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You know those people that order a burger and ask for all the veggies left off?

Codename: Jackass

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If you're on keto then you're better off not even wasting money on a fast food hamburger and just cooking a steak.


Keto diets can squeeze in green leafy vegetables though since they have almost no carbs per serving.


True, but when you're traveling and there's only fast food to be had, you don't have much a choice.

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yeah...bothers me too...L_B does that shit...gets it plain and dry with cheese and bacon...I bitch at him for it too...it's like why would you pay for the burger as it's supposed to be made then ask for less shit but still pay the same price...that's basically a free salad you just threw out

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yeah...bothers me too...L_B does that shit...gets it plain and dry with cheese and bacon...I bitch at him for it too...it's like why would you pay for the burger as it's supposed to be made then ask for less shit but still pay the same price...that's basically a free salad you just threw out


make him order mcdoubles without the pickles from now on.

pretty good cost to food ratio even without the little sour slices of sadness.

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I just don't like raw onions.  Especially at Culvers since they have purple onions.

I'll always ask them not to add them.


They're kinda okay at Burger King.  If I think of it, I'll ask them not to include them but most of the time I forget.

I actually like the onions at McDonalds since they're so small.  I love lettuce and tomatoes in burgers.

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