :P

Sure for currently running, but it doesn't make much sense to make a thread for a long-finished series, does it?

I think Fairy Tail had enough dark and mature stuff to warrant it on Adult Swim Toonami.  Rave Master possibly as well.  It had to be edited and so would Fairy Tail.  And yes the dreaded TnA lmao.  Anyway, Demarco, even if he was bullshitting, mentioned it as a possibility, meaning it could technically qualify.  Hey I don't agree Mashima gave up on the story. 😧 But I don't want to have a debate about another show.  But I think a bigger concern would be the bad animation in the first anime, and the beyond horrible and nonexistent at times animation in the final season anime!  At least the second anime had good animation...

Edited by ben0119
  • Like 1
On 8/2/2020 at 1:41 PM, elfie said:

I remember it felt like ASA picked up only one new anime per year. They were not at all invested in getting fresh hot new titles in favor of following the classic shonen anime. That's one big reason why everyone was so annoyed when Kekkeishi aired. They were in the mindset of "well THAT'S one annual single acquisition wasted until the next year!".

There weren't quite that few, but yeah, we didn't get nearly as many new shows back then, haha.  (And Al laid out for us just how barren things were at the time!)  So yeah that was part of it too.

But I am glad they ended up airing it since I ended up loving the series, and the story improves exponentially beyond the point the anime covers.  I wish it had all gotten animated!  But people should check that manga out regardless.  At least we finally got Soul Eater eventually!

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