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I just ate a pound of watermelon


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Just now, discolemonade said:

well, that was fucking racist. 

Why? It was so good.

I bought it cut already, and I know that is so white privilege of me, but it was soaking in it's own juices for like a day.

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Just now, discolemonade said:

oh absolutely. 

if you're looking to drop a quick 5 lbs. absolutely. 


I'm feeling good about my weight for the wedding.

I got my pants tailored to make my penis pop

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Just now, discolemonade said:

is it? is that really how i acted? 

or...did i confirm what you JUST literally did?


Well, you called it racist. Denying someone a job because they're black is racist, and you have every right to be pissed about it. Some unimportant white motherfucker making a stupid joke about dumb stereotypes isn't even in the same league.

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Just now, Greeny said:

Well, you called it racist. Denying someone a job because they're black is racist, and you have every right to be pissed about it. Some unimportant white motherfucker making a stupid joke about dumb stereotypes isn't even in the same league.


*looks back at post*

i ...don't see where i mentioned jobs...

but m'kay. 

it's weird how white people get bent out of shape about being called racist...

you'd think it's like calling a black person ni**er. 


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Just now, discolemonade said:


*looks back at post*

i ...don't see where i mentioned jobs...

but m'kay. 

it's weird how white people get bent out of shape about being called racist...

you'd think it's like calling a black person ni**er. 


You called it racist. I brought up jobs to demonstrate something that is actually racist.

If I do something racist, by all means call me a racist. My problem stems from being called a racist when I'm not.

I know I'm white and all and you'll just dismiss the point I'm about to make because of it, but maybe people should stop diminishing actual racism, sexism, rape, sexual assault, etc. by calling every little thing those things.

Was that joke insensitive? Maybe. Racist? I think that's a bit much.

"You're white. You don't get to talk about what's racist and what isn't" blah blah. Well too bad. I don't need to be black to understand the concept.

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get a little bent out of shape. 

you made a~what was it...oh yes...

13 minutes ago, Greeny said:

I made a joke about dumb black stereotypes. You act like I denied someone a job because they're black.

so...i, in turn, made a comment about a person making a joke about dumb black stereotypes. 


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2 minutes ago, discolemonade said:


get a little bent out of shape. 

you made a~what was it...oh yes...

so...i, in turn, made a comment about a person making a joke about dumb black stereotypes. 


By calling me a racist, which Is a terrible thing to be called. Totally the same thing.

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2 minutes ago, discolemonade said:

well, i said 'that was fucking racist'. meaning the statement, 

but if you took it as me calling YOU racist...well, then, don't know what to tell you. 

The statement wasn't racist either. Every stereotype has a hint of truth to it. That's why they become stereotypes in the first place.

It's like the whole "white people like mayo" thing. I hate mayo more than anyone but I won't deny that probably 90% of mayo sales are to crackers.

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4 minutes ago, Greeny said:

The statement wasn't racist either. Every stereotype has a hint of truth to it. That's why they become stereotypes in the first place.

It's like the whole "white people like mayo" thing. I hate mayo more than anyone but I won't deny that probably 90% of mayo sales are to crackers.

Miracle whip for life

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Fuck everyone. Fuck the blacks. Fuck the whites. Fuck the Asians. Fuck the Mexicans. Fuck the English. Fuck the Canadians. Fuck the Christians. Fuck the Muslims. Fuck the gay. Fuck the straight. Fuck em all. 

Fuck fat people. Fuck skinny people. Fuck aliens. Fuck ghosts. Fuck dogs. Fuck cats. Fuck the handicapped. Fuck athletes. Fuck actors/actresses. Fuck singers. Fuck astronauts. Fuck doctors. Fuck lawyers. Fuck Trump. Fuck Hillary. Fuck geniuses. Fuck science. Fuck math. Fuck you. Fuck me. 

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4 minutes ago, midnight said:

Fuck everyone. Fuck the blacks. Fuck the whites. Fuck the Asians. Fuck the Mexicans. Fuck the English. Fuck the Canadians. Fuck the Christians. Fuck the Muslims. Fuck the gay. Fuck the straight. Fuck em all. 

Fuck fat people. Fuck skinny people. Fuck aliens. Fuck ghosts. Fuck dogs. Fuck cats. Fuck the handicapped. Fuck athletes. Fuck actors/actresses. Fuck singers. Fuck astronauts. Fuck doctors. Fuck lawyers. Fuck Trump. Fuck Hillary. Fuck geniuses. Fuck science. Fuck math. Fuck you. Fuck me. 

I notice you didn't say fuck green people. I always knew we were the best.

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37 minutes ago, 1pooh4u said:

Did you swallow seeds?

will a watermelon plant grow in your belly?

when i was 4, my grandpa and i were eating an orange. 

i asked about the seeds, he told me if you plant them, they will grow. 

now, i'm not sure if i was planting, or just storing; for future planting. 

but, that night, i had a little trip to e.r. to remove 6 orange seeds from my nose. 

good times. 

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1 minute ago, discolemonade said:

when i was 4, my grandpa and i were eating an orange. 

i asked about the seeds, he told me if you plant them, they will grow. 

now, i'm not sure if i was planting, or just storing; for future planting. 

but, that night, i had a little trip to e.r. to remove 6 orange seeds from my nose. 

good times. 

Seedless watermelon is an abomination 

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1 minute ago, Majin Mayhem said:

Lb doesn’t like watermelon...so I don’t buy it often cause I can’t eat it fast enough before it goes bad

When the good stuff is in season I could eat it for all meals.

Frozen too as ice cubes in my vodka seltzer

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Just now, Poof said:

The proper way to show that you're not a racist or whatever is to simply apologize when you say something fucked up. It's easy and it shows respect.


Can you relax? I just fucking love watermelon.

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Just now, Cancer said:

When the good stuff is in season I could eat it for all meals.

Frozen too as ice cubes in my vodka seltzer

That’s smart...

but something about it...if I don’t eat like toast or something first it makes my gut flip flop...same with bananas

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Just now, Majin Mayhem said:

That’s smart...

but something about it...if I don’t eat like toast or something first it makes my gut flip flop...same with bananas

Huh... I wonder why? I mean, it's mostly water, right?

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3 minutes ago, Poof said:

The proper way to show that you're not a racist or whatever is to simply apologize when you say something fucked up. It's easy and it shows respect.

I didn't say anything fucked up. 

You're right. That was easy.

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Just now, Majin Mayhem said:

Well yes...but the riper the fruit the more sugar it has...so I think it has something to do with the sugar breakdown of over ripe fruit...

Oh yah you're right.

I dont eat/drink much sugar these days so maybe that's why it works for me.

I haven't had actual soda, now that I think about it, for a year maybe?

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